Midnight Channel
The Midnight Channel is an urban legend in the city of Inaba. It comes up in the Persona series.
The Midnight Channel is an urban legend in Inaba of unknown origin. The legend goes that if you watch a TV by yourself on a rainy night, then you will see your soulmate.
Game Appearances
Persona 4
On April 13th, Chie Satonaka introduces the protagonist and Yosuke Hanamura to a rumor in Inaba about a TV program called the Midnight Channel. The rumor is that if you watch a powered down TV at midnight on a rainy night by yourself, then you'll see your soulmate on the so-called Midnight Channel.[1] As the protagonist and his friends quickly discover, there is a connection between the Midnight Channel, the TV World, and the recent murders in town. On rainy weather nights, the protagonist and his friends watch the Midnight Channel to see if anyone appears. After people appear in the regular news media, a blurry image of them will appear on the Midnight Channel. And once a person is fully inside the TV, their clear image will appear. The Investigation Team, which was formed to stop the murders, uses the Midnight Channel to guess who might get thrown into the TV next and check if they need to save a victim.
It is established that students from Yasogami High School watch the Midnight Channel,[2][3] and employees at Inaba Municipal Hospital are aware of it[4] as are the police[5] and reporters such as Mayumi Yamano.[6] From the students' first hand accounts, it is suggested that part of what transpires inside the dungeons also airs on the Midnight Channel.[7] Outside of these incidents, it is unknown how widespread the rumor is in Inaba, who else might watch it, and what airs on it. Functionally, the Midnight Channel also acts as a conduit into the TV World: As people in Inaba hear about the rumor and watch the Midnight Channel themselves, their thoughts affect what shows up on the Midnight Channel as well as things inside of the TV World. This includes but is not limited to: The studio-looking area,[8] Teddie's appearance,[9] the Shadows,[10] and the designs of the dungeons.[11][12] Additionally, an old man at Tatsuhime Shrine recalls something similar being around when he was younger, suggesting that something like the Midnight Channel might have existed before.[13]
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Throughout the game, the Investigation Team's understanding of the Midnight Channel changes as the plot progresses:
- On April 14th, it is established that rather than "your soulmate", everyone sees the same person with varying degrees of clarity.[14]
- On June 6th, the group realizes that everyone who appears on the Midnight Channel first appears in the regular TV news.[15]
- On July 26th, Teddie finally watches the Midnight Channel for the first time and identifies the clear image being broadcast when a victim is inside the TV is a result of their emotions.[16]
- Until November 5th, the Investigation Team believes that someone must physically appear in the news before they are on the Midnight Channel. This is disproven when Nanako Dojima's quote is read on the news, her identity circulates Inaba, and she appears on the Midnight Channel despite not appearing in the actual news.[17]
- On December 3rd, the Midnight Channel comes on the TV at the hospital while the Investigation Team confronts Taro Namatame, despite them not being alone and it not raining. A clear image of a yellow eyed Namatame appears and taunts the group.
- On December 4th, the Investigation Team interrogates Namatame and realizes the events of the past months are due to Namatame's misunderstanding of the Midnight Channel. After the incidents with Mayumi and Saki, Namatame thought the TV showed the person who was going to die. He used his job as a delivery man to kidnap the person he saw on TV and "protect" them by throwing them into a large TV in the back of his delivery truck. It is unstated if he ever noticed that people appeared on the news first. Meanwhile, the Investigation Team realized the person shown on the Midnight Channel was also the person who had appeared on the news lately. They thought they could prevent these people from being kidnapped, but they were unsuccessful and used their powers to rescue them from the TV.
