YHVH in the Megami Tensei franchise represents the God of the Abrahamic religions. Thought by scholars to have originally been a minor Semitic war and storm god, and a national god of the Israelite kingdoms of Israel and Judah, he was worshiped alongside other Canaanite deities such as Asherah, Baal, and El.
Centuries later YHVH became conflated with El, gaining epithets such as El Shaddai. Over time YHVH would become seen as the supreme creator of the universe and all that is in it, and is now considered by the Abrahamic religions to be the only god: the existence of all other gods is rejected. These religions teach that YHVH is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, and a benevolent deity.
Most Christian denominations consider God to be a trinity of one God in three persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), but this doctrine is rejected in Judaism, Islam, and nontrinitarian Christianity.
YHVH is usually depicted as a floating human head whose color varies depending on game. The head is blue in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II and Kyūyaku Megami Tensei, and the head is yellow in Shin Megami Tensei II and Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. His eyes have black sclera and white irises in Megami Tensei II and Kyūyaku Megami Tensei, black sclera and red irises in Shin Megami Tensei II, and white sclera and no irises or pupils in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. He has long, pointed ears in Shin Megami Tensei II. In Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, the head has a pattern of triangles on it.
YHVH receives a second form in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. This is not a true form, but rather a demonized form forced upon him to deprive him of his true power.[1] In this form he appears as a four winged serpent with various animals emerging from flames and surrounding a demonic head at the center that represent various biblical stories.[2] Notably, the insect represents the plague of locusts in the book of Exodus,[3] the serpent from Genesis that tempted Adam and Eve with knowledge,[4] and the goat references the sacrifices performed in His name. When attacking a humanoid specter emerges from the flames writhing in fury.
As Tokyo Millennium is a theocracy governed by the Messian Church, the city is centered around the worship of God, otherwise known as YHVH. Supposedly, the city is aligned to God's will, and according to the Messian Church, God will soon send the people a Messiah that will guide them to create the Millennium Kingdom, a utopia where people can live in peace forever.
After seeing all the atrocities committed by the Center and invading the Center HQ, Aleph comes across one of the Center Elders, who calls out the other Elders' actions and says that their efforts to create the Millennium Kingdom are against God's will. Once Aleph strikes down the three Elders, who in actuality are the three Archangels Uriel, Raphael, and Michael, a dying Michael pleads to God to save them and deliver justice unto Aleph's party, which summons a being claiming to be YHVH, who also attacks the party for daring to oppose it's will. After Aleph defeats the perceived god, the non-hostile Elder reveals herself to be the Archangel Gabriel and explains that though the other Elders had initially tried to bring about the Millennium Kingdom according to God's will, their vision of God and the Millennium Kingdom became perverted, and the Millennium they ended up creating strayed far from God's true vision of it. God had also promised that He would send a Messiah to save the people, but seeing that this Messiah was not coming soon enough, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael attempted to artificially create the Messiah themselves, which was in direct opposition to God's will, causing Him to abandon them and contact only Gabriel to order her to separate from her fellow Archangels to follow His true will.
Later, when Aleph is brought to Keter Castle to meet Lucifer, the demon lord informs him that not only was Tokyo Millennium, contrary to the Elders' belief, in opposition to God's will, but also that the YHVH Aleph had defeated at the Center was not the real God; It was a fake generated from the fervent belief the Elders' held that they were following God's will. Lucifer also informs him of the impending return of God's tool of judgment, Satan, who, in the distant past, was defeated by God and split in half, with one of those halves being Seth. God had him sealed away until the time he is needed arrives, a time Lucifer suspects is drawing near as Seth is beginning to awaken.
After this, Aleph is brought to Eden, Zayin's new base located at the top of the Center HQ. There, multiple people who have heard the voice of God, chosen regardless of their origin or class, have been assembled to be part of a new world where God's true Millennium Kingdom will be created, a goal Zayin asks Aleph to help bring to fruition.
Later, on the Neutral route, Lucifer reveals to Aleph that his weapon, the Kuzuryu, was given to him by God under the orders that he use it to destroy humanity, which Lucifer pretended to obey while secretly planning to use it for his own purposes. God eventually found out about Lucifer's treachery however and had Gabriel secretly install a new weapon into Eden instead, the Megiddo Ark, which will cleanse the Earth of everyone apart from God's chosen people in Eden. In the Neutral and Chaos routes, Aleph's party infiltrates the Ark to stop it from firing, along the way defeating God's avatars Sabaoth, Shaddai, and Elohim. At the top of the Ark, Aleph's party confronts Satan, who, on the Neutral route, will briefly assume the appearance of his former self Zayin to explain why the situation had escalated to this state, with the reason being that God had abandoned Tokyo Millennium. Despite their cries for a Messiah, God never sent one to humanity because it was never His intention to do so; He knew that so long as humanity held knowledge, they would continue to turn away from Him, and so when the Archangels took matters into their own hands and started the Messiah Project, He gave the fifth and final member of the project, Zayin, the soul of Satan, so that he would judge and punish all who were not chosen to be part of the new world. After Satan's defeat on the Chaos and Neutral routes, YHVH speaks directly to the party, ordering the ones who killed Satan to show themselves to Him. As they enter His realm, they finally face God Himself. On the Chaos route, YHVH admonishes Lucifer for disobeying Him, determining that not a speck of his former status as an Archangel remains. On the Neutral route, YHVH severely belittles and disparages Aleph and Hiroko, calling Aleph an evil human created against the law of His life, and viewing Hiroko the same for bearing him with her body. In both routes, he calls them demons who have joined hands with the devil and unleashes His wrath upon the party.
