Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux is an enhanced edition of the 2009 role-playing game Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, the sixth entry in the Shin Megami Tensei series. It was developed and published by Atlus in 2017 for the Nintendo 3DS.

Strange Journey Redux introduces a number of quality of life additions and new content, most notably with the addition of Alex as a new character, a new dungeon, and three new alternate endings. Redux also adds a revamped UI, voice acting, updated character portraits, new demons, different gameplay balancing and downloadable content, among several other changes.





A mysterious, growing void has appeared at the South Pole. Fearing it will eventually engulf Earth, you and your team of elite explorers are sent inside, where you discover a previously unknown world of demons...


Main article: Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey § Synopsis

Gameplay Changes

  • A new character, Alex, was added along with new story content.
  • The UI was redesigned and the environments and battle backgrounds were entirely remade.
  • Various quality-of-life changes were made, such as field saves and sprinting in dungeons.
  • Full Japanese voice acting was added, and all characters were given portraits with characters with pre-existing ones being redone and more expressive.
  • 31 new Demons were added, bringing the total to over 300, including new designs for Zeus, Amon, Anahita, and Demeter.
  • Several new Sub-Apps, with the Sub-App limit now removed, including ones that give the protagonist new Commander Skills.
  • New EX Missions were added.
  • Two new dungeons in the forms of the Womb of Grief and the Empyrean Ascent were added.
  • Three new endings, one for each alignment, were added.
  • The localization was revised. For example, Mitra and Mithras had their names swapped, correcting a localization error from the original.
  • Added difficulties in the form of "Casual", "Standard", "Expert" and the ability to play on "Impossible" difficulty during New Game+.

Downloadable Content

A number of downloadable content were made available upon the game's launch. The downloadable content was chiefly intended to help make the game easier for players and did not feature any unique content. As of the Nintendo 3DS eShop's closure on March 27, 2023, it is no longer possible to purchase or download the game's downloadable content.[1]

DLC Title Image Release Price Details Notes
Training Day
Japan October 26, 2017
JP ¥300
Adds the Sub App "Training Day" which increases experience points earned.
More and More
Japan October 26, 2017
JP ¥300
Adds the Sub App "More and More" which increases the Forma earned from Forma searches.
Macca Shower
Japan October 26, 2017
JP ¥300
Adds the Sub App "Macca Shower" which increases Macca earned.
Forma Search X
Japan October 26, 2017
JP ¥300
Adds the Sub App "Forma Search X" which allows Incenses for demons to be found from Forma searches.
4 Types of Sub Apps
Japan October 26, 2017
JP ¥1000
A bundle containing the previous four DLC add on Sub Apps.
Mobile Team Support Pack (Tool Set)
Japan October 26, 2017
Adds a set of items, including 3 experience-giving items, 2 resale items, and a set of Incenses for demons.
Growth Vest (Armor)
Japan October 26, 2017
Adds the Growth Vest equipment, which increases experience gained in battle.
Biliken Vest (Armor)
Japan October 26, 2017
Adds the Biliken Vest equipment, which increases Macca gained in battle.
Demon Killing Set (Weapons)
Japan October 26, 2017
Adds sword and gun equipment.
Safe Journey Pack (Tool Set)
Japan October 26, 2017
Adds a set of items, including 5 Beads, 10 Chakra Drops, 5 Chakra Pots, 2 Great Chakras, 2 Light Balls, and 10 Return Balls.


Pre-Order Bonus

Special Edition

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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux was initially teased in January 2017 as Shin Megami Tensei: 3DS Project (alongside Shin Megami Tensei: HD Project, which would later be announced as Shin Megami Tensei V) for the Shin Megami Tensei 25th Anniversary event.[2]

On March 26, 2017 during the Atlus Announcement 2017 (Spring) live stream, the project was officially announced as Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey.[3]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 真・女神転生 DEEP STRANGE JOURNEY True Goddess Reincarnation: Deep Strange Journey



  1. "As announced previously, sales of software and DLC for the Nintendo 3DS family and Wii U via Nintendo eShop will end at 5:00 PM Pacific Time on Monday, March 27, 2023." Nintendo Support: Wii U & Nintendo 3DS eShop Discontinuation. Retrieved July 14, 2023.
  2. New Shin Megami Tensei 3DS Game Teased, Switch Game Labeled 'HD Project'. Published January 13, 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2024.
  3. Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey Announced. Published March 26, 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2024.

External Links