Social Stats

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Social Stats in Persona 3 Reload.

Social Stats are a recurring mechanic in the Persona series.


Social Stats, also known as Social Qualities or Traits, are non-combat stats that the Persona protagonists increase by doing non-combat activities such as reading, studying, and going to the theater. Some Social Links require specific social stat levels to achieve progress.

Mechanics by Game

Persona 3

The protagonist's social stats are Charm, Knowledge, and Courage.

Rank Charm Academics Courage
Name Value Name Value Name Value
Rank 1 Plain 0-14 Slacker 0-19 Timid 0-14
Rank 2 Unpolished 15-29 Average 20-79 Ordinary 15-29
Rank 3 Confident 30-44 Above Average 80-139 Determined 30-44
Rank 4 Smooth 45-64 Smart 140-199 Tough 45-64
Rank 5 Popular 65-79 Intelligent 200-259 Fearless 65-79
Rank 6 Charismatic 80+ Genius 260+ Badass 80+

Gaining Social Stats

Location Activity Related Stat(s) Occurrence
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 5 yen offering 10% chance of Academics +1 Repeatable
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 100 yen offering 50% change of Academics +1 Repeatable
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 1000 yen offering 75% change of Academics +2 Repeatable
Gekkoukan High School Lecture Academics +2 Stay awake during class
Gekkoukan High School Library at the library Academics +2 Repeatable
Iwatodai Dorm Study at the dorm Academics +2 Repeatable
Wakatsu Restaurant Eat at Wakatsu Restaurant after school Academics +3 Repeatable except Tuesday
Gekkoukan High School Attend summer school Academics +3 Automatic, August 10-15
Screen Shot Attend film festival with Bebe Academics +4 August 19
Gekkoukan High School Visit Nurse's Office while Tired or Sick Courage +2 or recovery item Repeatable
Mandragora Sing at Karaoke Courage +2 Repeatable
Wild Duck Burger Eat at Wild Duck after school Courage +3 Repeatable except Thursday
Screen Shot Watch a movie Courage +4 Repeatable on even-numbered months
Screen Shot Attend film festival with social links Courage +4 August 18, 26, and 27
Gekkoukan High School Answer Pop Quiz correctly Charm +2 Repeatable
Chagall Cafe Drink tea Charm +2 Repeatable
Hagakure Ramen Eat at Hagakure after school Charm +3 Repeatable except Thursday
Screen Shot Watch a movie Charm +4 Repeatable on even-numbered months
Screen Shot Attend film festival with social links Charm +4 August 22, 23, and 30
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are Above Average Charm +1 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are higher than Above Average Charm +2 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are in the top 10 Charm +3 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are top of the class Charm +4 Automatic

Social Stat Requirements

Some things require the protagonist to have a certain rank of a social stat in order to unlock or progress.

Event Requirement
Unlock Devil Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 4
Unlock Temperance Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 2
Unlock Sun Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 4
Unlock Priestess Arcana Social Link Courage Rank 6
Unlock Lovers Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 6
Unlock Empress Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 6

Persona 3 FES

In Persona 3 FES, there are new ways to obtain Social Stats.

Gaining Social Stats

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Reason: Lacking more ways to obtain stat points
Location Activity Related Stat(s) Occurrence
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 5 yen offering 10% chance of Academics +1 Repeatable
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 100 yen offering 50% change of Academics +1 Repeatable
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 1000 yen offering 75% change of Academics +2 Repeatable
Gekkoukan High School Lecture Academics +2 Stay awake during class
Gekkoukan High School Library at the library Academics +2 Repeatable
Iwatodai Dorm Study at the dorm Academics +2 Repeatable
Wakatsu Restaurant Eat at Wakatsu Restaurant after school Academics +3 Repeatable except Tuesday
Gekkoukan High School Attend summer school Academics +3 Automatic, August 10-15
Gekkoukan High School Visit Nurse's Office while Tired or Sick Courage +2 or recovery item Repeatable
Mandragora Sing at Karaoke Courage +2 Repeatable
Wild Duck Burger Eat at Wild Duck after school Courage +3 Repeatable except Thursday
Screen Shot Watch a movie Courage +4 Repeatable on even-numbered months
Gekkoukan High School Answer Pop Quiz correctly Charm +2 Repeatable
Chagall Cafe Drink tea Charm +2 Repeatable
Hagakure Ramen Eat at Hagakure after school Charm +3 Repeatable except Thursday
Screen Shot Watch a movie Charm +4 Repeatable on even-numbered months
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are Above Average Charm +1 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are higher than Above Average Charm +2 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are in the top 10 Charm +3 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are top of the class Charm +4 Automatic

