Satan is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.
Satan is a figure in all three major Abrahamic religions. The term "Satan" comes from the Hebrew word meaning "opposer" or "adversary."[a][1] In the earliest section of the Hebrew Bible, the term was a generic noun used to refer to human adversaries, for example in the Book of Samuel, the Philistines refer to King David as a satan.[2] A figure known as Ha-Satan ("the satan")[b] later appears in the Book of Job and the Book of Zechariah as the title of a heavenly prosecutor or accuser and as an agent of God. Possibly due to the influence of the Zoroastrian figure of evil, Angra Mainyu, the idea of Satan changed into an enemy of God.
In Judaism, Satan is seen as a representation of the sinful impulse of man, the yetzer hara,[c] not as a literal being. At the same time however Satan is shown to also be depicted as a divine being, often times an angel. In the Exodus Rabbah, Satan is seen as an angel of death called Sama’el, one of the names commonly used in Kabbalistic texts to refer to Satan. Belial, the angel of lawlessness, is identified as Satan in the Ascension of Isaiah. In the apocryphal Book of Jubilees, the angel Mastema takes on a role similar to that of a Satan.
In Christianity, Satan, also called the Devil[d] (meaning "slanderer," which originates as a Greek translation of the word Satan in the Septuagint), is a fallen angel who disobeyed God and tempts humanity to sin. Satan is identified with the serpent in the Garden of Eden who tempted Eve to sin,[3][e] which, under the doctrines of original sin and ancestral sin, is the reason why people sin. In the Book of Revelation, Satan is depicted as a great fiery red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, wearing seven diadems; additionally, Revelation says that, in the end times, Satan will himself be cast down into hell.[4] The Christian version of Satan is occasionally called Lucifer, which comes from an interpretation of Isaiah 14:12.[5]
In Islam, an Arabic cognate of the term Satan (Shaytan) is used to describe demons in general, but Iblis can be called ash-Shaytan ("the Shaytan"). Iblis is a jinnī who disobeyed God's order to bow down before Adam. Like the Christian Satan, Iblis tempts mankind to sin.
Satan's design in Shin Megami Tensei II has six arms, six wings, six breasts, and six fingers on each hand; the former three are a reference to 666, the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation.[6][page needed]
In Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, Satan's design draws upon Satan's description as the great red dragon in the Book of Revelation. The hands and legs are a reference to his imprisonment in hell.[7][page needed]
- For complete gameplay information, see Gameplay:Satan.
Compendium Entries | |
Shin Megami Tensei II(A-Mode DDS) | 神霊: サタン 出身地: イスラエル 名が「敵対者」という意味の天使。元来は天使達の中にあり、人間を試 すために遣わされ、罪を犯した者を 主に報告し告発する役割を持ってい た。キリスト教から派生した天使学では 熾天使の長の首位であったものが、 己の怠慢により天から堕とされたと されている。エデンの園で、イヴを唆して知恵の 実を食べるように勧めた蛇であると される。「古き蛇」と呼ばれるのは このためである。サタンは、起源をエジプトの邪神セ トに求めている。 セトもまた、蛇に変身し、主神達に 立ち向かった。また、元来階級の低かったサタンの 名は、セトの犬という意味の「セト ・アン」から来ているとも言われる。 |
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse | The prince of darkness in Judeo-Christian lore, known for his role as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve at Eden. It is also said he is sent by God to test man's piety. |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance | A Judeo-Christian angel of darkness with a name that means "adversary."
