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Ameno-sagiri is a character in the Persona series.



Ameno-sagiri is named after Ame no Sagiri no Kami, one of the various deities created by Izanagi and Izanami in the Kojiki. Its name means the fog from the skies or heavens, and its counterpart is its sibling Kuni no Sagiri no Kami whose name means the fog from the land or country. Some believe that the skies and land parts of their names are only titles to contrast the two, while others believe they refer to certain places.[1]


On Ameno-sagiri's design, Shigenori Soejima mentions he used an eyeball design since its purpose is to watch over humans.[2]


Persona 4

Ameno-sagiri is fought as a boss in Magatsu Inaba.

Name Level HP SP
Ameno-sagiri 75 8000
Location Magatsu Inaba: Area 3
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

28729 3000 — (%)

Element Resistances
NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Nebula Oculus Heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
Quake Deals Almighty damage to all foes with a chance of Dizzying.
Bewildering Fog Nullifies all attacks until the Fog is lowered
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
Dekunda 10 SP Nullifies stat penalties on party.
Matarunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Attack for 3 turns.
Marakunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Defense for 3 turns.
Masukunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
God's Judgement Light: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Mind Charge 29 SP More than doubles magic damage dealt next turn.
Megidola 32 SP Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Maragidyne 22 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Mabufudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 12 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec dmg to all foes.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Magarudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Foolish Whisper 12 SP Silences all foes.
Agneyastra 24% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x.
Tarukaja 12 SP Increases 1 ally's Attack for 3 turns.
Sukukaja 12 SP Increases 1 ally's Hit/Evasion rate for 3 turns.

Persona 4 Golden

Ameno-sagiri is fought as a boss in Magatsu Inaba.

Name Level HP SP
Ameno-sagiri 75 8000
Location Magatsu Inaba: Area 3
Arcana EXP Yen RERandom Encounter Drop

28729 10000 — (%)

Element Resistances
NulNull NulNull
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ailment Resistances
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Skill Cost Description
Nebula Oculus Heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
Quake Deals Almighty damage to all foes with a chance of Dizzying.
Bewildering Fog Nullifies all attacks until the Fog is lowered
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
Dekunda 10 SP Nullifies stat penalties on party.
Matarunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Attack for 3 turns.
Marakunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Defense for 3 turns.
Masukunda 24 SP Decreases all foes' Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
God's Judgement 48 SP Light: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Mind Charge 15 SP More than doubles damage of next magic attack.
Megidola 24 SP Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
Maragidyne 22 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Bufudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
Mabufudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 12 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
Maziodyne 22 SP Deals heavy Elec damage to all foes.
Garudyne 12 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
Magarudyne 22 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Foolish Whisper 12 SP Silences all foes.
Agneyastra 24% HP Deals heavy Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x.
Tarukaja 12 SP Increases 1 ally's Attack for 3 turns.
Sukukaja 12 SP Increases 1 ally's Hit/Evasion rate for 3 turns.
Galgalim Eyes 28 SP Reduces 1 foe's HP to 1 and has a chance of Enervation.

Game Appearances

Persona 4

After defeating Tohru Adachi in his boss battle, a being called Ameno-sagiri takes over Adachi's body. It introduces itself as the one who fulfills mankind's desires and ruler of the fog. Having seen that mankind has given up on the truth, it began expanding the TV World to swallow reality in order to fulfill desires of humanity and allowing them all to become Shadows. This came about specifically due to Adachi, who wished for the world to be swallowed by the TV World due to him being discovered as the murderer.[3]

The Investigation Team fights back, saying that humans do not want that and that they will use their powers to defeat it instead. Ame reveals that it has been watching the Investigation Team and is the one who allowed them to receive those powers in the first place. The group being able to tame their Shadows and use them as power was unexpected, and it expresses curiosity in mankind's ability to do this. Behind the scenes, it was also responsible for Teddie having his own Shadow.[4] Ame takes on the form of a gigantic eyeball and fights the Investigation Team to test them. After being defeated, Ame recognizes the potential of the human heart that gave birth to the team's Personas and removes the fog from Inaba. But as it carries out mankind's desires, it mentions it can return should mankind ever want it to.

