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Humanity refers to the homo sapiens species in the Megami Tensei franchise.
Game Appearances
Shin Megami Tensei II
Decades after the Great Cataclysm, humanity had successfully struggled to continue to survive, but the harsh conditions of the Earth pushed many to look towards the Messian Church for a savior.[1]
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At the end of the game, when YHVH is defeated in the Neutral route, he rebuffs Aleph and Hiroko for not only killing Him but also Lucifer, stating that humankind is not strong enough to survive on it's own. He continues, saying that eventually they will look towards Him for guidance, and so long as they do that, the Will of the Universe will recreate Him time and time again.[a] [2]
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
In the Vortex World, only humans are allowed to form a Reason to recreate the world.[3][4][5][6][7]
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However in the Neutral ending, the Demi-fiend, a fusion of both human and demon, is able to bypass the restrictions and create a new world with an unnamed Reason of freedom, infuriating Kagutsuchi.[8]
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax
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In the Destruction ending, Demi-fiend is tempted by Lucifer into forsaking his humanity in order to become a true demon.[9] Together, they defeat Kagutsuchi and destroy the burgeoning world then prepare for the final battle with the Great Will, who presides over the Conception system.[10][11][12]
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
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Reason: Missing Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Schwarzwelt Reminiscences information |
Humans are depicted as reaching a population of seven billion at the start of the twenty-first century, however, due to this overpopulation, humans have failed to halt the mass environmental destruction they are causing. There is mass infighting in East Europe, murder rates are up in Japan, drug-related crimes are prevalent in some countries, and there is severe economic inflation in South America and pollution in Asia is at an all time high. Due to humanity's inability to be at peace, the Schwarzwelt appeared at the South Pole to wipe them out.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
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Alex reveals that in the future she comes from, humanity has been further damaged by protagonist's actions, causing another Schwarzwelt to appear to wipe them out. What has happened to humanity according to her vastly changed depending on the protagonist's alignment.[citation needed]
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Humans have a unique ability called Observation, which allows them as a collective to subconsciously manipulate reality based on their subjective perception of it.[13]
Shin Megami Tensei V
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Soul Hackers 2
- ↑ YHVH mentions his revival by the Willl of the Universe on every route, it's only his line about Lucifer's death that is exclusive to the Neutral route.
- In Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax, a Loa tells Demi-fiend that unlike demons, humans have mortal bodies but souls that can learn and wonders how this works for the Demi-fiend, who is both.[14]
- In Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, the thoughts of intellectual beings are equated to their spirits.[15]
- ↑ "Narrator: Several decades after the great destruction... While cultivating the wilderness, fighting off packs of demons, and through countless deaths, humanity survived... But people were not strong enough to survive without someone or something to cling to or rely on... The Messian religion preached the advent of a savior, gathered together believers and built a city on the site of the old cathedral... This city came to be known as Tokyo Millennium." Shin Megami Tensei II. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by Aeon Genesis.
- ↑ "YHVH: O accursed one! Thou hath finally committed the ultimate sin in destroying thy creator! In slaying me, the lord of all creation, thou hath lost everything. No longer dost thou have anyone to cling to, nor to turn to when in need. And thou hath even smote the lord of the Abyss, Lucifer... What dost thou think thou can accomplish thyselves? But remember this... Humanity is not strong enough to live without one to cling to or rely on. As long as people continue to seek my salvation, the will of the universe will recreate me, again and again and again..." Shin Megami Tensei II. Developed by ATLUS. Translation by Aeon Genesis.