On the Law route, Aleph and Satan successfully fire the Megiddo Ark, cleansing the Earth for God's chosen to repopulate on. After this, YHVH calls out to them, ordering them to come before Him. As the party goes into His realm to receive YHVH's praise for their work, Satan reveals that he still has one more person to judge: YHVH Himself, enraging the god and making Him unleash His wrath onto the party just as He does on the Neutral and Chaos routes. Regardless of the route Aleph takes, as YHVH is defeated and dying, He warns that Humanity is not strong enough to live without anything to rely on or cling to, and as they continue to yearn for His salvation, He will be revived by the Great Will time and time again.
In the Megami Tensei franchise, YHVH, and more broadly the Old Testament, represents the basis of religious thought around the world. As such a prominent figure, there are many beings across the franchise who are similar or related to either the real life deity or Megami Tensei's interpretation of them; however, they may not literally be meant to be understood as the character YHVH specifically.[5]
Yaldabaoth is said to have caused the Great Flood event that occurred during the original Shin Megami Tensei. He is referred to as God and the Creator; however, Yaldabaoth's relation to YHVH is unclear.
Kagutsuchi is the center of the Vortex World and acts as both its sun and moon.[6] People who desire to create the next world are required to present him their Reason.[7] However, he opposes the idea of a world of freedom, which was once supported by the fallen angel Lucifer.[8]
As a sun god, Kagutsuchi represents one of the many names used around the world for YHVH.[9]
The Great Will is the overseer of the Amala Universe and architect of the Conception system.[10] According to Lucifer, all of existence has become trapped due its never-ending spiritual battle against the darkness.[11]Metatron is its voice and acts as envoy in the Labyrinth of Amala.[12]
Another figure mentioned in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax is the god of the Messian Church. They are described as a jealous god whose will is considered absolute among the Messians.[17][18] Prior to the Conception, this god alerted the Messians to Hikawa's plans, but they were unable to stop him from causing the Conception.[19][20]
Reason: Info on what happens if you are Chaos aligned and allow the fusion to continue
God is mentioned throughout the game by the angels who serve Him and is the target of disdain from the Mothers of the Schwarzwelt. He is known for having previously demonized other deities.[21]
Prior to the formation of the current Schwarzwelt, a god who had previously defeated the Mothers protected the Earth. As the creator of Humanity, he attempted to stave off the formation of the Schwarzwelt, but over time humans lost their faith in him and his powers waned. This led to the equilibrium of the Earth's Will being disrupted, allowing it and the Mothers to defeat the god. His spirit was then divided into several lesser deities, such as Metatron and Demiurge, who were sealed in the Schwarzwelt.[22]
On a New Game+ playthrough, a strike team member is inspecting a door in Sector Grus that was guarded by a Power on a new game playthrough, and once the Protagonist obtains the Unlock E app, the strike team member gives him the EX mission "The mother goddess' gravestone", asking that he explore the area beyond the door with him and defeat a demon that is guarding some treasure. Making their way to the demon, Alilat, she speaks of a seal and attacks the party to prevent them from breaking it, but after she is defeated, the strike team member reveals his true identity; That he is an aspect of God seeking to regain his true form. Once he absorbs the power of the broken seal, he takes on the form of Metatron, and after explaining the situation to the Protagonist, senses part of himself sealed away deep in the sector and asks that the Protagonist assist him in freeing the Lord, regardless of his alignment.
If the Protagonist accepts, the "False god in chains" EX Mission starts, where the two take an elevator down to the depths of Sector Grus and locate a room with the last of his sealed power. Before they can enter the room, a disembodied female voice implores the Protagonist not to go any further, but Metatron tells him to disregard it and continue on. In the room, the Protagonist uses Enemy Search C to make the sealed power manifest itself, which takes the form of the Demiurge. Metatron is saddened to see it reduced to a false god before the Demiurge begins to attack everything indiscriminately. Once it is subdued, Metatron attempts to fuse with it to regain his true power, but before the fusion is complete, the female voice from before pleads with the Protagonist to turn off his enemy search, which will disrupt the Demiurge's form and allow her to seal it away. If the Protagonist does so, the Demiurge will be caught off guard by his betrayal and say that humanity is truly a cursed race as it is sealed away once again. If the Protagonist ignores the voice and allows the fusion to continue, however, God is restored, albeit still in the form of the Demiurge, though He says that it will not be long until he returns to his true form. If the Protagonist is neutral-aligned, he acts amicably towards him, saying that his true enemy is the spirit of the Earth[a] itself, and that should he successfully defeat it, He will protect humanity once again, so long as they are in tune with the Holy Spirit, and then leaves. If the Protagonist is law-aligned, the Demiurge says that he has the capacity to be a saint and reminds him of his true enemy, joining his party after to assist him in his battle.