After discovering the identity of the murderer and cornering him in the TV World, the Investigation Team starts to learn the truth about what the Midnight Channel really is. During Magatsu Inaba, Ameno-sagiri explains that it created the Midnight Channel to show people what they wanted to see. As Rise, Naoto, and Yukiko determine, people would appear on the Midnight Channel because they were on people's minds,[18] and the Namatame the group saw on December 3rd appeared because the whole group were convinced he was the killer.[19]
On March 20th, Tohru Adachi sends the protagonist a letter revealing that he heard of the Midnight Channel when he first came to town before he heard about it at the police station. He recalls reading something about that in Namatame's testimony as well. The protagonist figures out Izanami gave the three of them the ability to enter the TV World. Since Izanami has been posing as the Moel Gas Station Attendant, Naoto deduces that she must have spread the rumor of the Midnight Channel.[20] The team also rethinks their understanding of the Midnight Channel and realizes the urban legend as they first heard it was likely the result of the rumor spreading and changing over time.[21] Since they all saw the same people on the Midnight Channel, Naoto assumes that the clarity of the image varied from person to person, with Namatame having the most clarity due to him deluding himself about being able to save people.[22] When confronting Izanami, she confirms Naoto's deductions about being the one who created the Midnight Channel and spread the rumor. In Izanami's view, she only provided a tool, and everything that appeared on the Midnight Channel was due to humans and their desire to know more about the people who appeared in the media.
Persona 4 Arena
The Midnight Channel is shown playing an introduction video for the P-1 Grand Prix.
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
The Midnight Channel is shown playing an introduction video for the P-1 Climax.
Anime Appearances
Persona 4 The Animation
In The Animation, the Midnight Channel fulfills the same role as in the game. One of the ongoing gags in the anime is that Yu is able to record what gets broadcast.
Persona 4 The Golden Animation
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In episode 6, a flashback about Adachi shows him watching a broadcast featuring Mayumi when he first drove to Inaba. Later, he sees her on the Midnight Channel and puts his hand into the TV and discovers he has powers.
Manga Appearances
Persona 4
In the manga, the Midnight Channel fulfills the same role as in the game.
Stage Play Appearances
Visualive Persona 4: The Evolution
During Visualive the Evolution, Nanako is not portrayed by an actor but rather shown as an animated character on a screen behind the actors. She is shown waking up in the Dojima family living room, then her image transitions into a black and white static outlined figure to represent her being shown on the Midnight Channel unbeknownst to the protagonist.
Language | Name | Meaning |
![]() |
マヨナカテレビ Mayonaka terebi | Midnight television |
Backdrop of Yukiko's Castle on the Midnight Channel broadcast
Backdrop of the Steamy Bathhouse on the Midnight Channel broadcast
Backdrop of Marukyu Striptease on the Midnight Channel broadcast
Backdrop of Void Quest on the Midnight Channel broadcast
Backdrop of the Secret Laboratory on the Midnight Channel broadcast
- ↑ "(April 13) Chie: You ever hear of the Midnight Channel? You're supposed to look into a TV that's switched off, alone, exactly at midnight on a rainy night. While you're staring at your own image, another person will appear on the screen... And they say that person's your soulmate." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
- ↑ "[April 12] Chie: By the way, didja try what I told you the other day? You know... That thing about rainy nights...
Yukiko: Oh... No, not yet. Sorry.
Chie: Ahhh, that's okay. It's just, I heard a guy in the class next door yell something like, "My soulmate is Yamano, the announcer!"" '. - ↑ "[April 15] Girl's friend: Unknown...? C'mon, this isn't some sci-fi drama. Oh, by the way, did you hear? Someone saw a girl that looked like Saki on that Midnight Channel thingie.
Girl's friend: They said she totally looked like she was in pain. Isn't that scary?
Rumor-loving girl: Haha, sounds like someone had a nightmare. The media's been broadcasting their interviews with her nonstop, so maybe they just had Saki on the brain." '. - ↑ "[March 20, Devil Rank 10] Young nurse: Well, she seemed to be taking her job really seriously towards the end of her time here. She even studied during break. Do you remember when we were talking about the rumors of the Midnight Channel? She wasn't interested at all.
Slim nurse: Oh, I remember those rumors. Not that I know where they started...But yeah, now that you mention it, Uehara-san was never around when we were chatting about them. She was studying some foreign language, wasn't she?" '. - ↑ "[December 7] I learned about the Midnight Channel through some rumor. You hear a lot of fishy stories like that on the force." '.
- ↑ "[December 3] I remembered that when Mayumi was alive, she was chasing a rumor about some bizarre TV program. I'd heard about it before, but I thought it was just an urban legend." '.
