Guidelines:Article Writing

The article writing policy of Megami Tensei Wiki defines the manner and style of how articles should be written and formatted on the wiki. This policy is designed to keep content across the site consistent with one another while presenting information in an organized, intuitive manner.
Writing Style
All articles on the wiki are to be written in a formal and encyclopedic style.
- Avoid the use of casual/informal language, colloquialisms, and word contractions (e.g. can't, it's, let's) when writing.
- Articles must be written in American English.
- In most cases, all articles on the wiki must be written in an in-universe perspective, i.e. the use of "you", "the player", and other forms of breaking the fourth wall should be avoided. Instead it is highly preferred to write from a relevant character's perspective (mainly the protagonist's or the party's in most cases) over you/the player. (Examples: Aleph is approached by a demon. The party reaches the district.) There are certain exceptions where writing "the player" may be preferred for articles or sections detailing out-of-universe information, such as gameplay mechanics. In which case, "the player" or "players" must be used over "you".
- By extension, articles also should not be written as game guides or walkthroughs. Although the wiki covers detailed gameplay information as part of its initiative to document the games, which can include statistics or maps, the wiki is not meant to be a place to share game strategies or tips.
- Articles should also not be written as literary fiction and avoid the use of devices and styles associated with it, i.e. superfluous or flowery language, exaggeration, and dramatization should all be avoided. Pages must be written in a straightforward and formal manner.
- Block quotes, which are sometimes added to some wikis for flair, are not allowed for this reason. If you are using a quote as a source, use a cite template instead.
- Articles should always be written in the present tense, unless an article's or section's content requires a different tense.
- Articles must be written from a neutral point of view, avoiding speculative or personal views of the editor. This includes any personal favor and dislike of media titles and characters.
Article Format
In general, all articles on the wiki should follow this basic format order:
Header |
Infobox |
Lede |
Main body |
Trivia |
Nomenclature |
Gallery |
Citations |
External Links |
Footer |
Not all of the above need to be present on every page and there may be some page types or subjects where some of these sections may not be applicable to them. Nonetheless, the above format is still a good rule of thumb to keep in mind when creating or editing an article. The above sections are:
Section | Explanation |
The header space is reserved for notice templates used to inform readers of the article ahead (such as Template:About) and for maintenance templates, and as such precede all other content in a page.
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Infoboxes are templates intended to provide readers a brief overview of the subject's basic information, which can include the subject's name(s), image(s), and any other supplemental facts in their appropriate parameter fields. Infoboxes are displayed in the top-right corner of a page, and as such these should always be placed near the top of a page (immediately following the header space if there is one). There are several pre-made infobox templates for various page types. (See Guidelines:Infoboxes for more information.)
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The lede is the opening statement at the top of a page and is meant to give readers a generalized, brief summary of the page subject as the first thing they read. These are usually formatted as
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a (type of subject) from (link template to media title or series page). This can be as short as a sentence or as long as a general paragraph, but all pages need to have one. The subject's name (along with any other alternate names mentioned) should be bolded in the lede, but not for every other instance on the page. The lede should also not go over comprehensive information that would be better suited in the main body and it should also be kept free of spoilers. | |
The main body is where all of the article's comprehensive information goes, sorted into sections as necessary to the page type. How the main body should be written and organized is largely dependent on the subject's page type, which is outlined in the sections below. This is also outlined in the page boilerplates as well.
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The Trivia section is intended for out-of-universe and obscure information on a subject that does not fit anywhere else in the main body. As such, general information should not be placed here and this section is subject to some scrutiny. If a page does not presently have any trivia, this section should be omitted.
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The Nomenclature section is dedicated to documenting the origin and meaning of a subject's name/title. Template:Names, which lists the subject's official names in other languages, is kept here. Nomenclature is preferred over etymology, as etymology concerns over the origin of words while nomenclature extends to names and titles.
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The Gallery section is for displaying images and/or videos pertaining to the subject, such as official artwork, sprites or models, screenshots, trailer videos, and so on. These are kept in
<gallery></gallery> tags. If a page does not presently need a gallery, this section should be omitted. (See Guidelines:Galleries for more information.) | |
This is where the Notes and/or References sections go. If a page does not presently cite any notes or references, those sections should be omitted until they are needed. (See Guidelines:Citations for more information.)
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This section is for listing external links relevant to the subject, such as an official website. Links should be listed in a bullet point list and formatted as
[URL Sitename] . Any links to external pages should only be those that give additional information or further reading, and as such this section is subject to heavy scrutiny. Links to pirated content and unrelated websites are not allowed and will be removed. If a page has no external links, this section should be omitted. | |
The footer space is at the very bottom of a page. This is where any navigational templates and finally page categories go. All pages need to be appropriately categorized.