Persona 3 Portable

Some of the rank names for the female protagonist are different along with new ways to earn social stats.

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Reason: Lacking values per rank and more ways to obtain stat points
Male Protagonist
Rank Charm Academics Courage
Name Value Name Value Name Value
Rank 1 Plain Slacker Timid
Rank 2 Unpolished Average Ordinary
Rank 3 Confident Above Average Determined
Rank 4 Smooth Smart Tough
Rank 5 Popular Intelligent Fearless
Rank 6 Charismatic Genius Badass
Female Protagonist
Rank Charm Academics Courage
Name Value Name Value Name Value
Rank 1 Plain Slacker Timid
Rank 2 Ingenue Average Ordinary
Rank 3 Confident Above Average Determined
Rank 4 Queen Bee Smart Tough
Rank 5 Angelic Intelligent Fearless
Rank 6 Charismatic Genius Badass

Gaining Social Stats

Location Activity Related Stat(s) Occurrence
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 5 yen offering 10% chance of Academics +1 Repeatable
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 100 yen offering 50% change of Academics +1 Repeatable
Naganaki Shrine Offeratory Box 1000 yen offering 75% change of Academics +2 Repeatable
Gekkoukan High School Lecture Academics +2 Stay awake during class
Gekkoukan High School Library at the library Academics +2 Repeatable
Iwatodai Dorm Study at the dorm Academics +2 Repeatable
Wakatsu Restaurant Eat at Wakatsu Restaurant after school Academics +3 Repeatable except Tuesday
Gekkoukan High School Attend summer school Academics +3 Automatic, August 10-15
Gekkoukan High School Visit Nurse's Office while Tired or Sick Courage +2 or recovery item Repeatable
Mandragora Sing at Karaoke Courage +2 Repeatable
Wild Duck Burger Eat at Wild Duck after school Courage +3 Repeatable except Thursday
Screen Shot Watch a movie Courage +4 Repeatable on even-numbered months
Gekkoukan High School Answer Pop Quiz correctly Charm +2 Repeatable
Chagall Cafe Drink tea Charm +2 Repeatable
Hagakure Ramen Eat at Hagakure after school Charm +3 Repeatable except Thursday
Screen Shot Watch a movie Charm +4 Repeatable on even-numbered months
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are Above Average Charm +1 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are higher than Above Average Charm +2 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are in the top 10 Charm +3 Automatic
Gekkoukan High School Exam Results are top of the class Charm +4 Automatic
Chagall Cafe Work part-time Repeatable
Be Blue V Work part-time Repeatable
Screen Shot Work part-time Repeatable

Social Stat Requirements

Some things require the protagonist to have a certain rank of a social stat in order to unlock or progress.

Male Protagonist
Event Requirement
Unlock Devil Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 4
Unlock Temperance Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 2
Unlock Sun Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 4
Unlock Priestess Arcana Social Link Courage Rank 6
Unlock Lovers Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 6
Unlock Empress Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 6
Female Protagonist
Event Requirement
Unlock Devil Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 4
Unlock Temperance Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 2
Unlock Sun Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 4
Unlock Star Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 4

Persona 3 Reload

Like in the original Persona 3, the protagonist's social stats are Charm, Academics, and Courage.