- ↑ "[July 11] Brown-haired student: Oh, you know what? Risette was on a striptease show.
Student's friend: Huh? A striptease!? Dude, if that was true, the paparazzi would've been all over it.
Brown-haired student: I'm serious! But the reception went bad right when it was getting to the good part... It was on that Midnight Channel everyone keeps talking about." '. - ↑ "スタジオのような入り口広場 テレビ内での集合場所となる入り口広場。ここがテレビのスタジオのような作りになっているのにも理由がある。ゲーム開始時点では、稲羽市の人々は町が寂れていくことで諦めムードになっていて、何かが起こるのを受身で待っている状態。そこにマヨナカテレビの噂も加わり、まるでテレビの前で“面白い番組”が始まるのを待つような状態となっている。そんな人々の想いが、番組を作る場所であるテレビスタジオのイメージを生み出し、無意識下の世界であるテレビの中で具現化したのだ。 なお床一面には、殺人事件で被害者を囲む白線のような模様が広がっているが、これは不特定多数の人々の想いで作られたものではない。おそらく主人公たちが殺人事件を気にかけており、その解決を目指していることから事件現場のようなデザインが加わったのだ。
開発者から一言 床の模様は最初はなかったんですが、ちょっと寂しいなということになり、刑事もので事件が起きてというストーリーを考えたところで、死体を囲む白線をデザインすることにしました。
(Image Caption) 主人公たちだけでなく、事件を望む“視聴者”の影響も多少はあるかも。" "Chapter 5: Setting", Persona Club P4, Atlus. Published by Famitsu (2009). Japanese. p. 186-187. ISBN-13: 475774630X. - ↑ "クマが着ぐるみマスコットの姿をしているのも、人に好かれる姿になりたいというクマの願いに、表の人々の無意識が影響した結果である。" "Chapter 5: Setting", Persona Club P4, Atlus. Published by Famitsu (2009). Japanese. p. 186-187. ISBN-13: 475774630X.
- ↑ "マヨナカテレビのシャドウへの影響 マヨナカテレビの噂が広まり、人々がそれぞれに期待を込めて雨の日、深夜のテレビを見つめることで、精神世界であるテレビの中の世界にもさまざまな影響が現われる。なにか“番組”を期待する人々の心が、テレビの中の世界にテレビスタジオという場所を作ったように、シャドウの姿にも人々の意思が影響を与えている。前作では潜在意識の混沌さを示すように、シャドウたちのほとんどは現実離れしたシュールリアリズムの絵のような姿をとっていた。だが今作では、マヨナカテレビを見ている人々のある意味俗っぽい意識が作用したのか、ややコミカルな姿のシャドウが増えている。" "Chapter 5: Setting", Persona Club P4, Atlus. Published by Famitsu (2009). Japanese. p. 188. ISBN-13: 475774630X.
- ↑ "王子様が待つ雪子姫の城 「どこかに逃げ出したい」、「王子様に迎えに来てほしい」という、若い少女にありがちな願望が、雪子の抑圧した内面。そのシンデレラストーリーのような願いを核に、マヨナカテレビを見る人々が期待する大衆的な物語が加わり、お城とお姫様という形に増幅されたもの。洋風の城になった原因は、雪子の実家である和風旅館に対する反発もあるようだ。" "Chapter 5: Setting", Persona Club P4, Atlus. Published by Famitsu (2009). Japanese. p. 186-187. ISBN-13: 475774630X.
- ↑ "りせ本人の願望もあるが、マヨナカテレビを通して流れてくる、人々の無責任な期待もまた、ダンジョン形成には大きな影響を与えているのだ。" "Chapter 5: Setting", Persona Club P4, Atlus. Published by Famitsu (2009). Japanese. p. 186-187. ISBN-13: 475774630X.
- ↑ "(March 20) Old Man: Too many rumors these days. Remember that one about how the fog was making everyone sick? Or that other one... What was it called? Midnight Radio...? That was popular with the kids, alright. My grandson and his friends were all into. Funny, I remember something kinda like that happening when I was a kid, too. Wonder who starts these rumors? ...Oops, I almost forgot. I was supposed to pick up some juice for my grandson." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
- ↑ "[April 14] Chie: By the way, did you see... it... last night?