Also known as the evil serpent that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In the Book of Job, he is depicted as a servant of God who tests Job, a man of faith, and is said to be the accuser angel sent from the heavens to judge mankind. |
Persona 2: Innocent Sin | King of all demons in Christianity. Also known as Lucifer. |
Persona 3 Reload | The prince of darkness in Judeo-Christian lore, known for his role as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve at Eden. It is also said that he is sent by God to test man's piety. |
Persona 4 | The prince of darkness in Judeo-Christian lore, known for his role as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve at Eden. It is also said he is sent by God to test man's piety. |
Persona 5 | The Judeo-Christian prince of darkness, he is known for his role as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve in Eden. It is also said that he was sent by God to test man's piety. |
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth | The prince of darkness in Judeo-Christian lore, known for his role as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve in Eden. It is also said he is sent by God to test man's piety. |
Devil Children Black Book and Red Book | 世界を大きな 闇の力で 破壊しようと たくらむ とても悪い天使Translation: A very evil angel who seeks to destroy the world with its mighty dark power. |
Devil Children White Book | セカイをおおきな ヤミのチカラで はかいしようと たくらむ とてもわるい テンシTranslation: A very evil angel who seeks to destroy the world with its mighty dark power. |
Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book | This epitome of evil uses its dark power to dominate or destroy all life forms. |
Devil Children Fire Book and Ice Book | 大きな闇の力で 世界を ハカイ しようとたくらむ とても 強く とても 悪い 神にさからう天使Translation: A very strong and evil God-defying angel who seeks to destroy the world with its mighty dark power. |
Devil Survivor 2 | His name means "opposer."
The prince of darkness in Judeo-Christian lore, known for his role as the snake that tempted Adam and Eve at Eden. It is also said he is sent by God to test man's piety. |
Game Appearances
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Shin Megami Tensei II
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Satan is the instrument of God's wrath that serves to judge all of humanity and demonkind, brought forth when Seth combines with his other half. According to Lucifer, when he awakens, everything will be destroyed, including the demons of the Makai. It is later revealed that Zayin is half of Satan, and merges with Seth to take on his true identity. On the Neutral and Chaos routes, he then casts Aleph out of Eden, and makes preparations to fire the Megiddo Ark. On the Law route, he instead joins Aleph's party.
Continuing on the Law route, to access Keter Castle, Satan forcibly rips open the doors to the castle and then journeys along with the others to Lucifer's room, where the two opposing entities have a brief argument before Lucifer attacks. Upon Lucifer's death, the Kuzuryu immediately awakens and starts to wreak havoc, forcing Satan to quickly teleport the party to the Ark and launch it out of orbit, saving it from destruction. With no one left to stop him, he uses the Ark's "Erase" function, which unleashes a massive wave of energy that cleanses the Earth of every living being on it. He and the party are then called to make an audience with YHVH in his realm, where despite congratulating him, Satan reveals that he still has one more person to judge, that being YHVH himself, and so the group engage him in battle. After YHVH's death, Satan proclaims Aleph as the true Messiah and Hiroko as the new holy mother and bids them farewell, crumbling into dust as a result of completing his mission.
On the Neutral and Chaos routes, Aleph infiltrates the Ark and confronts Satan, whose attitude towards Aleph changes depending on the route. If Aleph is Chaos, Satan is enraged with him and Lucifer and tells them to burn in hell for all eternity.
If Aleph is Neutral-aligned, Satan is a lot calmer and briefly assumes the appearance of his former self Zayin to explain why the situation escalated to this state: God had abandoned Tokyo Millennium. Despite their cries for a Messiah, God never sent one to humanity because it was never His intention to do so; He knew that so long as humanity held knowledge, they would continue to turn away from Him, and so when the archangels took matters into their own hands and started the Messiah Project, He gave the fifth and final member of the project, Zayin, the soul of Satan, so that he would judge and punish all who were not chosen to be part of the new world. He expresses sadness that he has to judge Aleph, wishing that he would have been able to live in the new world, but notes that it is far too late for him to change his mind, giving him a final goodbye before transforming back into Satan. Regardless of whether Aleph is Neutral or Chaos-aligned, with their goals in opposition, Satan transforms into his demonic form and demands that the party accept his judgment and die. As he is defeated and dying, however, he questions what the one who escapes even God's judgment will do next.