End of spoilers.
Mastema's master never appears in-game, but through Mastema's dialog they are associated with the Abrahamic God. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Schwarzwelt Reminiscences describes them as a "fundamental Law existence" similar to how YHVH was previously depicted in the series, but they are not considered the exact same character. This being's connection to the god who battled the Earth's Will and the Mothers is unclear. They are said to not be bound by the Earth-Schwarzwelt-Earth's Will system depicted in-game and their servant Mastema is implied to not be from the planet Earth.[23][24]
In the New Neutral route, one voice of the Three Wise Men says that they will leave the protagonist alone if they do not disrupt the creation of the God of Law. After this, through the use of the Cosmic Egg that Mem Aleph had stolen from them, they regain their true form as Shekinah.[25] This may be implying that Shekinah was another sealed part of the god mentioned in False god in chains, who previously protected the world from the Schwarzwelt.[22][26][27]
The Creator was a Nahobino who obtained the Throne of Creation after the god Baal.[28] In an attempt to solidify his rule, he instituted the Condemnation, which separated every other Nahobino's Knowledge from their Eternal Life thereby demonizing them. As Demons, the former gods were rendered unable to enter the Empyrean to usurp his Throne.[29] Some of these demons were then forced to join Bethel, an organization founded by the Creator to maintain the order of the world.[30] When the Conception caused the city of Tokyo to get transported into Da'at, the Creator produced an identical copy of it and its citizens to stop the spread of anarchy. However, after being killed by Lucifer, all of God's miracles and laws began to fade and lose power, symbolizing the return of the Nahobino.[31][32][33]
The Creator is occasionally referred to as the God of Law and a jealous god.[34][35]
God is the creator of both Humanity and Demonkind.[36] However, due to a truce with the Devil, they cannot directly intervene with Earth. Instead, the two share an avatar referred to by humans as Einherjar or Mephistopheles so that neither party gets excessively involved in human affairs and peace is maintained on the planet. As Einherjar, they act as a leader of the Liberators and assists humans in their fight against the Acolytes.[37][38]
However, despite the agreement, in the event Light of Divine Judgement the archangels are working towards building a world without free will, where everyone's lives are solely dedicated to God, and any outliers are considered evil that must be eradicated.[39] Due to this, they are at war with the demons.[40][41] The Liberators assist them in fighting the demons, and are unwittingly tricked into forming a pact with the archangels and joining God's army. After the demons are defeated, they are told that they will be expected to join the war again in the future.[42]
Similarly in the events Save This Ravaged Land, The Almighty Observer, and The Lord of the Armies, three parts of God begin to observe the human world and come to the conclusion that ultimately the Earth will be destroyed by a being known as Vanitas, "god's tool for testing humanity", which is acting out of control.[43][44][45] Because they are unable to act against another part of God, the three begin debating on how they can save humanity indirectly.[46]Elohim believes that the planet must be destroyed and recreated, but Shaddai argues that there are humans with the ability to defeat Vanitas. As the deciding vote, Sabaoth chooses to test the Neo Liberators to see if they are truly capable of saving the world.[47][48] The Neo Liberators manage to pass the trial, but not how the Godly spirits intended it.[49] With the knowledge that the humans may be able to defeat Vanitas on their own, the parts of God leave. However, because the Neo Liberators rejected God, they declare that they will ultimately return to cleanse the Earth in the future when need be.[50][51][52]
The Great One is the creator of human society.[53] At the dawn of civilization, the Great One made a pact with humanity to assist their development as a species. Through utilizing these Covenants, massive sources of energy that unlocks a latent talent within the user, humans were able to directly control the course of history. It is said that when someone collects all five Covenants, the Great One will allow them to recreate the world by destroying the current one.[54][55][56]
Despite also being based on the Abrahamic God, the Great One is not intended to be the same character as YHVH.[53]
YHVH's face has a graphical bug below his lower lip in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II due to an incorrect tile being assigned. This is fixed in the fan translation.
