Gallery:Devil Survivor
This is a gallery of artwork, graphics, and screenshots from Devil Survivor.
North American cover
Early North American cover
Japanese cover
North American logo
Key Artwork
Artwork used for the cover Megami Ibunroku Devil Survivor Official Perfect Guide
Artwork of the Protagonist for a Medialand telephone card
Artwork of Yoshino Harusawa for a Medialand telephone card
Artwork of Midori Komaki for a Medialand telephone card
Artwork of Tokyo
Main visual of Tokyo
Concept Artwork
Remiel in Amane's body
Kresnik in Mari's body
Shomonkai Believer (Female)
Shomonkai Believer (Male)
Convenience Store Owner
Middle-aged Lady
Battle Sprites
Remiel in Amane's body
Shomonkai Believer (Female)
Shomonkai Believer (Male)
Female Office Worker (Green)
Female Office Worker (Blue)
Female Office Worker (Yellow)
Office Worker (Gray)
Office Worker (Brown)
Office Worker (Green)
Yakuza (White)
Yakuza (Black)
Punk (Blue)
Punk (Green)
Punk (Pink)
Map Sprites
Remiel in Amane Kuzuryu's body
Animated sprite of Midori doing a spin
Misaki Izuna with a gun
Shomonkai Believer (Female)
Shomonkai Believer (Male)
Female Office Worker (Green)
Female Office Worker (Blue)
Female Office Worker (Yellow)
Office Worker (Gray)
Office Worker (Brown)
Office Worker (Green)
Yakuza (White)
Yakuza (Black)
Punk (Blue)
Punk (Green)
Punk (Pink)
Babel's Cylinder of God form
Babel's Child form
Babel's Man form
Babel's Woman form
Babel's Old form
Babel's Cylinder of Darkness form
Battle Sprites
Map Sprites
Animated map sprite of Kazfiel
Animated map sprite of Kazfiel
Animated map sprite of Lucifer
Animated map sprite of Jezebel
Map of Tokyo
Textless top screen of the title screen
Textless bottom screen of the title screen, without the protagonist sprite
User Interface
Icon used for the Phys element
Icon used for the Fire element
Icon used for the Ice element
Icon used for the Elec element
Icon used for the Force element
Icon used for the Mystic element
Icon used for the Almighty element
Icon used for some Passive skills
Icon used for Healing skills
Icon used for Support skills
Icon used for the Seal ailment
Icon used for the Stone ailment
Icon used for the Paralyze ailment
Icon used for the Poison ailment
Icon used for Dead characters
Icon used for the Cursed ailment
Icon used for the Shock ailment
Icon used for the Freeze ailment
Icon used when Guarding
Icon used for Summoning
Icon used for Command Skills
Icon used for Passive Skills
Icon used for Racial Skills
Title screen