Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #1

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Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #1, fully titled as Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #1: I Guess I'm Not Lucky After All, is a drama CD containing a Persona 4 The Animation sidestory. It was released on June 20, 2012.



当日のシフトをバイト先の先輩に頼もうとするも断られるなど、災難の続く陽介は悠の紹介で修行中の占い師に相談するが、自分で道を切 り開くしかないと切り捨てられる。 一方、夏休みを利用して、「自称特別捜査隊」のメンバーたちも感謝祭の助っ人として手伝うことになり準備に奔走する。 いよいよ迎えた当日。 屋上での着ぐるみショーに、タイムセールに押しかける主婦の群れ、更には菜々子に男の影が! ? 陽介、そして「自称特別捜査隊」は無事に感謝祭を成功させることができるのか――。


Chronologically, the audio drama occurs over summer break, concurrently with episodes 13/14 of Persona 4 The Animation. It also adapts parts of Yosuke Hanamura's Social Link from the game and depicts the week of August 15th - August 20th, where either Yu Narukami and Chie Satonaka help Yosuke and Teddie at Junes or Yu must attend summer school with Kanji Tatsumi and Rise Kujikawa.

During summer vacation, Yu, Chie, and Yukiko Amagi hang out at the rooftop food court at Junes while Teddie works at the shaved ice booth. Yukiko is a fan of the shaved ice at Junes and has noticed a new item on the menu. Kanji and Rise are not with their friends that day as their exam grades were poor and they are stuck in summer school this week. Yosuke shows up and complains about being unlucky. He lost a game of rock-paper-scissors and is now stuck running the Junes customer appreciation event on Sunday. His bad luck continues, while Yu seems to have good luck. Yu offers to buy Yosuke a soda from the vending machine and even wins a free drink from the machine. When Yosuke opens his soda, it's all shaken up and fizzes over, while Yu's is fine. After Yosuke leaves the bathroom, two high school girls who work at Junes complain to Yosuke about their schedules, thinking he can do something about it since he is the manager's son.

Yosuke goes to the Dojima Residence to do his summer homework with Yu. In his room, Yosuke asks Yu where he keeps "the goods" and if he has ever had a girl in his room. Shortly after, Nanako brings them barley tea. Yosuke invites her to hang out with them later, but Nanako plans to go to a boy's house later to drop off something for school, and her friend, who has a crush on this boy, is going with her. After Nanako leaves, the subject of Yosuke's bad luck comes up again, and he asks Yu if he knows a fortune teller. Yu realizes he knows one and offers to take Yosuke to her after they finish their homework, but Yosuke demands to be taken to her immediately.

Yu leads Yosuke to Tatsuhime Shrine, where Margaret, now a fortune teller in training, has set up a tent. There, Margaret speaks to the boys from behind a veil and has a stereo playing the "Aria of the Soul". Yosuke believes he was born under an unlucky star sign and asks if she can do anything about his fate. He is taken aback when Margaret very bluntly and quickly implies it is impossible. Margaret emphasizes that instead of trying to rely on her, he should try to change himself. She brings up Yu as an example: Over the summer, he pushed forward and changed himself. She suggests Yosuke follow in his footsteps. Yosuke has not yet seen what is precious to him. But by experiencing numerous things, he will uncover new truths.

At Junes, Yosuke, Yu, Chie, and Teddie are handing out fliers for the customer appreciation event. Teddie is especially popular with the older women. Yosuke gets a call from one of his coworkers, Kazumi, who says she cannot work during the event because she has a date with her boyfriend that day and tells Yosuke to do something about it. After hearing about this, Yu volunteers to help. He manages to inspire Chie to agree, and Chie volunteers Yukiko to help, saying Yosuke can repay them with snacks from the food court.

On the day of the customer appreciation event, the two high school employees from track 2 reappear. They are upset after learning that Kazumi got to take the day off. The two start complaining to Yosuke about him playing favorites. Yosuke tries to explain that he was able to get his friends to replace her, but they assume he is pursuing her now that Saki has died and even begin trash-talking Saki. Yu steps in and says he feels bad for Saki while listening to all of this. Yosuke gets upset and yells at the two, and they leave Junes during the event. Remembering that today is Sunday and summer school is over, Yu calls Kanji and Rise and asks them to replace the two.

Kanji botches the announcement for the animal costume show. Rise also botches it but encourages everyone to come. On the rooftop stage, Teddie performs the show for the children in the audience. Nanako is among those watching, and Yu tells her how Yosuke organized everything. She is so impressed with him and thinks the roof is like some kind of amusement park. Yosuke downplays his accomplishments as he has only been thinking of this as something he had to do after losing rock-paper-scissors. Yosuke grabs Yu, Kanji, and Teddie and gives them instructions for the limited time sale: Kanji and Teddie are in charge of herding the customers, while Yosuke and Yu are to restock items. The boys all reply with, "Sir, yessir!" After Yosuke announces the start of the sale, a stampede of people flood Junes, grabbing items on sale, and Kanji and Teddie are lost in action.

Once the sale period is over, the Investigation Team regroups on the roof. Yosuke has found what is precious to him. Yosuke was thinking about how unlucky he was, but now he finds himself amazed at how he had such good friends who would show up and help him. Having them at his side makes him feel he has plenty of luck as if he used up all the luck he will get in his whole lifetime just meeting them. Yu and the others tell him that the luckiest thing was that they all met one another. Yosuke knows everyone is exhausted after the sale period, but all they need to dismantle the stuff on the roof next. The group gets fired up to help and plans to go to Chinese Diner Aiya afterward. Immediately after they say this, it begins raining, and the group all agrees that this is due to Yosuke.


No. Track title (Japanese) Track title (Translation) Composer Duration
1 TRACK #1 TRACK #1 2:04
2 TRACK #2 TRACK #2 11:50
3 TRACK #3 TRACK #3 6:00
4 TRACK #4 TRACK #4 2:59
5 TRACK #5 TRACK #5 4:22
6 TRACK #6 TRACK #6 7:20
7 TRACK #7 TRACK #7 7:09
8 TRACK #8 TRACK #8 5:31
9 TRACK #9 TRACK #9 5:07
10 出演キャストによる収録感想コメント (ボーナストラック) Cast Comments (Bonus Track) 10:54


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Reason: Non-voice actor staff / personnel


Character Japanese
Yu Narukami Daisuke Namikawa
Yosuke Hanamura Showtaro Morikubo
Chie Satonaka Yui Horie
Yukiko Amagi Ami Koshimizu
Kanji Tatsumi Tomokazu Seki
Rise Kujikawa Rie Kugimiya
Teddie Kappei Yamaguchi
Nanako Dojima Akemi Kanda
Margaret Sayaka Ohara


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese Persona 4 The Animation Drama CD #1 I guess I'm not lucky after all