Rank Charm Academics Courage
Name Value Name Value Name Value
Rank 1 Plain 1-14 Slacker 1-19 Timid 1-14
Rank 2 Unpolished 15-29 Average 20-54 Ordinary 15-29
Rank 3 Confident 30-44 Above Average 55-99 Determined 30-44
Rank 4 Smooth 45-69 Smart 100-154 Tough 45-59
Rank 5 Popular 70-99 Intelligent 155-229 Fearless 60-79
Rank 6 Charismatic 100+ Genius 230+ Badass 80+

Gaining Social Stats

Location Activity Related Stat(s) Occurrence
Wakatsu Resturant Eat a Prodigy Platter Academics +3
Wakatsu Resturant Eat the Seafood Course Academics +4
Screen Shot Watch a movie Academics +4 Repeatable on Wednesday and Saturday
Game Parade Play ??? at the arcade Academics +4 Repeatable on Wednesday and Saturday
Mandragora Sing at Karaoke Courage +2 Repeatable
Mystery Burger Eat a Mystery Burger Courage +4
Wilduck Burger Eat a Wilduck Burger Courage +3
Mystery Burger Eat a Mystery Burger Courage +4
Hagakure Eat Pork Ramen Courage +3
Hagakure Eat a Special Hagakure Bowl Courage +4
Screen Shot Watch a movie Courage +4 Repeatable on Sunday and Thursday
Game Parade Play ??? at the arcade Courage +4 Repeatable on Tuesday and Friday
Chagall Cafe Drink coffee Charm +2 Repeatable
Screen Shot Watch a movie Charm +4 Repeatable on Tuesday and Friday
Game Parade Play ??? at the arcade Charm +4 Repeatable on Monday and Wednesday
Chagall Cafe Work part-time Charm +1 and Courage +1 Repeatable
Be Blue V Work part-time Academics +1 and Courage +1 Repeatable
Screen Shot Work part-time Academics +1 and Charm +1 Repeatable

Social Stat Requirements

Some things require the protagonist to have a certain rank of a social stat in order to unlock or progress.

Event Requirement
Unlock Club Escapade Courage Rank 2
Unlock Devil Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 4
Unlock Temperance Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 2
Unlock Sun Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 4
Unlock Priestess Arcana Social Link Courage Rank 6
Unlock Lovers Arcana Social Link Charm Rank 6
Unlock Empress Arcana Social Link Academics Rank 6

Persona 4

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Reason: Lacking source of points in PS2 P4.

The protagonist's social stats are Courage (勇気), Knowledge (知識), Diligence (根気), Expression (伝達力), and Understanding (寛容さ).

The protagonist gains points by doing activities that increase Social Stats. The exact amount of points given is hidden in-game and instead expressed visually through the game's UI with musical note icons. The visual musical notes represent a range of points; two activities might both show 3 music notes, but give totally different amounts of points.

Rank Courage Knowledge Diligence Expression Understanding
Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value
Rank 1 Average 0-15 Aware 0-29 Callow 0-15 Rough 0-12 Basic 0-15
Rank 2 Reliable 16-39 Informed 30-79 Persistent 16-39 Eloquent 13-32 Kindly 16-39
Rank 3 Brave 40-79 Expert 80-149 Strong 40-79 Persuasive 33-52 Generous 40-79
Rank 4 Daring 80-139 Professor 150-239 Thorough 80-129 Touching 53-84 Motherly 80-139
Rank 5 Heroic 140+ Sage 240+ Rock Solid 130+ Enthralling 85+ Saintly 140+

Some things require the protagonist to have a certain rank of a social stat in order to unlock or progress:

Event Requirement
Translator Knowledge Rank 2
Crane Folder Diligence Rank 2
Hospital janitor Diligence Rank 3
Tutor job Understanding Rank 5
Nanako's Social Link Expression Rank 3, 5
Dojima's Social Link Expression Rank 2, 3, 4
Fox's Social Link, Rank 10 Expression Rank 5
Unlock Naoki's Social Link Understanding Rank 3
Unlock Naoto's Social Link Courage Rank 5 and Knowledge Rank 5

Persona 4 Golden

The social stat thresholds in Golden are the same as in Persona 4, but the protagonist now has more ways to increase Social Stats.

