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Basilisk is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.


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In Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II, Basilisk is a recolor of the sprite used by Jabberwock.


For complete gameplay information, see Gameplay:Basilisk.


Compendium Entries
Shin Megami Tensei
(A-Mode DDS)
Origin: Libya
A crowned snake known as the king of snakes. Organisms that look upon it will be turned to stone. It's said its breath is poisonous, and it can turn the area near it into a desert. It appears as a rooster or chicken with a comb, feathers or scales, and a snake's tail.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey A dark dragon from Northern Africa marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "little king" and is reputed to be the king of snakes. Both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they will instantly kill animals and humans.
Shin Megami Tensei IV A dark dragon from Northern Africa marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "king of snakes." Both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they will instantly kill animals and humans.
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse A dark dragon from Northern Africa marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "king of snakes." Both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they will instantly kill animals and humans.
Shin Megami Tensei V A dark dragon from Northern Africa marked by wings and a crested crown.

Its name means "king of snakes," and both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they instantly kill any human or animal unfortunate enough to be subjected to them.

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine ヨーロッパに伝わる怪物。

名前はギリシア語で「小さな王」を意味する。 冠のようなトサカと毒を持つと言われる。 また蛇の王であり、見た者を死に至らしめる力を持つ。



Translation: A monster from European tradition. Its name means "little king" in Greek. It is said to have a crown-like crest and poison. It is also the king of snakes and has the power to kill anyone who sees it. It is said that anyone who pierces the basilisk with his spear will be poisoned and die. Some believe that the cobra is the basilisk. Since the Middle Ages, basilisks have been equated with cockatrice.
Soul Hackers 2 A dark dragon from Northern Africa, marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "king of snakes," and both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they will instantly kill any human or animal unfortunate enough to be subjected to them.
Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon A dark dragon from Northern Africa marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "king of snakes,"

Both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they instantly kill animals and humans.

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth A dark dragon from Northern Africa, marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "king of snakes." Both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they instantly kill animals and humans.
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth A dark dragon from Northern Africa, marked by wings and a crested crown. Its name means "king of snakes." Both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they instantly kill animals and humans.
Devil Survivor: Overclocked A dark dragon from Northern Africa, whose name means "king of snakes."

Since tales about it have been told for ages, there are various versions of it, but they are marked by their wings and crested crown. Its breath and gaze are so toxic that they will instantly kill any being.

Devil Survivor 2 A dark dragon from Northern Africa, whose name means "king of snakes."

Since tales about it have been told for ages, there are various versions of it, but they are marked by their wings and crested crown. Its breath and gaze are so toxic that they will instantly kill any being.

Game Appearances

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Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II

Shin Megami Tensei II

Basilisk appears in Holytown, spewing poisonous breath throughout the area, so Aleph and Beth are charged with defeating it. While exploring, the demon will repeatedly appear, running away and occasionally poisoning Aleph and his party. Eventually, it will stop and fight, leading to its defeat.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese バジリスク Bajirisuku Basilisk
Spanish Basilisco Basilisk



Basilisk's Daily Demon Showcase for Shin Megami Tensei V
Basilisk's Daily Demon Future Prediction with Ringo for Soul Hackers 2