Izanami (Persona 4)

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This article is about the Persona 4 character. For Japanese deity, see Izanami.
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The contents of this article cover major plot and/or character spoilers. Reader discretion is advised.

Izanami is a character in the Persona series.


Izanami takes her name from one of Japan's creation gods. She is not a Shadow but something similar to an embodiment of culture shared between people in a specific region.[1] Izanami can exert her power over the entire area of Inaba.[1] She disguises herself as the Moel Gas Station Attendant and, using her powers, kicks off the events of Persona 4 by giving three outsiders the ability to enter the TV World and spreading a rumor about the Midnight Channel.[2][3][4] In doing so, she hopes to stir something in the insular mountain town,[5] and test humans' desire for the truth after witnessing their inability to think critically.[6]

For Izanami's design, Shigenori Soejima made her boss forms based on the story of Izanagi and Izanami, and how one must look for the truth. Thus, the first form hides the second form, and it's not really a "transformation" like with other final bosses, but more like something being revealed.[7]


Persona 4

Name Level HP SP
Izanami 90 3500
Location Yomotsu Hirasaka: Path 9
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

— (%)

Element Resistances
NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Megidolaon 60 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
God's Judgement Light: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Foolish Whisper 12 SP Silences all foes.
Stagnant Air 5 SP Increases chances of all status ailments for all foes and allies (temporary)
Maragidyne 22 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Mabufudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec dmg to all foes.
Magarudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Poison Mist 12 SP Poisons all foes.
Dekunda 10 SP Nullifies stat penalties on party.
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
Hamaon 15 SP Light: medium chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Ziodyne 12 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Mind Charge 29 SP More than doubles magic damage dealt next turn.

Name Level HP SP
Izanami-no-Okami 90 8000
Location Yomotsu Hirasaka: Path 9
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

— (%)

Element Resistances
DrDrain NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Kuro Ikazuchi
Mind Charge 29 SP More than doubles magic damage dealt next turn.
Marakunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Defense for 3 turns.
Masukunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
Galgalim Eyes Reduces 1 foe's HP to 1 and has a chance of Enervation.
Summons to Yomi
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec dmg to all foes.
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
Dekunda 10 SP Nullifies stat penalties on party.
Agneyastra 24% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x.
Power Charge 29 SP More than doubles Physical damage dealt next turn.
World's End Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes, inflicts Enervation.
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Debilitate 30 SP Decreases Attack, Defense, and Hit/Evasion rate (1 foe).
Stagnant Air 5 SP Increases chances of all status ailments for all foes and allies (temporary)
Thousand Curses Instantly kills one foe without dealing damage.
Fury of Yasogami Izanami's normal attack.
Oho Ikazuchi

Persona 4 Golden

Name Level HP SP
Izanami 90 3500
Location Yomotsu Hirasaka: Path 9
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

— (%)

Element Resistances
NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Megidolaon 38 SP Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
God's Judgement 48 SP Light: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Foolish Whisper 12 SP Silences all foes.
Stagnant Air 5 SP Increases chances of all status ailments for all allies and foes (temporary)
Poison Mist 12 SP Poisons all foes.
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Maragidyne 22 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Mabufudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 12 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to all foes.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Magarudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Dekunda 10 SP Nullifies stat penalties on party.
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
Hamaon 15 SP Light: medium chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
Mind Charge 15 SP More than doubles damage of next magic attack.

Name Level HP SP
Izanami-no-Okami 90 8000
Location Yomotsu Hirasaka: Path 9
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

— (%)

Element Resistances
DrDrain NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Kuro Ikazuchi Deals moderate Almighty damage to all foes.
Mind Charge 15 SP More than doubles damage of next magic attack.
Marakunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Defense for 3 turns.
Masukunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
Galgalim Eyes 28 SP Reduces 1 foe's HP to 1 and has a chance of Enervation.
Summons to Yomi Instantly kills all foes inflicted with status ailments. (100% chance)
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to all foes.
Dekunda 10 SP Nullifies stat penalties on party.
Demonic Judgement 54 SP Darkness: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Agneyastra 24% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x.
Power Charge 15 SP More than doubles damage of next physical attack.
World's End Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes, inflicts Enervation.
Debilitate 30 SP Decreases Attack, Defense, and Hit/Evasion rate (1 foe).
Stagnant Air 5 SP Increases chances of all status ailments for all allies and foes (temporary)
Thousand Curses Instantly kills one foe without dealing damage.
Fury of Yasogami Izanami's normal attack.
Oho Ikazuchi Inflicts 999 points of Almighty damage. (scripted)

Game Appearances

Persona 4

On March 20th, when the protagonist exits the Velvet Room, it begins raining in the Central Shopping District and he sees the Moel Gas Station Attendant. The protagonist questions the attendant about Namatame and Adachi before asking if they were responsible for giving him the power to enter the TV. The attendant begins laughing and admits that, as suspected, they gave the three powers.

When the protagonist first came to Inaba, the attendant shook his hand and gave his power a jump start of sorts. The attendant also did this for Namatame and Adachi, thinking these three outsiders would be able to shake things up in Inaba. The past year's events exceeded the attendant's expectations, and they question why the protagonist sought them out. The protagonist replies that he is pursuing the truth, and the attendant calls this foolish.

