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Jerusalem is a location in Last Bible Special.


Jerusalem is the fourth dungeon, as well as potentially the last depending on the ending that has been chosen. The dungeon features a variety of unique mechanics, traps, and characters who appear within its walls.

Notable features include a strange object with a face carved into it, which will produce a variety of effects such as harming Mattel, opening a locked door, granting macca, or inflicting paralysis depending on which section lights up. There is a scale that blocks passage unless the party is deemed worthy through having a stat total greater than the value of all stats divided by the number of active members; the number must be at least 101 or higher. Strange mirrors also appear sporadically with random effects when peered into, including full recovery, instant death, and battling against a series of identical copies of the party member who gazed into the mirror. A torn banner can also be found, presumably featuring the symbol of Jerusalem before its abandonment. Later on, there will be doors that instantly transport the party to another space on the floor, with one of these doors being identified as the Door of Monad, which leads the way to Gryas's chambers.

During the dungeon, Mattel can find a Golden Crown which opens special chests which have randomized content. There are also a set of beggars who will ask for macca. In exchange, they may give Mattel a Light Coin, though some will simply take the macca and run. The Light Coins can be used to open treasure chests which will eventually lead to the Eternal Lamp. Rubedo appears nearby sleeping, but will awaken when approached and send the party backwards. Using the Eternity Lamp will drive it off and allow passage, revealing the World Key which can be used to open a door later.

While exploring, Mattel will meet with a series of strange figures, such as Fiat,[a] Bereth,[b] and Trismegi.[c] Fiat will trade Light Coins for the Lucky Ring, while Bereth will take the ring and give him a Book of Corpus. There is also a wandering pilgrim. The pilgrim will trade items to Mattel in exchange for specific items, including the second book, the Book of Anima. The final book, the Book of Pneuma, can be found in a treasure chest. When the three books are collected, Trismegi takes them and uses them to create a Book of Prophecy. Near Trismegi is also one of his disciples, an ardent follower of his teachings who considers him a wise man. There is also a store near Gryas's chambers ran by a man named Pharma[d] who will sell Mattel the key to the Door of Monad, the Face of Monad. The store is closed at all times except during a full moon.



Pharma's Shop
Stock Cost
Gold Bracelet
Evil Bracelet
Angel Mask
Earth Helm
Wikki Mask
White Sash
Face of Monad
Demon Axe
Moon Rod
Photon Armor
Night Suit
Photon Shield


Item Location
Alpha Mail
Treasure chest in 6F.
Azoth Sword
Treasure chest in 8F.
Book of Anima
Given by a pilgrim after trading some items to him.
Book of Corpus
Traded by Bereth in exchange for a Lucky Ring.
Book of Pneuma
Treasure chest in 10F.
Demon Bow
Treasure chest in 4F.
Eternal Lamp
Found in a treasure chest opened using a Light Coin.
Face of Monad
Purchased at Pharma's Shop.
Golden Crown
Treasure chest in 4F.
Light Coin
Obtained from a Beggar by giving Macca.
Lucky Ring
Traded by Fiat in exchange for three Light Coins.
Moon Ring
Obtained from Gryas if Mattel joins him.
World Key
Found after using the Eternal Lamp to drive off Rubedo.

Game Appearances

Last Bible Special

Prior to the events of the game, Jerusalem was said to be the site where the humans of the present day descended to the planet under the guidance of the goddess, and was the holy land for those who worshiped her.[1] However, those people would eventually lose faith entirely, and the goddess would be considered legend. However, Gryas would appear and seize control of Jerusalem, wielding an army of Beasts. The head priest of Constance would then send Mattel to Jerusalem to free it from Gryas's control.

Upon entering, Mattel will go through a series of difficult trials, such as encounters with Rubedo, until he is finally met with the Door of Monad, which leads to Gryas. Passing through the Door, Mattel prepares to fight, only to learn that Paragon is using him as a pawn to destroy the Beasts for his own gain. Faced with this information, Mattel can either continue to fight Gryas, or betray him and join Gryas in his crusade. If Mattel chooses not to listen, he will fight and defeat Gryas, who will swear to reincarnate one day to right the wrongs Paragon created. However, if Mattel does agree to join Gryas, he will gain the Moon Ring and begin his journey back to Constance Cathedral to fight his former leader.


  • The first twelve floors of Jerusalem are each shaped like one of the twelve symbols of the zodiac, while the thirteenth floor uses a modified symbol of Mercury.
  • If the player examines Rubedo while facing east or west before obtaining the Eternal Lamp, they will be sent outside of the map, where they can find stairs that cause the game to crash.
  • Unused text in the game suggests that the beggars were initially intended to have a chance of revealing themselves to be a Saint and joining the party after witnessing Mattel's purity of heart.


Jerusalem is based on the city of the same name, which is considered to be a holy site for various Abrahamic religions. Trismegi is likely based on Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary figure and a syncretism of Hermes and Thoth who is said to have written the Hermetica, the foundational text of western alchemy.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese せいちエルサレム Seichi Erusaremu
聖地 SeichiGame Gear Micro
Holy Land Jerusalem
Holy Land



  1. Japanese: フィアトFiat, Hepburn: Fiato
  2. Japanese: ベレアトBereth, likely from ベレト Byleth, Hepburn: Bereato
  3. Japanese: トリスメギTrismegi, Hepburn: Torisumegi
  4. Japanese: ファーマPharma, Hepburn: Faama


  1. "はるかなる太古、「女神」に導かれ、この星に降り立った人類の子孫は、この地を「エルサレム(聖なる地)」と名付け、女神を祭る祭壇を築いた。" Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible Instruction Manual. 3.