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Not to be confused with the Persona from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Tsukiyomi.
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Tsukuyomi is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Tsukuyomi is the god who reigns over the night and moon, who was born from Izanagi's right eye, thus making him the brother of Amaterasu, and Susano-o. There are not many stories who involves or mention Tsukuyomi, making him very mysterious and enigmatic. He and his sister Amaterasu got into a dispute, which ultimately led to Amaterasu leaving to another part of the sky, thus making day and night appearing at different time and were never seen together.


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Shin Megami Tensei if...

Name Level
Tsukuyomi 62
Location Fusion
Race Alignment HP MP CostSummon Cost CP
Amatsu Light-Law 669 520
Hit(s) Attack Accuracy Defense Evasion M. Attack M. Effect
3-5 144 115 148 118 29 28
Moon Phase Damage Output
New New 1/8 1/8 2/8 2/8 3/8 3/8 Half Half 5/8 5/8 6/8 6/8 7/8 7/8 Full Full
Item Drop Inheritance Type
Magic Skills
Skill Attribute Cost Description
Mazanma Force 7 MP Force spell with 30 power that targets all enemies.
Mazandyne Force 21 MP Force spell with 74 power that targets all enemies.
Makajama Ruin 4 MP Ruin spell with 42 base power that hits 1-3 times. May cause Seal.
Mudoon Curse 9 MP Curse spell with 28 power that hits 3-5 times. May cause Death.
Sabbatma Special 8 MP Summon a demon from the COMP without spending macca.


Compendium Entries
Shin Megami Tensei V A god that appears in Japanese legend, believed to be the ruler of the night.

According to the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, he was born from Izanagi, and is younger brother to Amaterasu as well as older brother to Susano-o.

Upon fusing with Yuzuru Atsuta and reassimilating his lost Knowledge, he thus assumed his original Nahobino form.

Liberation Dx2 The moon god from Japanese mythology. Tsukuyomi was said to have been born from the right eye of Izanagi during purification after his escape from Yomi no kuni, the underworld. Tsukuyomi was the second of the "three noble children," who was commanded by his father Izanagi to watch over the night sky. In the Chronicles of Japan, Tsukuyomi and his sister the sun goddess Amaterasu part ways due to their disagreements. This is why the sun and moon appear at different times in the sky.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin Male god born when Izanagi washed his right eye in Japanese lore.

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei II

Tsukuyomi can be found imprisoned in Sealed Iwato, where Aleph rescues him. He will then thank him and ask for him to free his sister, Amaterasu.

Shin Megami Tensei V

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Audio Drama Appearances

Novel Appearances

Digital Devil Story 2: Mato no Senshi

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Persona x Detective Naoto

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Manga Appearances

Persona x Detective Naoto

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ツクヨミ Tsukuyomi Katakana transliteration of 月読, meaning roughly "moon reading".
Often followed by 命 (no mikoto), meaning "lord" or "highness".
