Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #2

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Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #2, fully titled as Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #2: You'll Understand When You Get Older, is a drama CD containing a side-story of Persona 4 The Animation. It was released on August 8, 2012.




ちょうど堂島へ届け物に来ていた悠も、その後隣町で買い物の約束があったため同行。 しかし、道中、真夏の路上で突然車がエンストしてしまう。次々起こる思いがけないアクシデントや親切が裏目に出てしまう出来事。それでも人助けをためらわない悠に、足立は「懲りないね、悠くんも」と冷めた言葉を投げかける。 一方、悠が足立と車に乗り込むところを目撃した他の「自称特別捜査隊」のメンバーは、悠が逮捕されたものと勘違いし、救出作戦に乗り出し--!?


The audio drama takes place at the end of August, between episodes 13/14 and episode 15 of Persona 4 The Animation.

In the Velvet Room, Margaret talks about souvenirs, setting up the plot for the drama. At the Inaba Police Department, Tohru Adachi has some paperwork that he needs to do, but he wants to take his time since it is the only work he has to do that day. Earlier, the Inaba PD had visitors from the prefectural headquarters, and Adachi was supposed to have given them a bag of souvenir sweets. Ryotaro Dojima sees the bag of souvenirs sitting around, realizes Adachi forgot to hand them over, and tells him to deliver it in person. Adachi tries to get out of this by saying he has paperwork, so Dojima offers to do it for him. Adachi then tries to claim he does not want to go by himself.

Yu Narukami is his way to meet with Ai Ebihara in a larger, neighboring city to help her buy makeup limited to one per person. When he stops by Inaba PD to drop off a document that Dojima left at home, he learns that Adachi has been told to go on an errand to deliver souvenir snacks to the prefectural police headquarters in the same city that Yu is headed towards. Dojima tells Adachi to give Yu a lift on the way. This way, Adachi will not have to go by himself. Adachi gives up and finally agrees to go.

In the car ride over, Adachi complains that he does not want to talk to people from the prefectural HQ as they tend to look down on small town cops, and he would know this since he used to work in the big city. Yu is surprised to hear this and wonders if there was a time when Adachi was a more competent police officer. Yu sees police work as somewhat romanticized, but Adachi is bitter about it and says it is nothing like what you see on TV. He offers to explain to Yu why he became a cop; maybe once Yu is a bit older.

Together, the two end up in a series of unfortunate events when Adachi's car breaks down, and they must take the train into the neighboring city. Yu still needs to meet up with Ai so he offers to make Adachi's delivery for him. Adachi knows Dojima will get on his case if he makes Yu do it for him, so Adachi comes along on the train. Along the way, Yu tries to help people in need, but all of it backfires on him, and Adachi's bag of souvenir snacks gets crushed.

Once they reach the neighboring city, Adachi gives up. Yu tries to encourage him to keep going, but Adachi is done. He points out how all of Yu's attempts to help people that day have all gone wrong. Adachi goes to a cafe near the ticket gate and tries to contact Dojima, while a dejected Yu continues to meet with Ai despite being so late. Ai believed that Yu would show up, and he finds her still waiting for him. She complains about only being able to buy one item but gives him a soda she bought earlier as a thank you for him that has since gotten warm.

Adachi calls the Dojima house, trying to get ahold of Dojima, and Nanako picks up. She says that her dad hasn't come home yet as he is waiting for someone back at the police station. Yu, now in better spirits, returns to the station to find Adachi and convinces him that you must keep going so long as someone is relying on you. Adachi buys replacement souvenir sweets and finally delivers them to the prefectural police headquarters. The prefectural police thank him but tell him they could have just sent them by mail, and Adachi finds himself agreeing.

Earlier in the day, Teddie happened to spot Yu getting in Adachi's patrol car back when the two were first setting out. He assumed that Adachi had arrested Yu for something, and he reported this to the rest of the Investigation Team. The whole group then followed Yu and Adachi all the way to the neighboring city to try and clear Yu's name, and finally caught up to them outside the prefectural HQ. Adachi is in disbelief as he personally would never do something like that for anyone. After realizing it was a misunderstanding, Yu heads home with his friends while Adachi takes off by himself. Back at the Inaba PD, Adachi returns and reports to Dojima, who tells him he did well, even if he took long.


No. Track title (Japanese) Track title (Translation) Composer Duration
1 TRACK #1 TRACK #1 3:08
2 TRACK #2 TRACK #2 7:35
3 TRACK #3 TRACK #3 7:36
4 TRACK #4 TRACK #4 8:08
5 TRACK #5 TRACK #5 7:25
6 TRACK #6 TRACK #6 5:05
7 TRACK #7 TRACK #7 6:30
8 TRACK #8 TRACK #8 4:59
9 TRACK #9 TRACK #9 6:21
10 出演キャストによる収録感想コメント (ボーナストラック) Cast Comments (Bonus Track) 17:48


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Reason: Non-voice actor staff / personnel


Character Japanese
Yu Narukami Daisuke Namikawa
Yosuke Hanamura Showtaro Morikubo
Chie Satonaka Yui Horie
Yukiko Amagi Ami Koshimizu
Kanji Tatsumi Tomokazu Seki
Rise Kujikawa Rie Kugimiya
Teddie Kappei Yamaguchi
Naoto Shirogane Romi Park
Ryotaro Dojima Unshō Ishizuka
Nanako Dojima Akemi Kanda
Tohru Adachi Mitsuaki Madono
Ai Ebihara Kanae Itō
Margaret Sayaka Ohara


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #2 You'll understand when you get older

