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Nadja is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Nadja is an original creation for Shin Megami Tensei II.



Shin Megami Tensei IV

Name Level
Nadja 47
Race Alignment Speech HP MP
Fairy {{{align}}} 399 179
Basic Attack 1 attack(s) with the Phys element / Target: 1 enemy / Add: None
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Ailment Resistances
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Skill Cost Description Level
Pulinpa 5 MP 90% chance of Panic to one enemy.
Concentrate 9 MP Increases damage output of user's next magical attack(s) by 150%. Stacks with Spiritual Focus.
Samarecarm 1 MP Revives one ally from K.O. with full HP. 48

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Name Level
Nadja 6
Race Alignment Speech HP MP
Fairy Neutral Girl (B) 97 63
Basic Attack 1 attack(s) with the Phys element / Target: 1 enemy / Add: None
WkWeak RsResist
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Ailment Resistances
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Skill Affinity
Skill Cost Description Level
Zan 5 MP Weak force damage to one foe.
Dia 8 MP Restores small amount of HP to one ally. 7
Posumudi 6 MP Removes poison and sick from one ally. 9


Compendium Entries
Shin Megami Tensei:
Strange Journey Redux
A mysterious fair girl with green eyes and brown skin.
She wears a white dress and a bone necklace.
She is named eafter a character in the eponymous novel by André Breton.
Her name may come from the Russian word for hope, "Nadezda" or the English/French derivative, "Nadia."
There is no definitive answer.
Shin Megami Tensei IV A mysterious fairy girl with green eyes and brown skin, wearing a short, white dress and a bone necklace.
Her name comes from the young woman who appears in the eponymous novel by Andre Brenton. Her name may come from the russian word for hope, "Nadezda," or the English/French name stemming from it, "Nadia", but there is no definitive answer.
Shin Megami Tensei IV:
A mysterious fairy girl with green eyes and brown skin, wearing a short, white dress and a bone necklace.
Her name comes from the young woman who appears in the eponymous novel by Andre Brenton. Her name may come from the russian word for hope, "Nadezda," or the English/French name stemming from it, "Nadia", but there is no definitive answer.

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei II

This section contains spoilers. (Skip Section)

Nadja can be found in the old aqueduct while Aleph is on his way to rescue Hiroko from the prison in the Factory district. When found, she will exclaim that he is cute and joins his party, then teleporting them to a locked door that allows them quick passage to the labor camp. When Aleph frees Hiroko from her cell, Nadja will ask him if she is his girlfriend. If he says yes, Nadja will call him a liar and get frustrated that he does not respond to her feelings. If he says no, she will respond that she can still tell he likes her. She then decides to fuse with her, so that she can be part of the one he cares for, restoring Hiroko's mental state and increasing her stats permanently.

If Aleph frees Hiroko without ever meeting Nadja however, trying to meet her after the fact will have her scoff at him and proclaim that she will never become his ally, and tells him to get lost.


Nadja is featured in one Visionary cutscene in the Game Boy Advance and iOS versions of the game.

In "Necklace of Hope", a Holy Knight stumbles upon Nadja in the Factory. After recognizing that she isn't human, he realizes he can take advantage of the situation, and begins to act in a very predatory manner, attempting to beckon her to him so they can "talk". Nadja can see through his deception however and bluntly affirms that the Holy Knight wants to perform experiments on her body. This gives him pause before he resumes his efforts in convincing her to go to him, trying to move closer to her, but Nadja once again calls him out on it. He insists that he just wants to talk, but Nadja reads him easily, pointing out the presence of his nerve bullets, no doubt to knock her out, and that he is not popular with women, which enrages the man. He realizes that she can read his mind, and before he can attack, Nadja teleports away, taunting him and saying that she could never be with a man thinking such impure thoughts, leaving the Holy Knight to silently stew in his humiliation alone.

End of spoilers.


Nadja's name comes from the titular character of the André Breton novel Nadja. That character's name comes from the Russian word Надежда Nadezhda meaning "hope".[1]

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ナジャ Naja Nadja



  1. Kazuma Kaneko Works III (2008). Published by Shinkigensha. Japanese. p. 25. ISBN-13: 978-4-7753-0609-3.