Divine Judgment

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For the skill localized as Divine Judgement in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, see Bright Judgement.
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Divine Judgment is a recurring skill in the Megami Tensei franchise.


Divine Judgment, also known as God's Judgement, is a skill that reduces a percentage of HP.



Game Attribute S. TypeSkill Type D. TypeDamage Type Effect Cost P. LevelPower Level Target Range Hits B. PowerBase Power C. RateCritical Hit Rate Accuracy Rank Usage
In Battle Outside
Persona 3 Reload Light Reduces HP by half. 38 SP ? One Foe 100
Persona 4 Light 50% chance to halve HP Group 8
Persona 4 Golden Light 70% chance of HP reduction; Can only be obtained via Skill Change 48 SP All Enemies 100% Group 8
Persona 5 Bless Magical Halve current HP. 48 SP One Foe 1 50 95%
Persona 5 Royal Bless Magical Halve current HP. 38 SP One Foe 1 50 95%


Game Description
Persona 3 Reload Light attack that reduces HP of 1 foe by 50%.
Persona 4 Light: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.
Persona 5 Bless attack that reduces HP of one foe by 50%.


Party Members

Name Learned


Name Learned

Persona 4 / Persona 4 Golden

Learnable via Skill Change.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 神の審判 Kami no Shinpan God's Judgment
Simplified Chinese 神之审判 Shén zhī Shěnpàn God's Judgment
Traditional Chinese 神之審判 Shén zhī Shěnpàn God's Judgment
French Jugement divin Divine Judgment
German Himmlisches Urteil Divine Judgment
Italian Giudizio divino Divine Judgment
Korean 신의 심판 Sin-ui Simpan God's Judgment
Polish Boski osąd Divine Judgment
Brazilian Portuguese Julgamento Divino Divine Judgment
Russian Суд Божий Sud Bozhiy Divine Judgment
Spanish Juicio divino Divine Judgment
Turkish İlahi Muhakeme Divine Judgment