Haraedo-no-Okami is a god of purification, born after Izanagi returned from Yomi and purifies himself. The name collectively refers to four different gods that make up the whole: Seoritsuhime, Hayakaitohime, Ibukidonushi, and Hayasasurahime. Suzuka Gongen, Chie's 2nd Persona, is enshrined as Seoritsuhime in the Gion Festival's Suzukayama float, creating a relation between the two.[1]
Haraedo-no-Okami is similar in appearance to Suzuka Gongen but with golden armor, possibly inspired by the Gion Festival float depicting her in a golden hat.
In Golden, Chie starts with Tomoe. It transfigures into Suzuka Gongen upon maxing her Social Link, and can further transfigure into Haraedo-no-Okami during winter.