Skills in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

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This is a list of skills in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. For Fusion Spells, see List of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Fusion Spells.


Sword Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Straight Slash Physical 1 foe 1 34 敵単体に剣撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Sword damage to an enemy.
Mighty Swing Physical 1 foe 1 42 敵単体に剣撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Sword damage to an enemy.
Double Thrust Physical 1 foe 1 48 敵単体に剣撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Sword damage to an enemy.
Twin Slash Physical 1 foe 1 54 敵単体に剣撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Sword damage to an enemy.
Blade of Fury Physical Multi foes 1 24 敵1グループに剣撃属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Sword damage to a group of enemies.
Heat Wave Physical Multi foes 1 30 敵1グループに剣撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Sword damage to a group of enemies.
Death Bound Physical All foes 1 32 敵全体に剣撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Sword damage to all enemies.
Guillotine Fake Physical All foes 1 52 敵全体に剣撃属性で大ダメージを与え、【瀕死】の追加効果
Translation: Small Sword damage + Unconscious effect to all enemies.
36% chance of inflicting instant death.

Strike Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Scratch Physical 1 foe 1 34 敵単体に打撃属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Strike damage to an enemy.
Sonic Punch Physical 1 foe 1 42 敵単体に打撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Strike damage to an enemy.
Gigantic Fist Physical 1 foe 1 48 敵単体に打撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Deal high Strike damage to one enemy.
Viper Smash Physical 1 foe 1 54 敵単体に打撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Strike damage to an enemy.
Paralyzing Scratch Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に打撃+神経属性で小ダメージを与え、【睡眠】の追加効果
Translation: Small Strike damage + Sleep effect to an enemy.
Damage + 42% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Poisonous Scratch Physical 1 foe 1 44 敵単体に打撃+万能属性で小ダメージを与え、【猛毒】の追加効果
Translation: Small Strike damage + Poisoned effect to an enemy.
Damage + 58% chance of inflicting Poison.
Brain Shake Physical 1 foe 1 44 敵単体に打撃+精神属性で大ダメージを与え、【混乱】の追加効果
Translation: Medium Strike damage + Confused effect to an enemy.
Damage + 32% chance of inflicting Panic.
Vital Thrust Physical 1 foe 1 敵単体に打撃属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
20% chance of inflicting instant death.

Gun Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Single Shot Physical 1 foe 1 36 敵単体に飛具属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Shot damage to an enemy.
Rain of Arrows Physical All foes 1 48 敵全体に飛具属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Shot damage to all enemies.
Triple Down Physical 1 foe 1 54 敵単体に飛具属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Shot damage to an enemy.
Aimed Shot Physical 1 foe 1 敵単体に飛具属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
20% chance of inflicting instant death.
Flare Shot Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に飛具+万能属性で小ダメージを与え、【幻影】の追加効果
Translation: Small Shot damage + Illusion effect to an enemy.
Damage + 68% chance of inflicting Illusion.
Justice Shot Physical 1 foe 1 敵単体に飛具属性でダメージを与え、HPを1にする
Translation: Reduces an enemy's HP to 1.
48% chance of dropping target's HP to 1.

Throw Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Ninety Nine Needles Physical 1 foe 1 34 敵単体に投具属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Throw damage to an enemy.
Wiseman Snap Physical 1 foe 1 54 敵単体に投具属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Throw damage to an enemy.
Spiral Throw Physical All foes 1 32 敵全体に投具属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Throw damage to all enemies.
Whirlwind Blast Physical All foes 1 44 敵全体に投具属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Throw damage to all enemies.
Dream Needle Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に投具+神経属性で小ダメージを与え、【睡眠】の追加効果
Translation: Small Throw damage + Sleep effect to an enemy.
Damage + 42% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Poison Needle Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に投具+万能属性で小ダメージを与え、【猛毒】の追加効果
Translation: Small Throw damage + Poisoned effect to an enemy.
Damage + 58% chance of inflicting Poison.
Card of Binding Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に投具+万能属性で小ダメージを与え、【魔封】の追加効果
Translation: Small Throw damage + Mute effect to an enemy.
32% chance of inflicting Mute.
Deadly Needle Physical 1 foe 1 敵単体に投具属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
20% chance of inflicting instant death.