The name YHVH[b] (also rendered as YHWH or JHVH), referred to as the Tetragrammaton,[c] is used in the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament as the personal name of God. It is prohibited for observant Jews and those who follow Talmudic Jewish traditions to pronounce YHVH's name, and those who observe this restriction refer to YHVH as "the name"[d] in everyday speech. The name YHVH is derived from the Hebrew verb meaning "to be,"[e][58] which is alluded to in Exodus 3:14 with God telling Moses "I am who I am" or "I am that I am".[f][58] The scholarly consensus for the original pronunciation of the name is "Yahweh".[g][59]
Over time, the name YHVH became considered too sacred to say aloud, and so in speaking began to be replaced with Adonai (my Lord);[h] as such, in English versions of the Bible, it is conventionally translated as "the Lord," with the small capitals distinguishing uses of YHVH in the original Hebrew from uses of Adonai. Another traditional way of rendering the name YHVH in English is "Jehovah"; this spelling originates from Jewish scribes putting the vowel marks for Adonai onto the Tetragrammaton in the Masoretic text[i] in order to indicate that it is pronounced Adonai, after which the Tetragrammaton was transcribed into the Latin alphabet with those vowels.[60] When the name accompanies an already existing Adonai, the Tetragrammaton is pronounced as Elohim, meaning "God" as a proper noun.[j] In English versions of the Bible, this construction is conventionally translated as "the Lord God" with the small capitals distinguishing uses of YHVH in the original Hebrew from uses of Elohim.
The shortened form of YHVH, Yah,[k] is commonly found in biblical names: e.g. Elijah,[l] Zechariah,[m] At the beginning of a name, it will have different vowels, e.g. Joshua,[n] John.[o]
↑Hebrew: יְהֹוָה, romanized *yəhōwâ; actually pronounced ʾăḏōnāy. The first vowel is simplified from a patach and sheva together (which makes a reduced /a/ sound) to a plain sheva.
↑"The corrupted figure that appears depending on the player’s choices; it is, therefore, not the true god’s form. Depending on the way Christianity was propagated, the inconvenient local gods were slandered and degraded. These gods were given the extreme forms of demons, the animals and reptiles they disliked, but in this game irony has it that YHVH’s second form is degraded by the very entities he hated." - Masayuki Doihttps://dijehtranslations.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/970/
↑"The first form was the head of the first man, Adam, created in his own image. However, the second form turns into a strange chimera that resembles a demon. The goat wanted by god in the Scriptures, the snake that tempted Eve in Eden or the swarm of locusts that appeared in the Exodus, threatening the Pharaoh if he refused to free the Jews, all can be seen in this form. Each part of the chimera is connected to the other." - Masayuki Doihttps://dijehtranslations.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/970/
↑"And Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, How long wilt thou refuse to humble thyself before me? let my people go, that they may serve me.
Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, to morrow will I bring the locusts into thy coast:
And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field:
And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses of all thy servants, and the houses of all the Egyptians; which neither thy fathers, nor thy fathers' fathers have seen, since the day that they were upon the earth unto this day. And he turned himself, and went out from Pharaoh." Exodus 10:3–6. Retrieved February 13, 2025. Bible Gateway.
↑Genesis 3. Retrieved February 13, 2025. Bible Gateway.
↑"Darknobiyuki: This is a question for the Atlus of Japan staff. I have been a huge fan of your work for awhile and have amassed quite a lot of Japanese MegaTen games and other stuff. My question has to do more with the ideology behind the series. In Shin Megami Tensei II (and a few vague references in Nocturne),the Judeo-Christian God is portrayed as the prominent villain in the series. I was curious what influenced the Japanese team to make such a controversial choice in series villain. I think an explanation on this would be very beneficial, as I know it has been of the major sticking points in getting this game released on these shores. Thanks to Kazuma as well for his terrific artwork, I am addicted to your style as it adds so much character and originality to the MegaTen universe. Thanks for the great games. I’m having a blast playing the Japanese Digital Devil Saga] I cant wait for the US version] / Kazuma Kaneko: Thank you for your love of Megami Tensei. This is a delicate question, but as mentioned in the last question there are many mysterious common motifs, like the flood legend, in mythology, so I like to investigate mythology from all around the world. For instance, the aforementioned flood legend, the creation process at the beginning of the universe, a hero going on a journey to overcome trials, and sights at the end of the world, etc etc. It’s almost like a shared memory of the events that happened in ancient times has remained to make people draw up the same motifs. One way of thinking is that there was one mythology in the ancient past, and then as the races moved and the continents drifted they customized it to the special geography and topography of where they lived until we got the unique region myths we know today. However, the basis is the same, so even though there are differences in these myths due to geography, topography, and culture, their motif and theme remain very similar. And when I thought about which mythology served as the basis, I concluded that it was the Old Testament. Which means YHWH, the god of the Old Testament, is the basis for all the gods around the world, from a folklorist’s standpoint. Now, I would like you to know that in Megaten, YHWH is not portrayed as the embodiment of evil." Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne: The Official Strategy Guide (2004). Published by Double Jump. ISBN-13: 0974170046.
↑"Kagutsuchi: ...You who are about to ascend my tower, and who wish to enter the light... Show me your heart... ...I see a Reason as hard as a flawless gem... To breathe your Reason into the act of creation... If such is your goal, then come before me with the three stones of treasure!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. Translation by Atlus.