Yosuke: Huh...? Uh, well... What about you?
Chie: I did! I seriously saw a girl! But... my soulmate's a girl? What's that supposed to mean? I couldn't quite tell who it was, but it was a girl for sure... Her hair was brown, about shoulder length. She was wearing our school uniform, and...
Yosuke: Hey... I think that's the same person I saw. I couldn't make out that much detail, though. The image I saw was much blurrier...
Chie: Wait, so you saw it too!? And we saw the same girl...? Does that mean...we have the same soulmate?
Yosuke: How should I know? How 'bout you? Did you see it?
> You told them about what happened last night.
Yosuke: It sounds like we all saw the same person...
" '. - ↑ "[June 6] Yosuke: Hey, wait a sec...Yukiko, didn't you get interviewed too? When did that interview air!?
Yukiko: I-I think it was when I was absent from school... Um... It was the day after I met you at the embankment. I had my kimono on... Do you remember?
Yukiko: I went shopping that day, so... April 15th! And right after that, I was kidnapped.
Yosuke: Kanji! What about that television special you were on!?
Kanji: Oh yeah, that thing... Damn show made my mom go apeshit on me and...
Yosuke: The date! Just tell us the date!
Kanji: Uhhh, I don't remember the exact date... But it wasn't too long before I met you guys.
Yosuke: It's true, then... Everyone was on TV before they disappeared." '. - ↑ "[July 26] Sensei! It's me, Teddie! I finally got to see the Midnight Channel with my own eyes. Now I know exactly what's happening. That guy's suppressed emotions are resonating with the other side, which are picked up by the TVs over here. It's clear now that it's not being filmed by anyone. Mystery solved! But that kid... He must already be inside the other world!" '.
- ↑ "[November 5] Naoto: I know what you're thinking, but... Nanako-chan does fit the pattern. She wasn't seen--but she was heard.
Chie: What!?
Naoto: Do you remember the politician who visited a local school, and made the news several times? In those interviews, he always quoted a particular student he spoke with. The child became well-known while remaining anonymous...That girl was Nanako-chan! A reporter who took interest in this released her photo and interview using her real name in today's evening paper. But even before that...This is a small, rural town. Her identity must have been circulating for quite some time." Persona 4. - ↑ "Naoto: A window that shows people what they want to see...
Rise: So that's why those who got famous suddenly appeared on the Midnight Channel, one after another... It was all in people's minds..." Persona 4. - ↑ "Naoto: I have to say, it must be true... The Midnight Channel we saw in Namatame's hospital room... That kept bothering me since. What we saw there wasn't Namatame's true intentions at all...
Yukiko: Then... it came on because we were all thinking, "This person must be the killer, he can't be forgiven"?
Naoto: Ngh... We let ourselves be deluded..." Persona 4. - ↑ "[March 20] Naoto: The rumors about the Midnight Channel... It may be that this "Izanami" was the one who originally spread them... Neither Ameno-sagiri nor the Shadows have taken a single step outside the other world. Simply put, the only one who could have spread the rumor was someone who had come from there..." '.
- ↑ "[March 20] Yosuke: The more it got passed around, the more extra junk got added to it...Like one big game of Telephone. That's where all the "you have to watch it alone" and "the one who appears is your soulmate" stuff came from." '.
- ↑ "[March 20] Yosuke: Yeah... I can think of a few places where that might've happened. When Saki-senpai appeared, I was the first one who was positive it was her. For Yukiko, it was Chie... And for Kanji, it was Yukiko that said who the person on the TV was. I thought because each of us had a strong attachment to the victims, we linked the TV image to them in our head... I bet we actually saw a clearer image on the TV than everyone else.
Naoto: The same could probably be said for Namatame. That's why he was always a step ahead of us... I thought it was because he knew the area well, as a deliveryman, but I was stymied at how fast he identified Nanako-chan... Since he was a "savior"... he must have seen Nanako-chan's image from the very beginning." '.