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
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At the end of YHVH's Universe, when the party comes across what they believe to be a dead end, the spirit of Walter and Jonathan appear to explain that Lucifer and Merkabah must become one to return to their true form. Upon fusing, they transform into Satan. Although he is technically a subordinate of YHVH, he explains that the defeat of YHVH to break free from His rule is simply the will of the universe. He then offers to guide the party to the throne of YHVH if they are able to defeat him.
Satan will join the party for the battle against YHVH in order to judge His worthiness as ruler, however Satan's role varies somewhat depending on which route has been chosen. On the Bonds route, Satan will split back in to Walter and Jonathan, who will form a party with Flynn and Isabeau. After defeating YHVH, the spirits of Walter and Jonathan will bid farewell to their fellow samurai and vanish.
On the Massacre route, Satan will remain himself and join Flynn in a separate party. Upon victory, Satan will disappear and return to the Axiom, explaining that he is but as aspect of YHVH, and thus cannot exist without Him.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
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In the Canon of Vengeance, after clearing the game once, the subquest "The Great Adversary" becomes available, where Mastema will explain that the Lord showed him a vision of another world, where a transcendent Lucifer was defeated by the Nahobino, and the freedom from the system that governed that world as a result. Mastema was able to receive a remnant of the other world's Lucifer as well as a remnant of the previously defeated Samael. By fusing the two essences with Mastema's own, he is able to summon Satan.
Satan invites the Nahobino to the primordial land, where he explains that despite freeing one world from the Mandala System, countless worlds still abide by it, and that the whole of the system remains fully intact. Despite this, Satan acknowledges that the possibility of breaking free from the system cannot be ignored, and challenges the protagonist on behalf of the system to measure his worth. Upon defeat, Satan will be satisfied by the Nahobino's show of strength and wonders how he may affect the system in the future. He then advises him to walk the path of the Godborn.
Majin Tensei
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Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
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Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2
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Satan's solar data appears as a boss in the 6th layer of the The Sun, only accessible on hard mode and after defeating Seth. When entering his room, Satan will introduce himself as the judge below God and say that Seraph has chosen to retaliate, just as a certain man did, and attacks them so they recieve God's eternal punishment of damnation.
Once defeated, his solar data will disperse and he will wonder where the one who avoids God's justice will go next.
- Datamines suggest Satan was originally meant to appear in Shin Megami Tensei V before being scrapped.[8]
- Satan's reasoning for his actions in the Law route in Aeon Genesis's English translation patch of Shin Megami Tensei II are not part of the original script; it was added in by Aeon Genesis in an attempt to clarify his reasoning.[9]
Language | Name | Meaning |
![]() |
サタン Satan | Satan |
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撒旦 Sādàn | Satan |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
撒旦 Sādàn | Satan |
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Satan | Satan |
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Satan | Satan |
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Satana | Satan |
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사탄 Satan | Satan |
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Szatan | Satan |
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Satã | Satan |
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Сатана Satana | Satan |
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Satán | Satan |
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Şeytan | Satan; shaitan |
Concept art 1 by Masayuki Doi for Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Concept art 2 by Masayuki Doi for Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Dust jacket artwork for Megami Tensei Jūnenshi, titled "Apocrypha"
Cover artwork of Kazuma Kaneko Works II, featuring Satan amongst other demons, titled "Advent"
Render from Soul Hackers 2
Render for Persona 5
Render from Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Model from Persona 4 Golden
Sprite from Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Animated sprite from Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Sprite from Kyūyaku Megami Tensei
Animated sprite from Kyūyaku Megami Tensei
Sprite of humanoid form from Shin Megami Tensei II (PlayStation)
Sprite from Shin Megami Tensei II (PlayStation)
Animated sprite from Shin Megami Tensei II (PlayStation)
Sprite from Majin Tensei
Dialogue portrait sprite from Majin Tensei
Sprite during cutscenes in Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
Sprite in Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
Sprite from Devil Survivor 2
Sprite from Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
Satan using Megido Ark in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
- ↑ Hebrew: שָׂטָן, romanized śāṭān
- ↑ Hebrew: הַשָּׂטָן, romanized haśśāṭān
- ↑ Hebrew: יֵצֶר הַרַע, romanized yēṣer haraʿ
- ↑ Greek: διάβολος, romanized diábolos
- ↑ While the most common Christian interpretation of this verse is that the ancient serpent mentioned is the one from the Garden of Eden, biblical scholars have come up with other possibilities, such as alluding to Leviathan.