Attack Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Bite Physical 1 foe 1 34 敵単体に戦技属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Attack damage to an enemy.
Assault Dive Physical 1 foe 1 42 敵単体に戦技属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Attack damage to an enemy.
Tackle Physical 1 foe 1 42 敵単体に戦技属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Attack damage to an enemy.
Wingbeat Physical All foes 1 32 敵全体に戦技属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Attack damage to all enemies.
Violent Rage Physical All foes 1 42 敵全体に戦技属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts moderate Attack damage to all enemies.
Photon Cannon Physical All foes 1 48 敵全体に戦技属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Attack damage to all enemies.
Megaton Press Physical All foes 1 54 敵全体に戦技属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Attack damage to all enemies.
Corrosive Fluid Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に戦技+万能属性で小ダメージを与え、【猛毒】の追加効果
Translation: Small Attack damage + Poisoned effect to an enemy.
Damage + 28% chance of inflicting Poison.
Poisonous Bite Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に戦技+万能属性で小ダメージを与え、【猛毒】の追加効果
Translation: Small Attack damage + Poisoned effect damage to an enemy.
58% chance of inflicting Poison.
Paralyzing Bite Physical 1 foe 1 30 敵単体に戦技+神経属性で小ダメージを与え、【睡眠】の追加効果
Translation: Small Attack damage + Sleep effect to an enemy.
Damage + 42% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Transfixion Physical 1 foe 1 36 敵単体に戦技属性で大ダメージを与え、低確率で相性無視の【瀕死】効果
Translation: Small Attack damage + Unconscious effect to an enemy.
Damage + 20% chance of inflicting instant death.
Lightning Strike Physical All foes 1 34 敵全体に戦技+電撃属性で中ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Small Attack damage + Electrified effect to all enemies.
Damage and 32% chance of inflicting shock.


Fire Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Agi Magical 1 foe 1 5 敵単体に火炎属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Fire damage to an enemy.
Agilao Magical 1 foe 1 28 敵単体に火炎属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Fire damage to an enemy.
Agidyne Magical 1 foe 1 58 敵単体に火炎属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Fire damage to an enemy.
Maha Agi Magical Multi foes 1 6 敵1グループに火炎属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Fire damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Agionn Magical Multi foes 1 32 敵1グループに火炎属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Fire damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Agidyne Magical Multi foes 1 64 敵1グループに火炎属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Fire damage to a group of enemies.
Dynamic Agilao Magical 1 foe 1 34 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Agilao...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 56 depending on choice.
Fire Breath Magical All foes 1 敵全体に火炎属性で術者のLVに応じたダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts Fire damage (depends on caster's level) to all enemies.
Power equals user's level times 1.6.
Inferno Magical All foes 1 68 敵全体に火炎属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Fire damage to all enemies.
Deadly Burn Magical All foes 1 100 敵全体に火炎属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Fire damage to all enemies.

Water Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Aqua Magical 1 foe 1 5 敵単体に水撃属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Water damage to an enemy.
Aques Magical 1 foe 1 28 敵単体に水撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Water damage to an enemy.
Aquadyne Magical 1 foe 1 58 敵単体に水撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Water damage to an enemy.
Maha Aqua Magical Multi foes 1 6 敵1グループに水撃属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Water damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Aques Magical Multi foes 1 32 敵1グループに水撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Water damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Aquadyne Magical Multi foes 1 64 敵1グループに水撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Water damage to a group of enemies.
Wonderful Aques Magical Multi foes 1 32 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Aques...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 56 depending on choice.
Acid Rain Magical All foes 1 42 敵全体に水撃属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Water damage to all enemies.
Fear Torrent Magical All foes 1 68 敵全体に水撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Water damage to all enemies.
Aquary Tide Magical All foes 1 100 敵全体に水撃属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Water damage to all enemies.

Wind Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Garu Magical 1 foe 1 5 敵単体に疾風属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Wind damage to an enemy.
Garula Magical 1 foe 1 28 敵単体に疾風属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Wind damage to an enemy.
Garudyne Magical 1 foe 1 58 敵単体に疾風属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Wind damage to an enemy.
Maha Garu Magical Multi foes 1 6 敵1グループに疾風属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Wind damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Garula Magical Multi foes 1 32 敵1グループに疾風属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Wind damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Garudyne Magical Multi foes 1 64 敵1グループに疾風属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Wind damage to a group of enemies.
Dangerous Garula Magical 1 foe 1 36 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Garula...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 56 depending on choice.
Killer Wind Magical All foes 1 42 敵全体に疾風属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Wind damage to all enemies.
Senpu Jin Magical All foes 1 68 敵全体に疾風属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Wind damage to all enemies.
Twinkle Nebula Magical All foes 1 86 敵全体に疾風属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Wind damage to all enemies.

