Kunino-sagiri is named after Kuni no Sagiri no Kami, one of the various deities created by Izanagi and Izanami in the Kojiki. Its name means the fog from the land or country, and its counterpart is its sibling Ame no Sagiri no Kami whose name means the fog from the skies or heavens. Some believe that the skies and land parts of their names are only titles to contrast the two, while others believe they refer to certain places.[1]
On Kunino-sagiri's design, Shigenori Soejima says it represents Taro Namatame's belief that what he's doing is correct. The eyes look in different directions to show how Namatame is incapable of seeing what's really going on. Additionally, the antenna shows how he's getting a signal or orders from someone else.[2]
After cornering Taro Namatame on the top floor of Heaven, the Investigation Team rescues Nanako Dojima from him. Namatame demands they give her back. His desire to prevent more people from dying, and his misconception that he is the only one who can do so, creates a Shadow that fuses with Namatame.[3][4][5] This results in a being called Kunino-sagiri which attacks the Investigation Team. At the beginning of the encounter, Kuni tells the Investigation Team not to inferhere and that he will save Nanako. After the battle, Namatame returns to normal.
While traveling through the floors of Yomotsu Hirasaka, Izanami hints at Kunino-sagiri's nature by indirectly referring to Namatame as one who could not see the truth and could not awaken his power.[6]
If the player completes Marie's Social Link and pursues the true ending, then Kunino-sagiri's identity is instead said to be another facet of Izanami[7] that she hid within Namatame.[8]
The battle versus Kunino-sagiri in Heaven is one of the Almost Jackpot events. When the player gets this event, there is an animation of Namatame and Kunino-sagiri that is unique to the pachinko machine.
↑"Teddie: His powers are attracting more and more Shadows to him!" Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
↑"Rise: Look at him! He's merging with the Shadows...!" Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
↑"Izanami: One had not the eyes to see things as they were, and failed to awaken to his power..." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
↑"Marie: You just fought the "other me" that split from my personality. The two Sagiri, the other me, and the me that is speaking with you right now...They were all originally one within me. But...There was nothing I could have done, without my powers. If not for you, I would have disappeared along with the fog when the Hollow Forest vanished." Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
↑"Izanami: Not only did you defeat the two Sagiri I snuck into Adachi and Namatame, but you even saved that stunted dwarf of a life." Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
↑"しかし、戦闘直前の状況から考えるに、それはペルソナではなく、生田目と同じシャドウの暴走という可能性のほうが高い。" "Special Investigation Files", Persona 4 Golden Premium Fan Book, Compiled by the Persona Magazine Editorial Department. Published by ASCII Media Works (2012). Japanese. p. 230. ISBN-13: 978-4048868150.