Location Activity Related Stat(s) Occurrence
Central Shopping District Aiya's rainy day special Three random stats between Courage, Knowledge, Diligence, and Understanding Repeatable
Central Shopping District Speak to a specific customer while working at Shiroku Pub Diligence and one more of choice Repeatable
Samegawa Flood Plain Acquire an Old Key Courage and Knowledge One time
Dojima Residence Pet a cat in front of the Dojima house Expression and sometimes Understanding Repeatable
Dojima Residence Read books All five stats plus other bonuses Repeatable
Dojima Residence Display six of the same type of item on the shelf All five stats One time
Central Shopping District Bus Stop Work at the hospital Courage Repeatable
Dojima Residence Eat something suspicious from the fridge Courage Repeatable
Central Shopping District Aiya's mabo tofu Courage Repeatable
TV World Defeat the optional bosses that spawn after dungeons are cleared Courage Limited
Dojima Residence Go on a scooter ride Courage Limited
Shichiri Beach Swim at Shichiri Beach during good or bad weather Courage Repeatable
Dojima Residence Study at the Dojima Residence Knowledge Repeatable
Yasogami High Study in the school library Knowledge Repeatable
Dojima Residence Finish all of your summer homework Knowledge One time
Yasogami High Answer class questions and exam questions correctly Knowledge Limited
Yasogami High Go to summer school after placing poorly on exams Knowledge One time
Tatsuhime Shrine Pray for good academics during the summer festival Knowledge One time
Dojima Residence Envelope folder job Diligence Repeatable
Yasogami High Attend soccer or basketball practice Diligence Repeatable
Central Shopping District Aiya's chow mein Diligence Repeatable
Dojima Residence Work on a plastic model Diligence Limited
Dojima Residence Tend to the garden Diligence Repeatable
Dojima Residence Translation job Expression Repeatable
Yasogami High Attend drama club or band practice Expression Repeatable
Central Shopping District Bus Stop Tutor job Expression Repeatable
Yasogami High Give party members answers in class Expression Limited
Central Shopping District Bus Stop Daycare job Understanding Repeatable
Dojima Residence Crane folding job Understanding Repeatable
Central Shopping District Aiya's steak bowl Understanding Repeatable
Shichiri Beach Swim at Shichiri Beach during bad weather Chance to get Understanding Repeatable

Additionally, the following new activities have requirements:

Event Requirement
Enter Tatsuhime Shrine at night Courage Rank 2
Longer scooter ride Courage Rank 3

Persona 5

The protagonist's social stats are Charm, Kindness, Guts, Knowledge, and Proficiency.

Persona 5 Royal

The protagonist's social stats are Charm, Proficiency, Guts, Kindness, and Knowledge. Each rank is named as follows:

Rank Charm Proficiency Guts Kindness Knowledge
Rank 1 Existent Bumbling Milquetoast Inoffensive Oblivious
Rank 2 Head-Turning Decent Bold Considerate Learned
Rank 3 Suave Skilled Staunch Empathetic Scholarly
Rank 4 Charismatic Masterful Dauntless Selfless Encyclopedic
Rank 5 Debonair Transcendent Lionhearted Angelic Erudite

Anime Appearances

Persona 4 The Animation

The eyecatch segments that appear before and after the commercial breaks shows Yu Narukami's pentagon-shaped Social Stats chart and what rank each stat is at. During episode 1, all five stats are at the beginning ranks. By the last episode, all five stats have been maxed out.

Persona 4 The Golden Animation

During the opening animation, Yu is shown with a maxed out Social Stat pentagon behind him.


  • In Persona 4, Understanding rank 4 was named Buddha Tier and rank 5 was named Mother Tier. In the English localization, these two were swapped, with Buddha Tier also being renamed to Saintly, due to Christianity being prevalent in America.[1]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 人間パラメータ, Ningen Paramēta Human Parameters