Earth Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Magna Magical 1 foe 1 5 敵単体に地変属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Earth damage to an enemy.
Magnus Magical 1 foe 1 28 敵単体に地変属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Earth damage to an enemy.
Magdyne Magical 1 foe 1 58 敵単体に地変属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Earth damage to an enemy.
Maha Magna Magical Multi foes 1 6 敵1グループに地変属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Earth damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Magnus Magical Multi foes 1 32 敵1グループに地変属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Earth damage to a group of enemies.
Maha Magdyne Magical Multi foes 1 64 敵1グループに地変属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Earth damage to a group of enemies.
Great Magnus Magical 1 foe 1 40 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Magnus...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 56 depending on choice.
Rock Fall Magical All foes 1 42 敵全体に地変属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Earth damage to all enemies.
Magma Drop Magical All foes 1 68 敵全体に地変属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Earth damage to all enemies.
Anger of the Earth Magical All foes 1 100 敵全体に地変属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Earth damage to all enemies.

Ice Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description
Bufu Magical 1 foe 1 8 敵単体に氷結属性で小ダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Small Ice damage + Frozen effect to an enemy.
Bufula Magical 1 foe 1 36 敵単体に氷結属性で中ダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Medium Ice damage + Frozen effect to an enemy.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting Freeze.
Bufudyne Magical 1 foe 1 60 敵単体に氷結属性で大ダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Large Ice damage + Frozen effect to an enemy.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting Freeze.
Atomic Bufula Magical 1 foe 1 24 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Bufula...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 42 depending on choice.
Blizzard Breath Magical All foes 1 敵全体に氷結属性で術者のLVに応じたダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Ice damage (depends on caster's level) to all enemies.
Power equal to caster's level times 1.6.
Absolute Zero Magical Multi foes 1 36 敵1グループに氷結属性で中ダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Medium Ice damage + Frozen effect to a group of enemies.
Damage + 30% chance of inflicting Freeze.
Diamond Dust Magical Multi foes 1 60 敵1グループに氷結属性で大ダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Large Ice damage + Frozen effect to a group of enemies.
Damage + 30% chance of inflicting Freeze.
Release Jail Magical Multi foes 1 118 敵1グループに氷結属性で大ダメージを与え、【氷結】の追加効果
Translation: Huge Ice damage + Frozen effect to a group of enemies.
Damage + 30% chance of inflicting Freeze.

Lightning Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Zio Magical 1 foe 1 8 敵単体に電撃属性で小ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Small Lightning damage + Electrified effect to an enemy.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting Shock.
Zionga Magical 1 foe 1 36 敵単体に電撃属性で中ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Medium Lightning damage + Electrified effect to an enemy.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting Shock.
Ziodyne Magical 1 foe 1 60 敵単体に電撃属性で大ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Large Lightning damage + Electrified effect to an enemy.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting Shock.
Hyper Zionga Magical 1 foe 1 44 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Zionga...
50% chance of inflicting Shock. Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 60 depending on choice.
Vile Thunderbolt Magical Multi foes 1 36 敵1グループに電撃属性で中ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Medium Lightning damage + Electrified effect to a group of enemies.
Damage + 30% chance of inflicting Shock.
Baptism by Thunder Magical Multi foes 1 60 敵1グループに電撃属性で大ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Large Lightning damage + Electrified effect to a group of enemies.
Damage + 30% chance of inflicting Shock.
Guardian Hammer Magical Multi foes 1 118 敵1グループに電撃属性で大ダメージを与え、【感電】の追加効果
Translation: Huge Lightning damage + Electrified effect to a group of enemies.
Damage + 30% chance of inflicting Shock.

Nuclear Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Frei Magical Multi foes 1 24 敵1グループに核熱属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Nuclear damage to a group of enemies.
Freila Magical Multi foes 1 56 敵1グループに核熱属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Nuclear damage to a group of enemies.
Freidyne Magical Multi foes 1 82 敵1グループに核熱属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Nuclear damage to a group of enemies.
Ultra Freila Magical Multi foes 1 28 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Freila...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 56 depending on choice.
Heat Kaiser Magical Multi foes 1 102 敵1グループに核熱属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Nuclear damage to a group of enemies.
Nuclear Missile Magical All foes 1 128 敵全体に核熱属性で特大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Nuclear damage to all enemies.
Nova Cyther Magical 1 foe 1 152 敵単体に核熱属性で特大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Nuclear damage to an enemy.