- ↑ Do Jews Believe in Satan? | My Jewish Learning. Retrieved December 2, 2023. My Jewish Learning.
- ↑ 1 Samuel 29:4. Retrieved April 14, 2024. Bible Gateway.
- ↑ Revelation 12:9. Retrieved October 31, 2024. Bible Gateway.
- ↑ Revelation 20:10. Retrieved October 31, 2024. Bible Gateway.
- ↑ Isaiah 14:12. Retrieved October 31, 2024. Bible Gateway.
- ↑ Translation: "Kaneko: That is entirely true, but I chose to design a Satan that stood out in particular. That is why I polished the design this time, but I think I can do something more with it next time. But I was pretty particular about the number six: 6 wings, 6 breasts and 6 arms. (laughs)" Shin Megami Tensei Fanbook: Jakyō-no-Yakata Club (1995), Famitsu Editorial Department. Published by Aspect. Translation by dijeh. ISBN-13: 978-4-89366-358-0.
- ↑ Translation: "I’ve been thinking for a long time that I’d like to see a demon illustration of Satan as the red dragon described by John in the Book of Revelation. I never thought I’d actually be the one to draw him, but this was a good opportunity, so I took it as a challenge. I didn’t want him to be mistaken for the Beast of the Harlot, so I only used the description of its head and emphasised the rest as a demon design. The details on his hands and legs are vestiges of his imprisonment in Hell. To me, this design is my biggest wish fulfilled." Shin Megami Tensei IV Final Kōshiki Settei Shiryōshū + Shinwa Sekai e no Tabi (2016). Translation by Dijeh. ISBN-13: 978-4-7580-1495-3.
- ↑ Faz on X: "SMT V Unused DLC/Demon mentions DLC: Satan Krishna Dagda Maitreya (found by @regularpanties) Demons: Ardha Astarte Shesha" / X. Published November 26, 2021. Retrieved March 13, 2024. Twitter.
- ↑ "サタン:……神よ 私の裁きは 未だ 終わっておりません 最後に 裁かれる者は…… 唯一にして 最高の神 我が創造主 Y H V H Satan: ...God, my judgment is not yet finished. The last one to be judged is.... The one and only supreme God, my Creator, YHVH. Satan: “...O Lord, my judgement is not yet complete. There is one more not amongst the chosen that must be judged… One that has committed the grave sin of genocide… Yes, Lord, the one I must now judge… the one, highest god, my creator… You, YHVH!”" [1]. Published September 19, 2014. Retrieved May 13, 2024. Tumblr.
- Pages needing page number citations
- Pages with section stubs
- Demons in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
- Demons in Shin Megami Tensei II
- Demons in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
- Demons in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
- Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
- Demons in Majin Tensei (Game)
- Demons in Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
- Demons in Soul Hackers 2
- Personas in Persona 3 FES
- Personas in Persona 3 Portable
- Personas in Persona 3 Reload
- Personas in Persona 4
- Personas in Persona 4 Golden
- Personas in Persona 5
- Personas in Persona 5 Royal
- Personas in Persona 5 Tactica
- Personas in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
- Personas in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
- Demons in Devil Children Black Book and Red Book
- Demons in Devil Children White Book
- Demons in Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book
- Demons in Devil Children Fire Book and Ice Book
- Demons in Devil Survivor 2
- Demons in Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
- Demons in Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card: Card Summoner