↑"Kagutsuchi: How can you be the one standing before me...? Why have you been chosen...? You, with a heart that follows no rule... The bearer of unnamed Reason... Your heart longs for the kingdom of freedom, a world that has no set future... Will you disregard the past sins of the world, to pursue such an ideal? ...The Great Will once granted the world freedom, in hopes that it would evolve to a new level. However, it was that freedom which gave rise to evil, brought darkness, and led darkness the world to destruction... Freedom is the seed of disaster: its sole fruit is ruin. I will not allow the world to be doomed to failure! My power was meant for one who sought the world's rebirth, upholding a worthy Reason! Hero, you have become a slave of freedom, like that fallen angel! Begone, demon! My light, searing with anger, shall wipe you from existence!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. Translation by Atlus.
↑ Translation: "Kagutsuchi - I wanted to make him more geometrical. Point is, he’s the sun. There are many other names for YHVH all over the world, so one of these concepts is the god of flames, of sun." Shin Megami Tensei: Demons Bible (2003). Published by Shinkigensha. Translation by Fan translation by Dijeh. ISBN-13: 4775301497.
↑"Lady in Black: Kagutsuchi... It is the light whose sole purpose is to empower the one who will oversee creation. Creation is the act of bringing a new world into existence, made possible by the annihilation of the old world. Kagutsuchi will allow a life form of its choosing to determine the course of the new world. There must be those in Tokyo who yearn to be chosen by Kagutsuchi, in order to realize their vision. The shape of the world to come depends on who is chosen...and what their Reason is. In the vast Amala Universe, this Vortex World is not the only place where creation occurs. Kagutsuchi rises, matures, and falls in countless other places. There are millions--no, billions of worlds that you are unaware of, and they all experience the cycle of death and rebirth. That is the way of Amala, as determined by the Great Will. With my master, I have watched how myriads of worlds came into being, how life prospered in those worlds, and how they were destroyed in the end....all that time, seeking the answer to the unanswerable question, 'Why is the world reborn?'" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus.
↑"Lady in Black: The forces of light and darkness have fought throughout the universe, even beyond the flow of time. Their battles have affected every living being in existence. Demons and humans are no exception: they have simply been cogwheels in the infernal machine called war...And the war still rages on, even as we speak. However, one individual vowed to put an end to this eternal war. He decided to create a demon of chaos, one that would inherit his will... ...and enter the final battle against the forces of light." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus.
↑"惡魔: さっき、オマエの来たほうから・・・ ・・・凄い声が聞こえたぜ。まるで、大いなる意思そのもののような··· オマエ、近くにいて大丈夫だったか?" Translation: "Demon (Flauros): I just heard a voice coming from your direction. It was like the voice of the Great Will... You weren't harmed, were you?" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Today a buddy o mine, Fizzy, showed me some unused Nocturne text wherein YHVH potentially had dialogue. They confirmed the text is both in the english and japanese versions of the game during the TDE ending." User:Larrue, [1]. Published Jun 8, 2021. Retrieved November 30, 2024. Twitter.
↑"あの天使は......己が心のかたちに似せて新たな悪魔を創りたるか。ならば、わたしは滅びをおこう。わたしと、おまえの間に。わたしの末と、おまえの末の間に......" Translation: "...You have created a new demon in your heart's likeness, fallen angel? Then, doom shall set us apart... now and forevermore..." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
↑"Soul: We are just looking for a way to live in peace with nature and the ancient gods. But, the Order of Messiah, brainwashed by a jealous god, won't allow us to do so... I'm telling you, they're the ones who should be oppressed, not us!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
↑"Soul: We believe that god's teachings are absolute. Everything is his will... Everything changes at his will... You must leave this dreaded place and fulfill the part which you were originally intended for." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
↑"Soul: God spoke to us and foretold the destruction of Tokyo. We chased after the Gaea cult in order to prevent that. But, we were done in by that devil summoner... Hikawa is a dangerous man..." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
↑"Lady in Black: ...That incident at the park followed shortly thereafter. You see... For creation to be possible after the Conception, certain preparations were necessary. The demons which he summoned were unleashed...and a bloody act of carnage ensued. He decided to take control of the inevitable--the death and rebirth of the world. Some members of the Gaea cult were against him, and the Order of Messiah tried to stop him, but...he eliminated both threats at once, with the power of his demons. With all the opposition removed, he watched as the Conception took place, just as foretold in the Prophecy of Miroku...No, just as he planned after unraveling the prophecy. The Assembly of Nihilo was created at that time as well, to aid him in creation." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
↑"ルイ・サイファー: この世界では、君たちがロゼッタと呼んだ悪魔たちがその本来の姿でいられるんだよ。君たちが「神」と呼ぶ者に「貶められる前」の姿でね…。" Translation: "Louisa Ferre: Here, the demons you refer to as Rosettas are able to maintain their true forms. The forms before they were cast down by the one you call "God"..." Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (DS). Developed by ATLUS. Translation by ATLUS.