Holy Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Hama Magical 1 foe 1 敵単体に光属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
36% chance of inflicting instant death.
Hamaonn Magical All foes 1 敵全体に光属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Unconscious.
48% chance of inflicting instant death.
Mahanma Magical Multi foes 1 敵1グループに光属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Unconscious.
42% chance of inflicting instant death.
Holy Light Magical All foes 1 12 敵全体に光属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Holy damage to all enemies.
Nirvana Magical All foes 1 40 敵全体に光属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Holy damage to all enemies.
Divine Judgement Magical All foes 1 64 敵全体に光属性で大ダメージを与え、【瀕死】の追加効果
Translation: Large Holy damage + Unconscious effect to all enemies.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting instant death.
Hieros Glupaine Magical All foes 1 1 敵全体にペルソナ能力による光属性ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts Holy damage (depends on Persona's power) to all enemies.
Damage multiplied by Persona's level and rank.
Alpha Blaster Magical All foes 1 敵全体に光属性で継続ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts continual damage to all enemies.
Halve HP for next 8 actions.

Dark Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Mudo Magical 1 foe 1 敵単体に闇属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
36% chance of inflicting instant death.
Mudoonn Magical All foes 1 敵全体に闇属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Unconscious.
48% chance of inflicting instant death.
Maha Mudo Magical Multi foe 1 敵1グループに闇属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Unconscious.
42% chance of inflicting instant death.
Stagnant Air Magical All foes 1 12 敵全体に闇属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Dark damage to all enemies.
Curse Magical All foes 1 40 敵全体に闇属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Dark damage to all enemies.
Trial of Darkness Magical All foes 1 64 敵全体に闇属性で大ダメージを与え、【瀕死】の追加効果
Translation: Large Dark damage + Unconscious effect to all enemies.
Damage + 50% chance of inflicting instant death.
Omega Cluster Magical All foes 1 敵全体の中からレベルの低い順に闇属性の【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders enemies Unconscious, starting with the weakest.
Instant death starting from lowest level for next 8 actions.
Chaos Element Magical All foes 1 敵全体に術者のLV×1~8分の闇属性ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts damage (depends on caster's level) to all enemies.
Damage equal to caster's level times 1~8.

Almighty Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Zan Magical 1 foe 1 10 敵単体に万能属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Almighty damage to an enemy.
Zanma Magical 1 foe 1 38 敵単体に万能属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Almighty damage to an enemy.
Zandyne Magical 1 foe 1 68 敵単体に万能属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Almighty damage to an enemy.
Gry Magical Multi foes 1 8 敵1グループに万能属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts small Almighty damage to a group of enemies.
Gryva Magical Multi foes 1 36 敵1グループに万能属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Almighty damage to a group of enemies.
Grydyne Magical Multi foes 1 60 敵1グループに万能属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Almighty damage to a group of enemies.
Megido Magical All foes 1 50 敵全体に万能属性で小ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts medium Almighty damage to all enemies.
Megidola Magical All foes 1 85 敵全体に万能属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Almighty damage to all enemies.
Megidolaonn Magical All foes 1 120 敵全体に万能属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Almighty damage to all enemies.
Super Megido Magical All foes 1 50 ?
Translation: Seems somewhat different from normal Megido...
Rumor changes base power to either 1 or 75 depending on choice.
High Pressure Magical All foes 1 72 敵全体に万能属性で中ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts large Almighty damage to all enemies.
Crescent Mirror Magical All foes 1 96 敵全体に万能属性で大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Almighty damage to all enemies.
Asteroid Bomb Magical All foes 1 196 敵全体に万能属性で特大ダメージを与える
Translation: Inflicts huge Almighty damage to all enemies.

Non-elemental Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Hits B. PowerBase Power Description Effect
Multi-Dimension Magical 1 foe 1 敵単体に【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
20% chance of inflicting instant death.
Petrifying Glare Magical 1 foe 1 敵単体に【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Unconscious.
40% chance of inflicting instant death.
Another Dimension Magical All foes 1 敵全体に【瀕死】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Unconscious.
40% chance of inflicting instant death.

Nerve Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Description Effect
Dormina Magical 1 foe 敵単体に神経属性の【睡眠】効果を与える
Translation: Puts an enemy to Sleep.
52% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Hypnotic Wave Magical All foes 敵全体に神経属性の【睡眠】効果を与える
Translation: Puts all enemies to Sleep.
44% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Invitation to Sleep Magical Multi foes 敵1グループに神経属性の【睡眠】効果を与える
Translation: Puts a group of enemies to Sleep.
52% chance of inflicting Sleep.

