Critical Hit

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"Critical" redirects here. For the skills, see Critical (Shin Megami Tensei) or Critical (Digital Devil Saga).
Joker from Persona 5's face flashing across the screen, before he attacks an enemy and lands a Critical Hit
Critical Hit mechanic in Persona 5

Critical Hit, also known as Critical or Crit, is a recurring mechanic in the Megami Tensei franchise.


Critical Hits are a random effect that is applied to an attack. If an attack is Critical, it will deal additional damage and grant Press Turn benefits if applicable. Some skills may also interact with Critical Hits in various ways.

Factors that influence a attack's odds of being Critical, referred to as its "Critical Hit rate" or simply "Crit rate", include: the attacker's stats, the defender's stats, status effects, Ailments, Passives and the attack itself. Positive effects that decrease or nullify the chances of receiving a Critical Hit are said to give "Critical resistance" or "Critical immunity", while negative effects that increase them are said to give "Critical vulnerability".

Mechanics by Game

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

In Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, only Strength-based attacks can be Critical. A combatant under the effects of Shock or Freeze will always receive Critical hits from Strength-based attacks. The chance for a Critical hit is given by the skill's accuracy and Critical rate, the levels of the attacker and of the defender and their Agility. Notably, levels have an inverse effect on accuracy and neither party's Luck influences the outcome.

For Strength-based attacks, their accuracy is defined with the following formula[1]:

Where is the skill's accuracy value, is the attacker's Agility, is the attacker's level, is the defender's Agility and is the defender's level.

Then, the final Critical rate is defined as follows:

Where is the skill's base Critical rate. For normal attacks, this value is 4, or 12 if the attacker has Might.

Shin Megami Tensei IV

In Shin Megami Tensei IV, only Strength-based attacks can be Critical. A combatant under the Smirk status will have increased Critical Rate and immunity to Critical Hits.

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

In Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, only Strength-based attacks can be randomly Critical. A combatant under the Smirk status will have a 100% Critical Hit rate on all attacks, including magic, and immunity to Critical Hits.

Shin Megami Tensei V

In Shin Megami Tensei V, only Strength-based or Physical attacks have a non-zero Critical chance. Any attack can be Critical when under the effects of Omagatoki: Critical.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

As in Shin Megami Tensei V, only Strength-based or Physical attacks roll for Critical hits innately, though certain Innate skills allow Magic skills to also roll for Criticals. Criticals are rolled once per hit.

The formula used to determine the Critical rate is as follows[2]:

Firstly, the following conditions are verified in sequence; if any of them are true, there are no further steps and the attack will be guaranteed to be Critical or not:

  • If the attack would deal no damage due to the defender's resistance, the attack cannot be critical.
  • If the defender is Guarding, the attack cannot be critical.
  • If the attacker is under the effects of Omagatoki: Critical, the attack will be critical.
  • If the conditions for Fickle Personality have been fulfilled, the attack will be critical.
  • If the attack would be resisted due to the defender's resistance, the attack cannot be critical.
  • If the attacker is under the effects of Critical Aura and the attack is Strength-based or Physical, the attack will be critical.

Should none of the above be true, then calculation proceeds from the following equation:

Where is the attacker's Luck and is the defender's Luck. If this value is greater than 4, it is set to 4. Then, the following value is calculated:

Where is the attacker's level and is the defender's level.

If the attacker has Bloody Glee, is multiplied by 1.8. If the attacker has Murderous Glee, it is multiplied by 2.5. Both skills stack additively, resulting in a final multiplier of 3.3.

Then, the skill's Critical chance is added to . For skills whose descriptions state that they are guaranteed to be Critical, this value is 200. For skills that have an increased Critical rate, this value is either 20 or 30, depending on the skill. For all other skills and normal attacks, this value is 0.

Following that, level scaling is applied by multiplying by the result of the appropriate equation:

  • If the attacker's level is lesser than or equal to the defender's level:
  • If the attacker is 11 or more levels higher:
  • If neither of the above are true:

If the level scaling multiplier is greater than 1.5 or lesser than 0.5, it is set to the appropriate limit.

Then, if the attacker is the player, difficulty modifiers are applied:

  • Safety: multiply by 1.5.
  • Casual: multiply by 1.2.

Finally, the effects of any applicable Innate skills apply. Multiple Innate skills that affect Critical rate stack multiplicatively. The final value is rounded down to the nearest integer and represents the percentage chance of the attack being Critical (for instance, a value of 1 means the attack has a 1% chance of being Critical).

Soul Hackers 2

Persona 2: Innocent Sin

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Persona 3

In Persona 3 and its re-releases, only Slash, Pierce and Strike attacks can be Critical. In Persona 3, Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable, Fear, Distress and Freeze increase Critical vulnerability, while Shock guarantees Critical hits. In Persona 3 Reload, all Ailments increase Critical vulnerability, while Freeze guarantees Critical hits.

Persona 3 Reload

As in the previous releases, only Slash, Strike or Pierce attacks can be Critical in Persona 3 Reload. The formula used to determine the Critical rate is as follows[3]:

Where is the attacker's Luck, is the defender's Luck and is the attack's base Critical rate as a percentage, which is 3 for weapons and varies between skills.

is doubled if the attacker has Apt Pupil and halved if the defender has Sharp Student. Then, if the attacker is an enemy, it is multiplied by 0.8. Afterwards, it is truncated and the following effects are applied, adding a flat amount to the Critical rate:

If the attack is not Critical and the defender is afflicted by Shock or Freeze, the Critical will be rerolled with a flat rate: 35% for Shock and 100% for Freeze, meaning Freeze guarantees that the attack will be Critical.

Persona 4

In Persona 4, only Physical attacks can be Critical.

Persona 5

In Persona 5, only Physical and Gun attacks can be Critical.

Persona 5 Strikers

In Persona 5 Strikers, only Physical and Gun attacks can be Critical. Critical attacks damage an enemy's Down Gauge.

Persona 5 Tactica


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese クリティカル Kuritikaru Critical
会心の一撃 Kaishin no ichigeki Satisfying hit




  1. What's in a formula?. Published February 28th, 2017. Retrieved December 28, 2024.
  2. Combat Calculation in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Published July 11th, 2024. Retrieved December 27, 2024. Steam Community.
  3. The Math Behind Persona 3 Reload's Combat. Published April 24th, 2024. Retrieved September 25, 2024. Steam Community.