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Reason: descriptions explaining how evolution works in SMT IV duology and Devil Children series needed
Evolution, or Transformation, is a reoccurring mechanic in the Megami Tensei franchise.
In multiple games, some demons may be able to evolve into different and stronger demons. Personas may also undergo similar transformations, though their evolutions differ greatly from how demons evolve.
Mechanics by Game
Certain demons in Nocturne can evolve into new demons once they reach a certain level, that being when they learn all their skills. However, this does not strictly mean that this is when they will evolve, as this is also dependent on the Demi-fiend's level relative to the level of the newly-evolved demon. If the Demi-fiend is not at least four levels below the level the demon's evolution will be, the demon will not be able to evolve. An example of this can be seen with High Pixie, who is able to evolve when she reaches level 15, but as her evolution is the level 56 demon Queen Mab, she will not evolve unless the Demi-fiend is at least level 52. When the Demi-fiend is six levels below the level a demon will be when they evolve, the player will receive transformation warnings.[1] When the demon is finally able to evolve, the player will receive a prompt asking if they will allow the evolution to take place. If the player denies the evolution, the demon will not evolve, though the same prompt will appear the next time the demon levels up.[2] Upon evolving, the newly-evolved demon will have their stats reallocated and will typically retain the skills of their previous form, though this will depend on the demon's inheritance type. In situations where a demon's evolution does not share the inheritance types of their previous form, the evolved demon will lose the skills they cannot inherit.[3] An example of this occurring is with Momunofu and his evolution Arahabaki; Momunofu naturally learns Brutal Slash, a weapon type skill, but as Arahabaki cannot inherit weapon skills, Brutal Slash will be lost when Momunofu evolves. Another restriction involving evolution is fusion restrictions. Some demons will evolve into demons the player must fulfill certain criteria to unlock.[4] An example of this can be seen with Abaddon and Aciel; Abaddon will naturally evolve into Aciel, but only after Aciel has been defeated at the Amala Temple, which lifts his fusion restriction.
Listed below are each of the demons that can evolve, when they can evolve, and what their evolutions will be.
In the Persona games, the only Personas that are capable of evolving are the ones used by party members. The protagonist's Personas do not actually evolve during the story of the games like the rest of the party members', but there are Personas that can be fused that are considered a second evolution.
Personas evolve on specific in-game dates. Party members do not have access to their full skill set before evolution, except for Koromaru and Shinjiro Aragaki, whose Personas never evolve, so they always have full access to their skill set.
Party members' skill sets are no longer restricted before they evolve as in prior releases of Persona 3. Instead, evolution grants them a second Theurgy. The exceptions are Koromaru, who starts with his second Theurgy, and Shinjiro Aragaki, who never evolves.
In Persona 4, evolution is referred to as transfiguration.[5] Party member Personas transfigure into a new Persona when their respective party member's Social Link has reached Rank 10.
While the protagonist's Izanagi never transfigures, Izanagi-no-Okami is treated as his second Persona.
Party member Personas can transfigure once more into a new, third form. This requires their Social Link to be maxed, and the protagonist must speak to them again starting in January once school is back in session.
All Personas evolve into their second forms when their respective party member's Confidant has reached rank 10. Goro Akechi is the only party member whose Persona does not evolve.
When viewing model sheets for the Personas in the Thieves Den, evolved Personas are referred to as "second evolution Personas" and "third evolution Personas"[6][7]. All Personas evolve into their second evolution when their respective party member's Confidant has reached rank 10. Personas evolve into their third evolution once the protagonist is approached by their respective party member in January, only if the second evolution has been obtained. The exception is Goro Akechi, who acquires his second evolution Persona automatically and can only acquire his third if the player has chosen the correct dialogue options while ranking up his Confidant and after securing the infiltration route to Shido's Palace.
Takuto Maruki's Persona, Azathoth, evolves into Adam Kadmon during his boss fight. Adam Kadmon is simply referred to as "Maruki's evolved Persona" in the Thieves Den Gallery.[8]
End of spoilers.
The only character that undergoes evolution is Sophia, who transforms her Pithos into Pandora. Sophia receives an improved resistance, immediately learns Makougaon and gains access to her final skills, ala Persona 3.
All Personas can evolve once both protagonists reach level 55, unlocking the "The Power of the Wild Card" request. After completing it, the protagonists' Personas will evolve immediately, while the other party members' will evolve upon reaching level 55.
Evolution grants each Persona their unique 4th skill. The exceptions are Zen and Rei, who are not Persona users, and Shinjiro Aragaki and Koromaru, whose Personas evolve only in terms of power, keeping their original forms.
All Personas can evolve once the party obtains the 4 Sooty Films from requests 42 through 45 and defeat every Velvet Room attendant. After defeating Elizabeth, the protagonists' Personas will evolve immediately, while the other party members' will evolve upon reaching level 55, upon the next level up if they're already level 55, or immediately if they are level 99.
Evolution grants each Persona an improved version of their unique skill. The exceptions are Goro Akechi, Shinjiro Aragaki and Koromaru, whose Personas evolve only in terms of power, keeping their original forms, and the Navigators, whose evolutions instead reduce the cost of two of their skills by 1.
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Reason: Information on which games mechanic is in and how it works needed
- ↑ "Sometimes, when one of your allies is leveling up, a message will appear telling you that its acting strangely. This is called a transformation warning, and occurs only if your ally is about to change into a different kind of demon. This can only be seen when your main character is no less than six levels lower than the demons level will be after the transformation. For example, if a High Pixie transforms into a Night Queen Mab (level 56), and your main character is only at level 49, then you wont see a transformation warning. In other words, the warning is there to tell you whether or not you can handle the newly transformed demon." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Official Guidebook (2004). Published by DoubleJump. English. page 50. ISBN-13: 0-9741700-4-6.
- ↑ "Some allies can only transform when they reach a certain level. The player gets to decide whether the transformation will occur or not,so you can choose to leave a demon in its original form if you want. If you decide to stop the transformation, youll have another chance the next time your ally levels up." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Official Guidebook (2004). Published by DoubleJump. English. page 50. ISBN-13: 0-9741700-4-6.
- ↑ "A newly transformed demon will generally inherit the skills it had before the transformation. However, If a skill has any restrictions (see p74), it may be lifted after transformation. The demons level also changes to that of its new forms standard starting level, unless the demon was higher-level than that before the transformation. At that time, the demons stats will increase by an appropriate amount, but skill acquisition must wait until the next time the demon gains a level." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Official Guidebook (2004). Published by DoubleJump. English. page 50. ISBN-13: 0-9741700-4-6.
- ↑ "Some demons either cannot be created via fusion, or cannot be created until certain conditions are met. These are known as Fusion Restrictions, and the conditions under which theyre lifted are listed in the chart below. These can be separated into bosses which you can make once youve defeated them, or demons that wont join you unless you create them via Transformation (see p50). As indicated earlier, these demons are exempt from Rank fusions." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Official Guidebook (2004). Published by DoubleJump. English. page 64. ISBN-13: 0-9741700-4-6.
- ↑ "> Konohana Sakuya has transfigured into Amaterasu!" Persona 4 (Playstation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
- ↑ "Model sheet of Sumire's second evolution Persona." Persona 5 Royal (Playstation 4). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
- ↑ "Model sheet of Sumire's third evolution Persona." Persona 5 Royal (Playstation 4). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
- ↑ "Model sheet of Maruki's evolved Persona." Persona 5 Royal (Playstation 4). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.