Devil Children (Series)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children, or just Devil Children, is a series in the Megami Tensei franchise. It is a spin-off of the Shin Megami Tensei series that is predominately targeted toward a younger demographic. As such, it has a much lighter tone compared to other Megami Tensei games and features cartoonish redesigns of demons. The mainline games are released in paired "versions" which contain a number of differences between the two, most notably having different storylines and lead characters as well as the addition of version-exclusive demons that can be traded between versions. The series follows the eponymous Devil Children as they enter demon worlds. The series began with the release of Devil Children Black Book and Red Book for the Game Boy Color in 2000.
Only Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book were released outside of Japan, which were localized under the series name DemiKids.
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Video Games
Title | Release |
Devil Children Black Book and Red Book | November 17, 2000 |
Devil Children White Book | July 21, 2001 |
Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book | November 15, 2002 |
Devil Children Fire Book and Ice Book | September 12, 2003 |
Remakes and Remasters
Title | Release |
Devil Children Black Book and Red Book (PlayStation) | March 18, 2002 |
Spin-Off Games
Title | Release |
Devil Children: Puzzle de Call! | 2003 |
Devil Children: Messiah Riser | 2004 |
TV Series
Title | Release |
DeviChil | 2000 |
D-Children: Light & Dark | 2002 |
Title | Release |
Devil Children | 2000 |
Devil Children Gaiden White Book: San'nin no Devil Children | 2001 |
D-Children: Light & Dark | 2002 |
Card Games
Title | Release |
Devil Children Card Game | 2001 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
English | DemiKids | |
Japanese | 真・女神転生 デビルチルドレン Shin Megami Tensei Debiru Chirudoren | True Goddess Reincarnation: Devil Children |
Traditional Chinese |
真·女神轉生 惡魔之子 Zhēn Nǚshén Zhuǎnshēng Èmó Zhīzǐ | True Goddess Reincarnation: Devil Children |
Korean | 데블파이터 Debeul Paiteo | Devil Fighter |
Devil Children series | |
Video Games | Black Book and Red Book • White Book • Light Book and Dark Book • Fire Book and Ice Book |
Spin-Off Games | Puzzle de Call! • Messiah Riser |
TV Series | DeviChil • D-Children: Light & Dark |
Manga | Devil Children • Devil Children Gaiden White Book: San'nin no Devil Children • D-Children: Light & Dark |