↑ 22.022.1"悪魔: 貴方たちニンゲンが言う、シュバルツバースという空間...。これは、ある意味 地球の浄化作用のようなもの。大地母神の怒り... そして、地球自体の怒りと 言っても良いでしょう。しかし、それを行うことが一筋縄では いかないことも、地球の意思は 理解していました。かつて、数ある大地母神に勝利し、地球をニンゲンの世界に 創りあげた神...。神がニンゲンを守護する限り、このような現象は許さないはずです。.........。ですが、時代がひとつの均衡を破りました。ニンゲンが神への信仰を忘れ堕落し、神はニンゲンへの寵愛を失った。信仰に揺らぎが生じ、神の力が弱まる瞬間を 地球の意思は見逃しませんでした。地球の意思と地母神たちは、かつて自らが受けたように 神を貶めていったのです。貶められた神は、幾重にも引き裂かれ 力は分散され、様々な空間へと 封じられました...。おそらく、この地の奥深くにも、我の一部が封じられているはず。しかも、我が本体に近い力...。その波動を、今は感じます。" Translation: "Demon (Metatron): The place you humans know as the Schwarzwelt... Its purpose is, in a sense, to purify the Earth. It reflects the anger of the mother goddesses... and of Mother Earth itself, you might say. But the earth understood that it would be difficult to carry out. There was once a god that was victorious over the Mothers, and established humanity on Earth... As long as He protected the humans, the situation we find ourselves in now could not have occurred. But this equilibrium was eroded over time. Humans lost their faith in Him, and He forgot his love for humans. Worship of Him faltered, and the Earth did not fail to seize the moment once His power weakened. The mother goddesses subdued Him as they were once subdued. In this state, He was torn to pieces, and His dispersed power was sealed in many dimensions... I believe a part of me is sealed deep in this land. It is a power that calls out to me... I can feel it." Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. Translation by Atlus.
↑"Question: Strange Journey was a great installment with an original story with an excellent sci-fi setting. Will you guys ever make a future title with the same sort of atmosphere? Maybe a story that takes place in space? / Ishida: If able, I would like to make a sequel to this game, but I currently don’t know if that can be made a reality. There is dialogue in the game suggesting the angel Mastema may have originated from somewhere beyond this Earth, so it wouldn’t be so strange if the stage was set in space as well!" [2]. Retrieved December 3, 2024. atlus.com.
↑"Right Voice: You reclaimed the Cosmic Egg, source of our power, from the vile Mem Aleph. So long as you do not disrupt the god of law's creation, we shall let you be." Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux. Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. Translation by Atlus.
↑"三賢人 【人物】-「DSJ」で新たな進展を見せる本項は、本作の追加シナリオを担当された、葉月氏に解説をお願いした。「物語の冒頭、レッドスプライト号の墜落のさなか、仮死状態となった主人公が見たビジョンに現われた3人の老彼らは三賢人と呼ばれる存在で、本来はCHAOSであるメムアレフに対する、地球のLAW的側面の大地母神でした。しかしメムアレフに敗れ、現在は力を奪われた状態となっています。そのため、彼らにできることは限られており、直接の力ではなく、幻影を見せて主人公たちに未来を選ばせるという手段をとっていました。「DSJ」では彼らが力を取り戻し、新たな手段を行使する展開が用意されています」。" Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Official Perfect Guide (2017), Shūichi Shika (et al.). Published by Kadokawa. Miscellaneous DSJ 16. ISBN-13: 978-4-04-733294-2.
↑"本作でのシェキナーは、三賢人が奪われていた力を取り戻し、神として顕現した本来の姿です。 彼らの目的は、人間を高次霊に進化させ、安定した単一思想による地球生命の維持〟でしたが、メムアレフに敗れ力を封じられているため、最低限の干渉や示唆を行なうことしかできませんでした。しかしデメテルの働きにより、本来のシェキナーとしての姿を取り戻すことができたため、みずからの力で地球を作り変えようとしています」。" Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Official Perfect Guide (2017), Shūichi Shika (et al.). Published by Kadokawa. Miscellaneous DSJ 18. ISBN-13: 978-4-04-733294-2.
