Life Leech

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Life Leech is a recurring skill in the Persona series.


In Persona, Life Leech is an enemy-only skill that drains its target's HP. It is a stronger version of Life Drain.



Game Attribute S. TypeSkill Type D. TypeDamage Type Effect Cost P. LevelPower Level Target Range Hits B. PowerBase Power C. RateCritical Hit Rate Accuracy Rank Usage
In Battle Outside
Persona 4 Almighty ? 100%
Persona 4 Golden Almighty Absorbs 150 HP; Used by Kunino-sagiri and others 3 SP One Enemy 100%
Persona 5 Almi One Foe
Persona 5 Royal Almi Drains 150 HP from one foe. Cannot be reduced or guarded against. One Foe


Game Description
Persona 4 Drains a large amount of 1 foe's HP.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 超吸血 Chō kyūketsu Super bloodsucking