Perfect Delivery
Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD: Perfect Delivery is an audio drama CD with a side story for Persona 4 The Animation. It was included as a bonus disc with the limited edition BD/DVD of volume 8.
絶好のピクニック日和。悠達特捜隊メンバーと菜々子は、それぞれがお弁当を持ち寄り鮫川河川敷でピクニックする事に。なんとなく嫌な予感を抱えつつ、美味しいコロッケを揚げて鮫川に向かう悠と菜々子。そこには案の定料理に失敗した面々が、愛屋の出前でお茶を濁そうとしていた。爽やかな晴天のもと、河川敷に集結した大量の肉丼に戦慄を覚える一同。そんな最中、出前を持ってやってきたあいかは、悠の揚げたコロッケに珍しく反応する。悠が家に帰ると、ポストの中にはあいかからの手紙が投函されていた。手紙に導かれるまま愛屋を訪れた悠は、腰を痛めてしまった愛屋の奥さんの代わりに厨房の手伝いを頼まれる。親父さんの押しの強さはともかく、持ち前の寛容さで依頼を引き受ける事にした悠は、謎多き少女・中村あいかの出前に対する強い信念を知っていく。 |
Chronologically, Perfect Delivery takes place at an unknown time frame after episode 17 but before episode 20.
The Investigation Team has a picnic near the Samegawa Flood Plain. Yu Narukami and Nanako Dojima are the only ones who bring homemade food, while the rest of the group orders delivery from Chinese Diner Aiya. When Aika Nakamura makes her delivery to the Samegawa, she is impressed by the croquettes that Yu made. After she leaves, Yukiko Amagi and Chie Satonaka bring up how they do not recall seeing Aika at school the year before and cannot remember what class she was in. Later, Yu and Nanako come home and find a letter in the mailbox from Aika. It contains 10 free meat bowl tickets and a note asking Yu to come by Aiya.
When Yu arrives at Aiya, he finds out that Aika told her father that Yu was a school friend who can help out in the store while her mother has a broken back. As Yu tries to explain that there has been a misunderstanding, Aika's father goes on about how he has been concerned about Aika because she doesn't talk much and he thought she would get bullied. But he is happy to see that she has a friend like Yu and asks Yu to continue being a good friend to his daughter. Yu gives up trying to explain and goes to help Aika in the kitchen. Yu asks Aika about her father being Chinese due to how he speaks, but Aika tells him that no one there is Chinese, which, in retrospect, makes sense to Yu. Aika does not understand why Yu agreed to help and gets more confused when he tells her he is helping simply because they need help.
At school, Yosuke Hanamura and Rise Kujikawa try to invite Yu out, but he turns down both of them. Aika then appears and addresses Yu as "Narukami-san". Yu asks her not to call him that because it makes him sound like a diner customer, so she calls him "Narukami-kun" instead, causing Rise to misunderstand how close they are. Yu begins working at Aiya and helping out in the store while Aika goes out and makes deliveries. She delivers a pork bowl with cabbage to Tohru Adachi in the middle of Junes, much to Ryotaro Dojima's disbelief, and later delivers food to Kou Ichijo and Daisuke Nagase while they are in the middle of running. One delivery is particularly large and Aika's father suggests that Yu go instead of Aika since it is too much for Aika to carry by herself. Aika gets possessive of her role and insists she can do it herself. Yu picks up the container and suggests they go together since he does not know his way around town. On their way back, Yu asks Aika if she likes making deliveries. Aika has no idea if she does, but since Aiya's deliveries started in spring, people have started knowing her by names like "Delivery Girl" and it makes her happy because she has nothing else.
One night when Yu comes home, Dojima greets him and mentions he heard about Yu's part-time job; Dojima and Nanako also had Aiya delivered. There is a relay race between the Central Shopping District and Junes in two weeks, and the neighborhood association asked Dojima to ask Yu about being on the shopping district team since he is so athletic. Yu agrees and thinks of the race as an "overthrow Junes" event. At school, Yu finds out that Kanji Tatsumi is also running because his mom asked him. Rise's grandma asked her, and though she originally planned to say no, she will participate now that she knows Yu is involved. Yosuke, the anchor leg runner for the Junes team, is surprised to hear all this as he thought the Junes team would have an easy win racing versus a bunch of old farts from the shopping district. Rise calls him an enemy spy, and Yu gives him dirty looks while saying, "Overthrow Junes". Yukiko and Chie show up to lunch late as they were taking Aika to the nurse after she injured her leg in phys ed. As it turns out, Aika is a surprisingly fast runner. With her injured leg, Aika's father will not let her go on deliveries. Aika insists that she has to because she has nothing except deliveries. Instead, Yu offers to give her a piggyback ride so she can still do it. Aika is confused about why Yu is going through all of this trouble for her. Truth be told, Yu does not know either, but he understands how important this is to her.
Teddie leads Yosuke, Rise, and Kanji in training for the race. Yu is supposed to be training but talks to Naoto Shirogane about Aika instead. Together, they deduce from what Aika has said and what Yukiko and Chie said before about Aika that she is someone who people never noticed or bothered to remember until she started doing deliveries. Thus, she has nothing besides that. Naoki Konishi, who is also on the shopping district team, shows up to training and declares to Yosuke that he does not plan on losing. Kanji and Rise explain how seriously the shopping district is taking this. Their sales are down because of Junes, but they cannot do anything about that, so people are looking at the relay race as a form of revenge. Hearing this, Yosuke gets afraid to show his face in the shopping district. Yu reassures Yosuke that they do not hate him (even if he is the enemy). Yosuke begins scheming: If the shopping district is taking this seriously, then Junes needs to take this seriously too.