↑"Koshimizu: Before the Creator reigned supreme, the throne belonged to Baal, god of the harvest. And even before that, it was held by Ra, the sun god.’" Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Narrator: Long, long ago, before these creatures known as “humans” gained Knowledge… The God of Law seated Himself upon the throne of creation. He seized all Knowledge from the other gods, rebuking them, so they could never dare to approach the throne… …reducing them to mere ‘demons.’" Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Bethel Researcher: Bethel was created in order to preserve this world, made by the Creator. As you can see here in Japan, the gods of various countries and their followers were defeated by the Creator, then made to serve Him as the different branches." Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Yuzuru: Tokyo was actually destroyed once, almost two decades ago. But God copied it back into existence, preventing any further anarchy. That was God's greatest modern miracle: the Shekinah Glory. However, with God defeated, that miracle has begun to dissipate—along with the city that depended on it." Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Arioch: Very soon, what divine spark may be left in this world will heave its final cry. The throne is now godless. The time to claim Knowledge and reform is at hand!" Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Koshimizu: The Throne of Creation lies at the pinnacle of Empyrean Heaven or simply the Empyrean, as it has become known. That is where the Creator would be now, were he not ousted by Lucifer, as was claimed. Only Nahobino are allowed in the Empyrean’s sacred space. As such, none have entered thus far." Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Nuwa: However, the God of Law gained the upper hand when He robbed the other gods of their Knowledge, debasing them to their current states." Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Ishtar: Who stands before me this time? More of the Jealous Ones’s crazed fanatics? I pity your blind acceptance. Do you not endeavor to see the truth for what it really is?" Shin Megami Tensei V. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Einherjar: Put simply, I am one that exists to oppose the Acolytes. I am like you, but unlike you I fight a different enemy. You fight enemies in this world. I fight enemies in the demon world. I am a manifestation, of what humans know of as both God and the Devil. We are not allowed to intervene directly in the affairs of men. This very body is but a temporary vessel. At times I have also been known by the name "Mephistopheles"." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Einherjar: It's not just that God and the Devil are the same... But rather that Heaven and Hell are the same place. Split between God and the Devil, living apart. They made a binding pact. Rules by which the world was to be peacefully ruled. / Shiori: ...The world? / Einherjar: The Demon World is your world. In other words, this world. To avoid either party from meddling with the world too much, Both use this body to control the it. Including the Liberators." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Lilith: They believe that anything that goes against their decree should be eliminated. That there should be no freedom; no self-will, no feelings, no desire. There should be only life lived dedicated to God. Then death. Nothing more. It is the angels that strive to build such a world. What did they tell you this was? The final war against evil? Anything they consider unnecessary is deemed evil. It's their way of justifying mass murder. Do you really think they won't pass judgement upon humans the way they have on us?" Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Angel: Those demons... they're planning to rebel against God. / Ririn: Right, of course you don't kno— Um, what did you just say? / Angel: With deep loathing and longing for revenge against the Almighty, They are attacking those that believe, as well as those who serve him. We angels are also being attacked. Of, we are also doing what we can to vanquish this threat." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Lilith: The war between demons and angels has lasted for eons. Longer than you could even imagine, across all four corners of the earth... Yes, we have killed angels. But many of them have done unspeakable acts..." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Virtue: Heed me. I bear a message from the archangels. "Good work, all of you. You are now officially a part of God's army." / Megakin: Yo yo, hold on a sec. We defeated Lilith. I thought that the fight was over. There ain't been no more attacks on theologists either. I thought the army of evil was destroyed, yo. / Virtue: You appear to misunderstand. The archangels already explained this to you when you borrowed their powers. That in the final battle that is to come against the army of evil, You will join us and fulfill the pact you made with them. / Shiori: What? Hold it right there. We didn't... / Rika: Wait a second... / Gabriel: If you are truly willing to fight evil as our champions... / Uriel: Take it if you have the resolve to fight along we who bring order to the world... / Raphael: Now agree to this pact, accept my power, and fight the armies of evil... / Megakin: So THAT's what you're talkin' about? You're telling us that that was a pact to join God's army against the army of evil in the final battle? / Ririn: W-wait! I don't think we realized what we were getting ourselves into... / Gakuto: I thought that was only for that fight? / Virtue: You used the power that you borrowed many times to defeat evil, did you not? This pact and your fate can no longer be changed. Thank God you have the honor of fighting for Him, and continue to hone your strengths until we need you." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Elohim: I am here to cleanse this realm of the impenitent. / Citizen: W-What are you saying...? / Elohim: You will be saved when I extinguish your souls... / Vince: What?! / Elohim: Demon user. You allowed me to regain my full strength. Your deeds have not gone unnoticed. And now, I can fulfill my true purpose. / Angel (Throne): But... Are you saying that this is the will of God...?" Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Elohim: I came to this world seeking you and Sabaoth. I travelled to quite a few worlds before arriving here... Unfortunately, none of these worlds bore any resemblance to the way God originally made them. They all drowned in human malice and allowed Vanitas to appear. This world will soon suffer the same fate. / Shaddai: ... / Elohim: Shaddai, the time to end all of these worlds is nigh. That is the only way in which they can be "saved". Every branch of reality, all the humans and creatures living on those worlds, they can be cleaned and recreated if we put our Godly powers together." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Shiori: Based on what you just said, Vanitas is also a huge thorn in your side. Why aren't you doing anything about it? Why is it that you need us, humans that you clearly consider to be weak, To defeat it on our own like this? / Shiang Sun: She's right. Why is that? Wouldn't it just be easier if all of you just dealt with it? / Sabaoth: Ah, you still do not understand. Yes, we can indeed handle it on our own with ease... But it is just like us. A part of God. / Gakuto: Vanitas is another one of you?! / Megakin: Yo, seriously?! / Sabaoth: I speak only the truth. It is another part of God. It escaped his grasp and has been rampaging about..." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Elohim: Sabaoth, we wish to create a new world. Vanitas continues to be born out of human malice. It has destroyed countless worlds across spacetime up to this point. Near infinite, if you will. And this world will suffer the same fate... Faith has escaped these humans and are bringing this world closer to its doom. The only way to save them is through "death". Sabaoth, these humans must be erased at once. And this world must be inherited by those worthy of being called God's children. With our combined might, we may yet be able to create both a new heaven and Earth. / Sabaoth: What say you, Shaddai? / Shaddai: I am here to listen to what you, the Lord of the Armies, has to say. Elohim is correct in saying that this world cannot escape Vanitas. "The end is nigh," so to speak. However, there exist humans who wish to avoid this fate. The Liberators... They are working to save humanity and this world from this malice. They may even succeed. Which will send this world back onto the back of righteousness and ultimately save it. You are to see for yourself and decide... / Sabaoth: I see... So be it. I am willing to play along for now, Shaddai. I, Sabaoth, shall see to this task." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Megakin: We know that Elohim wants to "erase" us now. But what's Sabaoth's angle here? / Shiang Sun: It wants proof that we have what it takes to protect our own world." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Shaddai: Not so fast, Sabaoth. As supreme lord of the bestowing of life, I, Shaddai, cannot allow this to pass. / Ririn: Huh? / Jeng Yun: Shaddai? / Shaddai: This trial does not serve as a true test of faith. And these humans have become dangerous. They pose a threat to God. They cannot be allowed to exist." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Elohim: If it means being rid of Vanitas once and for all. Then I have no choice. I will not erase you. The destruction of this world can wait until another time." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Shaddai: I also accept Shaddai's decision. However, Liberators, you are to never defy the will of God... Your punishment will be beyond severe if you do indeed act in such a manner. Remain faithful and true." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Sabaoth: Defeat Vanitas and save this world. But if the end result does not please us... / Megakin: If it doesn't please you...? / Sabaoth: Stay righteous, Liberators..." Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2. Developed by SEGA.
↑"Tips: Covenant - Said to be the manifestation of the contract forged between mankind and divinity when the Great One descended to Earth. Passed down through generations, they grant their bearers a power capable of uplifting the human race. It's said that the Great One will appear to those who collect all five Covenants." Soul Hackers 2. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Arrow: All right, this is my understanding of it. Covenants are like a big source of energy, and they’ve been passed down from soul to soul for generations. Supposedly, these Covenant-holders wield great power. / Figue: “What kind of power?” / Arrow:“ Well, simply put, possessing a Covenant awakens the holder’s latent abilities. In some cases, it can even spark, well… evolution. They say there’s a total of five Covenants out there. Having one is powerful as it is, but the effects would only go as far as the individual could take them. Now, if someone were to possess all five, then that’d be something else entirely. Gather up all five Covenants, and you could…” / Ringo: You could what? / Arrow: You could call forth what’s known as the ‘Great One,’ a being prophesied to bring ultimate destruction to the world as we know it… That’s what they say, at least. Summoning this ‘Great One’ is Phantom’s top priority. Am I right, Milady?" Soul Hackers 2. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"Milady: When the Great One appears again, it will bring forth a new contract. New Covenants. They can reshape the basic laws and principles of this world. That’s what the Phantom Society wants." Soul Hackers 2. Developed by ATLUS.
↑"金子: ハチマンっていうのは 「デビルサマナー」 っていうよりは、「女神転生」 の時に唯一神とかにこだわっていたんです。 で、唯一神っていうのはヘブライの神様で、それが日本に渡ってきた時に八幡神っていう形になったっていうような説があります。そのへんで自分の解釈としてはデッカイやつかなあって。 一般に八幡様なんていってて、 まあみんな馴染みのあるやつだけど、実は元は唯一神なのかな? みたいなところが結構好きだったりしています。" Translation: "Kazuma Kaneko: Hachiman in Devil Summoner, or perhaps I should say, The One God in Megaten. So, The One God is the God of Hebrews and there is a theory that says he became known as Hachiman in Japan. That’s why I interpreted him as a big guy. Everyone is familiar with the usual Hachiman, but in reality his original form is perhaps The One God! I really like that concept." Sega Saturn Magazine, Vol. 8, 1996. Published by SB Creative. 144. Translation by Dijeh.
↑ 58.058.1"Rather, the consensus of scholarship is certainly correct that yhwh represents a verbal form, with the y- representing the third masculine singular verbal prefix of the verb hyh 'to be.'
The foundation for this consensus is the revelation of the divine name in Exodus 3:14, a notoriously difficult passage where God declares 'I am who I am' (ʾehyeh ʾăšer ʾehyeh)." The Origin and Character of God: Ancient Israelite Religion through the Lens of Divinity (2020), Theodore J. Lewis. Published by Oxford University Press. p. 214. ISBN-13: 978-0190072544.
↑"The strong consensus of biblical scholarship is that the original pronunciation of the name YHWH that God goes on to use in verse 15 was 'Yahweh.'" The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary (2018), Robert Alter. Published by W. W. Norton & Company. Vol. 3 p. 240. ISBN-13: 978-0393292503.