Mind Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Description Effect
Pulinpa Magical 1 foe 敵単体に精神属性の【混乱】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Confused.
52% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Marvelous Dance Magical Multi foes 敵1グループに精神属性の【混乱】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Confused.
52% chance of inflicting Panic.
Circular Reasoning Magical All foes 敵全体に精神属性の【混乱】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Confused.
44% chance of inflicting Panic.
Marin Karin Magical 1 foe 敵単体に精神属性の【魅惑】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Charmed.
52% chance of inflicting Charm.
Throw A Kiss Magical Multi foes 敵1グループに精神属性の【魅惑】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Charmed.
52% chance of inflicting Charm.
Alluring Mazurka Magical All foes 敵全体に精神属性の【魅惑】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Charmed.
44% chance of inflicting Charm.

Healing Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target B. PowerBase Power Description
Dia Magical 1 ally 40 味方単体のHPを小回復する
Translation: Restores a character's HP.
Diarama Magical 1 ally 250 味方単体のHPを大回復する
Translation: Greatly restores a character's HP.
HP recovery
Diarahan Magical 1 ally 味方単体のHPを全回復する
Translation: Fully restores a character's HP.
Media Magical All allies 20 味方全体のHPを小回復する
Translation: Partially restores all characters' HP.
HP recovery
Mediarama Magical All allies 150 味方全体のHPを大回復する
Translation: Greatly restores all characters' HP.
HP recovery
Mediarahan Magical All allies 味方全体のHPを全回復する
Translation: Fully restores all characters' HP.
Recarm Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【瀕死】を回復し、HPを小回復する
Translation: Recovers an Unconscious character, restoring some HP.
Revives a fallen ally with 25% HP.
Sama Recarm Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【瀕死】を回復し、HPを全回復する
Translation: Recovers an Unconscious character, restoring full HP.
Revives a fallen ally with full HP.
Recarm Dora Magical All allies 味方全体の【瀕死】を回復し、HPを小回復するその後、術者が【瀕死】になる
Translation: Sacrifice self to recover all Unconscious characters.
Revives all fallen allies with full HP. User dies.
Patra Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【睡眠】【幻影】を回復する
Translation: Recovers a character from Sleep and Illusion.
Me Patra Magical All allies 味方全体の【睡眠】【幻影】を回復する
Translation: Recovers all characters from Sleep and Illusion.
Posumudi Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【猛毒】を回復する
Translation: Recovers a Poisoned character.
Cures Poison.
Kotoludi Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【憑依】を回復する
Translation: Recovers a Possessed character.
Cures Possession.
Refresh Ring Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【瀕死】【暴走】以外の状態異常を回復する
Translation: Recovers a character's condition.
Cures all ailments.
Soothing Melody Magical All allies 48 味方全体のHPを小回復する
Translation: Partially restores all characters' HP.
HP recovery
Affectionate Prayer Magical All allies 120 味方全体のHPを大回復する
Translation: Greatly restores all characters' HP.
HP recovery
Pine Bamboo Plum Magical All allies 味方全体のHPを回復する効果はランダムで変化し、最大効果時はほぼ全ての状態異常も回復する
Translation: Randomly recovers characters' ailments and restores some HP.
Random effect. 50% chance of casting Mediarama, 25% chance of Media, or 25% chance of Sthiti.
Sthiti Magical 1 ally 味方単体の状態を回復し、HPを全回復する
Translation: Recovers a character's condition, fully restoring HP.
Recovers all HP and cures all ailments.
Sristi Magical All allies 味方全体の【瀕死】を回復し、HPを全回復する
Translation: Recovers all Unconscious characters, fully restoring HP.
Revives all fallen allies with full HP.