A week before the race at Aiya, Aika's leg has healed and Yu asks her to run in the race on the shopping district's team. Before she can reply, her father comes home and announces that the diner is being relocated. He has been considering moving for a while since their sales will only continue declining if they stay in Inaba. He recently found a good location in the middle of a big urban city where they will naturally get customers and has already made an advance payment. Aika no longer needs to do deliveries as part of their business, as customers will instead come to them. Her father wants to start training her in the kitchen so that she can cook as fast as him for their new customer volume. Aika does not try to fight this but feels unwell and excuses herself. Yu asks her again about the race, saying she can make a memory with the people of the shopping district before she leaves. But Aika refuses as there is no meaning to it.
On the day of the relay race, the shopping district team is Naoki, Rise, Kanji, Yu, and Daidara, while the Junes team is Hanako Ohtani, Ai Ebihara, Kou, Daisuke, and Yosuke. Rise complains about Yosuke inviting people who are unaffiliated with Junes, but Yosuke claims that they very recently got part-time jobs in the Junes food court. Hanako's staff meals cost more than her paycheck, but Hanako justifies this as needing proper nutrition for her legs so she can run fast like an antelope. The shopping district team receives bad news when Chie and Yukiko show up and mention that Daidara cannot race as he made so much art the day before that he hurt his back, and now the team is down a runner. Chie offers to fill in, but only people affiliated with the shopping district can participate. Yu goes to call Aika and begs her to come and fill in. It does not matter if she has nothing; it's her they need right now. The race begins, and Yu never hears Aika's answer.
Naoki races against Hanako in the first leg and is surprised by how fast she is, but runs past her and hands off the baton to Rise while Hanako passes to Ai. Teddie takes over as the MC during the second leg and begins playing "True Story" on the audio system to support Rise. Ai gets mad at this, then gets doubly mad when Chie cheers her on. Her rage pushes her ahead of Rise as she refuses to lose, and she passes off the baton to Kou while Rise passes to Kanji. Kou compliments Kanji's speed and tries to get him to join the basketball team. In order to encourage Kanji, Yukiko asks Naoto to cheer him on and wave to him. Naoto meekly cheers him on and waves toward him, causing Kanji to collapse while Chie yells at him to focus. Kou blows past Kanji and passes off the baton to Daisuke. Kanji gets back up and passes the baton to Yu while apologizing. When Yu starts running, Nanako cheers him on, saying, "Good luck, big bro!" Her cuteness is so infectious that the others around her start cheering on for her big bro and telling him not to let her down. However, the shopping district team still has no anchor leg runner. Chie yells at Yosuke to fall, in support of the shopping district. Daisuke finishes his leg and tells Yosuke that this is a guaranteed win, and Yosuke sets off. As Yu approaches the hand-off, Aika suddenly shows up and takes over as the anchor. She starts running and quickly catches up to Yosuke.
Just then, Nanako and the other girls see her father and Adachi chasing after a shoplifter during the race. Adachi is annoyed at how this happened while they were patrolling. To his own amazement, he manages to stop the suspect by himself, but remarks on how everything the shoplifter stole came tumbling out when he fell to the ground. Yosuke comes across the spill of the stolen goods and falls due to a cabbage rolling around on the ground. Aika blows past Yosuke and wins the race for the shopping district team with people cheering for her and congratulating her. In the aftermath, Yosuke blames Chie for jinxing him, and Naoto observes this is a form of kotodama. Yu hears from Rise that Aiya is no longer relocating as the property Aika's father tried to buy might have been a scam of some kind. Naoto mentions that the land was short sold, and there is very little chance of getting the advance payment back. Thus, Aika will need to work even harder to deliver more food. Chie begins to anticipate something happening, saying, "Any second now..." Right on cue, Aika shows up with Chie's delivery of meat bowls and thanks the group for their patronage as usual.
No. | Track title (Japanese) | Track title (Translation) | Composer | Duration |
1 | Velvet room | Velvet room | Shoji Meguro | 4:39 |
2 | Packing Lunch | Packing Lunch | Shoji Meguro | 6:27 |
3 | Picnic at the SAMEGAWA river | Picnic at the SAMEGAWA river | Shoji Meguro | 6:30 |
4 | AIYA's Helper | AIYA's Helper | Shoji Meguro | 3:31 |
5 | Delivery girl | Delivery girl | Shoji Meguro | 7:26 |
6 | Down with JUNES!! | Down with JUNES!! | Shoji Meguro | 4:21 |
7 | Her Identity | Her Identity | Shoji Meguro | 4:50 |
8 | Was it lost? | Was it lost? | Shoji Meguro | 2:23 |
9 | Pinch hitter | Pinch hitter | Shoji Meguro | 4:17 |
10 | INABA Runners | INABA Runners | Shoji Meguro | 8:23 |
11 | Perfect delivery | Perfect delivery | Shoji Meguro | 1:34 |
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Perfect Delivery |
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