Porewit is known as Fobi in the Japanese version, which is allegedly a Yugoslav fire spirit; however, it was invented by Japanese writer Toshiya Nakaoka in the book Sekai Kaiki Thriller Zenshū 1: Sekai no Majutsu · Yōjutsu and has no basis in actual folklore. Fobi was later included in Shigeru Mizuki's book Mizuki Shigeru no Sekai Genjū Jiten,[1] which, according to the bibliography of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Akuma Zensho, is one of the texts used for gathering information for the demons.
Porewit, the demon's localized name, is a Slavic deity with five faces according to the Gesta Danorum. Porewit is the Polish spelling of the name. This has an antecedent in several books related to Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner where, in the spelling variant Porevit, this name was also used as the Latin-alphabet spelling of the demon's name.
A beast that breathes fire, causing havoc in towns and in the mountains. Fires with unknown causes are said to be this creature's work. When fires occur out of nowhere today, they are written off as spontaneous combustions, but in older times they were said to be caused by the anger of the Porewit. Whenever a fire like that occurred, the people would immediately go to Porewit's altar and sacrifice cows and sheep. They must never laugh about it, for if they did, the fire would spread to their houses as well.