Support Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Description Effect
Taru Kaja Magical 1 ally 味方単体の物理攻撃力を上昇させる
Translation: Enhances a character's At.
Increases physical attack.
Raku Kaja Magical 1 ally 味方単体の物理防御力を上昇させる
Translation: Enhances a character's Df.
Increases physical defense.
Maka Kaja Magical 1 ally 味方単体の魔法攻撃力を上昇させる
Translation: Enhances a character's SAt.
Increases magic attack.
Sama Kaja Magical 1 ally 味方単体の魔法防御力を上昇させる
Translation: Enhances a character's SDf.
Increases magic defense.
Suku Kaja Magical 1 ally 味方単体の【速】を上昇させる
Translation: Enhances a character's AGI.
Increases agility.
De Kaja Magical 1 foe 敵単体のカジャ系効果を解除する
Translation: Cancels an enemy's Kaja spell effects.
Removes all -kaja skill effects.
Dance of Bravery Magical 1 ally 味方単体の物理、魔法攻撃力を2倍にする
Translation: Enhances a character's At. and SAt.
Casts both Taru Kaja and Maka Kaja.
Dance of Protection Magical 1 ally 味方単体の受ける物理、魔法ダメージを半分にする
Translation: Enhances a character's Df. and SDf.
Casts both Raku Kaja and Sama Kaja.
Wall of Fire Magical All allies 味方全体の受ける火炎相性の攻撃を無効化する
Translation: Nullifies Fire type attacks targeted toward the entire party.
Nullifies Fire damage for duration of battle.
Wall of Water Magical All allies 味方全体の受ける水撃相性の攻撃を無効化する
Translation: Nullifies Water type attacks targeted toward the entire party.
Nullifies Water damage for duration of battle.
Wall of Air Magical All allies 味方全体の受ける疾風相性の攻撃を無効化する
Translation: Nullifies Wind type attacks targeted toward the entire party.
Nullifies Wind damage for duration of battle.
Wall of Earth Magical All allies 味方全体の受ける地変相性の攻撃を無効化する
Translation: Nullifies Earth type attacks targeted toward the entire party.
Nullifies Earth damage for duration of battle.
Tetrakarn Magical 1 ally 1回だけ味方単体に対する物理攻撃を反射する
Translation: Reflects one physical attack that is targeted toward a character.
Repels next physical attack.
Makarakarn Magical 1 ally 1回だけ味方単体に対する魔法攻撃を反射する
Translation: Reflects one magic attack that is targeted toward a character.
Repels next magic attack.
Tetraja Magical All allies 光と闇の属性を持つ攻撃を1人につき1回だけ防ぐ障壁を味方全体に張る
Translation: Protects all characters from one attack of type Holy/Dark.
Nullifies next Light or Dark attack.

Ailment Skills

Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Description Effect
Bersac Ailment 1 foe 敵単体に万能属性の【狂暴】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Furious.
24% chance of inflicting Rage.
Devil's Smile Ailment Multi foes 敵1グループに万能属性の【狂暴】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Furious.
24% chance of inflicting Rage.
Roar Ailment All foes 敵全体に万能属性の【狂暴】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Furious.
20% chance of inflicting Rage.
Poisma Ailment 1 foe 敵単体に万能属性の【猛毒】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Poisoned.
Turbid Mist Ailment Multi foes 敵1グループに万能属性の【猛毒】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Poisoned.
24% chance of inflicting Poison.
Poison Breath Ailment All foes 敵全体に万能属性の【猛毒】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Poisoned.
20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Mafui Ailment 1 foe 敵単体に万能属性の【魔封】効果を与える
Translation: Renders an enemy Mute.
24% chance of inflicting Mute.
Magic Seal Ailment Multi foes 敵1グループに万能属性の【魔封】効果を与える
Translation: Renders a group of enemies Mute.
24% chance of inflicting Mute.
Summon Spirit Ailment All foes 敵全体に万能属性の【魔封】効果を与える
Translation: Renders all enemies Mute.
20% chance of inflicting Mute.
Illuzone Ailment 1 foe 敵単体に万能属性の【幻影】効果を与える
Translation: Puts an enemy under an Illusion.
52% chance of inflicting Illusion.
Fata Morgana Ailment Multi foes 敵1グループに万能属性の【幻影】効果を与える
Translation: Puts a group of enemies under an Illusion.
52% chance of inflicting Illusion.
Mirage Breath Ailment All foes 敵全体に万能属性の【幻影】効果を与える
Translation: Puts all enemies under an Illusion.
44% chance of inflicting Illusion.


Name D. TypeDamage Type Target Description Effect
Estoma Special Self 一定距離の間、レベルの低い敵の出現を抑える
Translation: Lowers the encounter rate of enemies weaker than the party.
Prevents random encounters of enemies whose levels are lower than Maya's.
Trafuri Special Self 一部の敵を除き戦闘から確実に逃走する
Translation: Retreats from battle without fail (does not work against some enemies).
Guarantees escape from most battles, except for boss battles.