Repeller of evil found by En-no-Ozuno at Kinpusen. Believed to be a fusion of Buddha, Guanyin, and Maitreya, a god who originates from Japan rather than Buddhavacana.
Repeller of evil found by En-no-Ozunu at Kinpusen. Believed to be a fusion of Buddha, Guanyin, and Maitreya, a god who originated from Japan rather than Buddhavacana.
Repeller of evil found at Kinpusen by En-no-Ozunu. Believed to be a fusion of Buddha, Guanyin, and Maitreya, he is a god who originated from Japan rather than the Buddhavacana.
Repeller of evil found by En-no-Ozunu at Kinpusen. Believed to be a fusion of Buddha, Guanyin, and Maitreya, a god who originates from Japan rather than the Buddhavacana.