When confronting Izanami, she identifies Ame as an aspect of herself.[5] The protagonist realizes that he and his friends must defeat Izanami, else Ame really will return one day.[6]

Persona 4 Golden

If the player completes Marie's Social Link and pursues the true ending, then Kuni and Ame's identities are both revealed as facets of Izanami[7] with Ame being one that she hid within Adachi.[8]

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

Though Ameno-sagiri does not directly appear, it is revealed that months after Persona 4, Adachi has residual power from Ame within him which Sho Minazuki plans to weaponize against Hi-no-Kagutsuchi.[9]

Anime Appearances

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Persona 4 The Animation

Persona 4 The Animation: The Factor of Hope

Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Manga Appearances

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Persona 4

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

Stage Play Appearances

Visualive Persona 4: The Evolution

After the Investigation Team defeats Adachi, Ameno-sagiri appears and identifies itself as the ruler of the fog. Shortly, the real world will be overrun with fog. Hayato declares that the fog will lift if they defeat it, and the Investigation Team prepares to fight Ame. It proves to be a powerful enemy and takes out the Investigation Team quickly, leaving only Teddie standing. Ame asks Teddie why he fights alongside these humans despite being a Shadow himself. The rest of the group is shocked to learn that Teddie is a Shadow. Teddie denies this but realizes that Ame is telling the truth and he remembers that he is a Shadow. Teddie tells everyone they are his important friends, and he wants to protect them, so he launches himself at Ame like a rocket and sacrifices himself to defeat it.

Appearances in Non-Megami Tensei Media

CR Persona 4 The Pachinko

One of the small jackpots for the pachinko game leads to "Fog in Reality" mode where Ameno-sagiri appears and overruns Inaba with fog. During this, the character portraits on the slot machine change to their Shadows, and a remixed version of "The Fog" that is unique to the pachinko game plays in the background.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese アメノサギリ Amenosagiri Katakana transliteration of 天之狭霧



  1. 天之狭霧神. Retrieved 2024. The Kojiki Center at Kokugakuin University. Database.
  2. "Chapter 3: Shadows", Persona 4 Official Design Works, Atlus. Published by Famitsu (2008). Japanese. p. 167. ISBN-13: 978-4757745087.
  3. "その真相を突き止められ、自称特別捜査隊に追い詰められた足立は自らテレビの中に入り、現実世界がマヨナカテレビに飲み込まれる終末を願望する。マリーが人世の望みを聞く者ならば、足立はその強すぎる自己中心的な願いの実現を望んだ者ともいえるだろう。" "Special Investigation Files", Persona 4 Golden Premium Fan Book, Compiled by the Persona Magazine Editorial Department. Published by ASCII Media Works (2012). Japanese. p. 230. ISBN-13: 978-4048868150.
  4. "Characters: Teddie", Persona 4 Golden Premium Fan Book. pg. 91.
  5. "Izanami: Ameno-sagiri, ruler of the fog, is merely an aspect of myself that I birthed long ago." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
  6. "If Izanami truly gave birth to Ameno-sagiri... Then as long as Izanami is left alone, the town will definitely fall into the fog again someday..." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
  7. "Marie: You just fought the "other me" that split from my personality. The two Sagiri, the other me, and the me that is speaking with you right now...They were all originally one within me. But...There was nothing I could have done, without my powers. If not for you, I would have disappeared along with the fog when the Hollow Forest vanished." Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
  8. "Izanami: Not only did you defeat the two Sagiri I snuck into Adachi and Namatame, but you even saved that stunted dwarf of a life." Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
  9. "Sho: Seems like the power left in you interferes with the thing I'm planning to absorb! I guess that "power beyond humanity" clashes with each other? But when that happens, that thing won't be at its full strength! So, if you think about it the other way around, using your power stops that thing from doing whatever it wants! And then I get to tame it!" Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.