Suddenly, it gets foggy in the shopping district, and the attendant reveals her true identity as Izanami. The last being they fought, Ameno-sagiri, was only a temporary form she created. But the protagonist's power is too great for her to ignore as he now stands and challenges Izanami. She agrees to fight him for real this time and says she will wait for him in a certain place.

After discussing what they learned so far, the Investigation Team enters the TV World once more and go to Yomotsu Hirasaka where Izanami awaits them. As they make their way through, they hear Izanami talk to them. She reminds the protagonist that he saw this place during his dreams on his first night in Inaba, and she attributes it to her giving him a jump start with the handshake.

On another floor, Izanami speaks of the Namatame, Adachi, and the protagonist. She picked three people who embodied the qualities of despair, emptiness, and hope. One was ignorant of the truth and didn't awaken his power; another knew the truth but turned his back on it resulting in magatsu corrupting his power; and the third continues to search for the truth. She chose the three of them and gave them powers to understand what humanity wanted. Through the past year's events, Izanami learned that humanity does not value the truth, and she wanted to grant their desires by leaking the fog into the real world.

Seeing herself as one who fights to fulfill the desires of humanity, Izanami fights the Investigation Team. She appears as a figure in a large white robe. At first, they are unable to really attack her. The protagonist uses the Orb of Sight, unveiling Izanami's true form as a corpse-like being. She eliminates each member of the protagonist's party one by one with the Thousand Curses before getting the protagonist himself. For reasons beyond Izanami's comprehension, the protagonist stands back up and is no longer affected by Izanami's powers. He summons Izanagi-no-Okami and uses the Myriad Truths to defeat her for good. Izanami does not understand how she was defeated when she embodied the desires of humanity. Regardless, she wishes the group well as she vanishes.

Persona 4 Golden

In Golden, Izanami's background is changed. Izanami (Izanami-no-Okami), Ameno-sagiri, Kunino-sagiri, and Marie (Kusumi-no-Okami) all used to be one being named Izanami-no-Mikoto who was in charge of protecting people and granting their wishes, even if it led to destruction.[1] But humanity's desires went out of control over time, and the part of her that grants desires became so powerful that it split off into its own being named Izanami-no-Okami, while the part of her that protects people was left as a weaker being named Kusumi-no-Okami. Furthermore, Kusumi lost her memories, resulting in the amnesiac Marie who was used to spy on humans and determine what their desires are.

In February, Marie recalls that after the protagonist defeated Ame, she heard a voice similar to her own that said something about humans not wanting the truth and how they wished to live in the fog. This voice was presumably Izanami's. When the protagonist confronts Izanami on March 20th, if he has done Marie's Social Link, then will Izanami now remark on how much trouble the protagonist is for defeating both of the Sagiri, which she put into Adachi and Namatame, and saving Marie. Izanami mocks Marie for having kept the Old Bamboo Comb this whole time as it was a curse, and a sign of their separation. After the Investigation Team defeats Izanami, Ame, and Kuni, the three start to merge back into Marie, and she becomes whole again over time.

Anime Appearances

Persona 4 The Animation

Persona 4 The Animation: The Factor of Hope

Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Manga Appearances

Persona 4

Stage Play Appearances

Visualive Persona 4

Visualive Persona 4: The Evolution


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese イザナミ Izanami Izanami
伊邪那美大神 Izanami (no) ōkami Izanami-no-Okami


Game Appearances

Persona 4

Persona 4 Golden

Anime Appearances

Manga Appearances

Stage Play Appearances


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Special Investigation Files", Persona 4 Golden Premium Fan Book. p. 231.
  2. "Namatame: Then one day, the rumor I heard some time ago came back to me. Since I had nothing better to do, I sat down blankly in front of the TV and watched my own reflection..." '.
  3. "Adachi: There's still this feeling I can't shake... It's about how it all started... about that Midnight Channel. Now I remember... Someone told me about it when I first came to town... before I heard the rumors at the station. And I was intrigued when I noticed that something similar was written on Namatame's reports as well. But... I can't remember who it was that told me. Since Namatame and I both gained our power after coming to Inaba... I have a feeling that has something to do with it." Persona 4.
  4. "Naoto: The rumors about the Midnight Channel... It may be that this "Izanami" was the one who originally spread them... Neither Ameno-sagiri nor the Shadows have taken a single step outside the other world. Simply put, the only one who could have spread the rumor was someone who had come from there...
    Yosuke: The more it got passed around, the more extra junk got added to it… Like one big game of Telephone. That's where all the "you have to watch it alone" and "the one who appears is your soulmate" stuff came from." Persona 4.
  5. "Attendant: I did the same for a few other outsiders like you. A handful of strangers were more than sufficient to stimulate a small place like this. But it seems the stimulus was stronger than I imagined-enough to envelop this town with fog, and later lift it..." Persona 4.
  6. "Hashino: Izanami sees that humanity has stopped thinking critically for themselves and has surrendered to whatever they hear, and she thinks, "These unthinking people might as well be dead, so I will grant their wish. If I'm wrong, prove it to me." Then, when she happens to encounter certain humans that appear interesting to her, she bestows on them the power to change their reality, and that is how it all begins. But the protagonists are far stronger than she had thought, and though she had planned to merely be a spectator, they strike back in a way she hadn't expected. (laughs)" Persona 4 – 2008 Developer Interview. Retrieved December 30, 2024. Shmuplations.
  7. "Chapter 3: Shadows", Persona 4 Official Design Works. p. 168-169.