- ↑ "Mithra: I am the arbiter who enforces the law known as the Prophecy of Miroku. Hero, I shall hereby prosecute thee! Just as the prophecy says, Reasons are appearing and this Vortex World is nearing the time of creation. A new world shall be created, no matter which Reason prevails... 'Tis a joyous occasion! But, darest thou, a demon, attempt to create the new world? It is forbidden! Demons shan't create the world!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Old Woman: The time of creation for this Vortex World is near. War will erupt amongst those who spread their Reason in hopes of shaping the new world. As a demon, you are forbidden to conceive your own Reason... Which Reason will you side with? Which will you oppose? Will the Reason you choose persevere, or fail? Your suffering is my little master's delight." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Gozu-Tennoh: I once strove to protect the world from the followers of stillness. However, what we should have done instead was build a kingdom ruled by strength. Of course, I would have never succeeded. If I was a human... If I could have had a Reason of my own, then the outcome may have been different." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Chiaki: How arrogant... You misunderstand your purpose... Return to earth, mud dolls!!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Chiaki: He had so much Magatsuhi stored here. Funny... Did he think that a mud doll could conceive a Reason? ...No, it was meant for me... This Magatsuhi will allow me to affirm my Reason..." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Kagutsuchi: How can you be the one standing before me...? Why have you been chosen...? You, with a heart that follows no rule... The bearer of unnamed Reason... Your heart longs for the kingdom of freedom, a world that has no set future... Will you disregard the past sins of the world, to pursue such an ideal? ...The Great Will once granted the world freedom, in hopes that it would evolve to a new level. However, it was that freedom which gave rise to evil, brought darkness, and led darkness the world to destruction... Freedom is the seed of disaster: its sole fruit is ruin. I will not allow the world to be doomed to failure! My power was meant for one who sought the world's rebirth, upholding a worthy Reason! Hero, you have become a slave of freedom, like that fallen angel! Begone, demon! My light, searing with anger, shall wipe you from existence!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Lady in Black: Will you lend your strength to us, for the sake of all who live in darkness? I cannot force you to help us...If you choose to walk the path of a human, then there is no need for you to return here. But, if you have doubts about the laws of the universe... about fate, or the providence of the Absolute One... then you should come to us, at the very bottom of the Labyrinth. There you shall be born again as a full demon, body and soul..." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Kagutsuchi: I came into being for the creation of a new world, and those with Reasons came here to make their visions reality. Alas, their dreams were shattered, and the possibility of a new world has been crushed forever... by the hand of a demon. Persuaded by the fallen angel, you destroyed the seeds of creation, denying the reincarnation of the world. With the cold heart of a demon, you rejected the possibility of evolution. By casting aside your humanity, you became the living incarnation of bane itself. Begone, accursed one! I shall never forgive you for causing the death of the world! My light, searing with anger, shall wipe you from existence!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Lady in Black: In the vast Amala Universe, this Vortex World is not the only place where creation occurs. Kagutsuchi rises, matures, and falls in countless other places. There are millions--no, billions of worlds that you are unaware of, and they all experience the cycle of death and rebirth. That is the way of Amala, as determined by the Great Will." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Old Gentleman: Together, let us march onward! To the final battle... where our true enemy awaits!" Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "Notes: Observation: As described by Stephen, "observation" (sometimes described as "understanding") is the ability humans possess to give structure to the formless. In this instance, "observation" has nothing to do with sight, but rather human perception. It is an extension of the philosophical concept of "qualia," or individual, subjective experiences. For example, the sensation of seeing color is not easily communicated, yet something humanity possess a shared understanding of. Likewise, YHVH only exists because of this shared observation.
Of course, forms of communication are necessary in order for humans to share their observations with one another. But once framed by language, these concepts change in nature. In effect, they become bound by language, much like the shared understanding of YHVH. What Dagda and the Divine Powers seek to do is free themselves from the limiting existence forced upon them by language. Because YHVH never revealed himself to humanity, he is not bound by language the same way they are." Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. Developed by ATLUS. - ↑ "Loa: A human's soul can learn, but his body is mortal. A demon is immortal, but his soul never changes...I wonder how it is for you, since you're both human and demon..." Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Developed by ATLUS.
- ↑ "この『SJ』では、「地球意思」とでも呼ぶような、巨大な霊体/情報体が地球に生成されると初期の段階で設定していました。それは地球において、「知的活動を行う者たち」より流出するさまざまな思念(霊)が積み重なる存在です。" Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Schwarzwelt Reminiscences (2010), Daisuke Narisawa (et al.). Published by Enterbrain. 108. ISBN-13: 978-4047265578.