Media Sections
Many page types have sections for Gameplay and Media Appearances (Game Appearances, Anime Appearances, Manga Appearances, etc). Gameplay is intended for game mechanics, stat tables and other statistics, and other gameplay-related information relevant to a subject, while Media Appearances are strictly intended for story content, side-quest content, or other significant appearances of the subject. Media covered within these sections should follow the wiki's media order guidelines and should each have a Level 3 subsection (=== Level 3 ===
Media section headers should link to the media title using Template:Link. I.e. === {{Link|Game|P5}} ===
to link to the Persona 5 video game page. If an on-wiki link is not available or not applicable, the media title in the header should be manually italicized. I.e. === ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'' ===
For games that have enhanced remasters or re-releases, the original title should be used when covering gameplay or story content that appears in both the original and re-release. For example: if content is in both the original Persona 5 and the Persona 5 Royal re-release and is unchanged, the section should just be titled as Persona 5. Content that is exclusive to a re-release should be given its own Level 4 section (==== Level 4 ====
) underneath the original release. Do not refer to both titles in a single section header, as this is inconsistent and makes linking to difficult. I.e. avoid using "Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal" or "Persona 5 / Royal" in section headers.
If a game's re-release does not have an unique title, title its subsection after the gaming platform or as "(Year date) Re-release" if a multi-platform release.
Full remakes of a game should have its own Level 3 section, distinct from the original game. This mainly applies to Persona 3 Reload.
Boilerplates are page format templates that can be used during page creation to instantly insert a structured format into any new page, thereby simplifying the creation process and ensuring that information across articles are kept consistent and organized. Boilerplates should thus always be used when creating a new page, even if only a little information is added at its initial creation. Boilerplates can be selected by pulling down the "Select boilerplate" menu above the editor, choosing an appropriate boilerplate to the subject, and clicking on "load". Note that boilerplates are only made available when creating new pages. If you want to add a boilerplate to an already existing page, you will have to manually add its content in. The page format sections below detail how certain page types should be formatted.
Keep in mind that some sections and content included in a boilerplate template may not be necessary to the given subject. For example: many boilerplates include a Trivia section, but unless a page actually has any trivia points, this section should otherwise be omitted. Similarly, if a page is about a character who does not appear in any video games, then game-related sections should be omitted. The page format sections below detail the criteria for which certain sections should be omitted if they are unneeded. This should also be kept in mind for content categories included in a boilerplate; these should be edited to point to specific subcategories as per the category usage guidelines.
Pages that use boilerplates are added to the Pages created from boilerplates category. This allows wiki staff to verify that a page has and follows its proper formatting, whereupon the category will be removed from that page.
Media Pages
Audio Drama Pages
(Lede) ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Tracklist== ==Listings== ===Casting=== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Audio Drama" under "Media". This page type covers both the contents of the audio drama itself as well as its CD release, including any bonus content separate from the audio drama.
Section | Explanation |
The Synopsis section summarizes the audio drama's plot or story. Depending on the length of the audio drama, this could be the full plot summary or split into its own plot summary page. If covering the full plot, be sure to enclose this section using the Startspoiler and Endspoiler templates. If splitting into its own page, link to it using Template:SeePlot following the initial synopsis.
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The Tracklist section briefly describes the content that is on the CD recording and lists its tracks, including any extra tracks unrelated to the audio drama. Use Template:Tracklist to document the tracklists and their information.
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Audio dramas only need a cast listing. This is given its own subsection:
Book Pages
(Infobox Book) (Lede) ==Blurb== ===Japanese=== ===English=== ==Contents== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Book" under "Media". This page type is mainly intended for guidebooks, art books, and other non-fiction books. Novels and manga have their own dedicated page types.
Category:Books is included in the boilerplate as a default category. If the book is a guidebook or art book, then it should instead be categorized in Category:Guidebooks or Category:Art Books instead, respectively.
Section | Explanation |
If a book has been officially translated into English, then Blurb is divided into two subsections:
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The Contents section gives an overview of the book's content. This can be compiled into a bullet point list or divided into subsections for more in-depth information, whichever is more appropriate for the extent of the book's coverage.
Game Pages
(Infobox Game) (Lede) ==Blurb== ===Japanese=== ===English=== ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Gameplay== ==Updates== ==Downloadable Content== ==Version Differences== ==Promotions== ===Pre-Order Bonus=== ===Special Edition=== ==Listings== ===[[Characters in {{PAGENAME}}|Characters]]=== ===[[Demons in {{PAGENAME}}|Demons]]=== ===[[Skills in {{PAGENAME}}|Skills]]=== ===[[Items in {{PAGENAME}}|Items]]=== ===[[Equipment in {{PAGENAME}}|Equipment]]=== ===[[Locations in {{PAGENAME}}|Locations]]=== ===[[Translations in {{PAGENAME}}|Translations]]=== ==Development== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Game" under "Media". If a game is an upcoming title, add the Upcoming template to its header space above the infobox. This template should be swapped for New Release once the title has been released.
If a game or version for a certain platform was only released in Japan, that platform should only be referred to by its Japanese name. I.e. Famicom and not Nintendo Entertainment System; Super Famicom and not Super Nintendo Entertainment System. This rule also applies to system peripherals, i.e. the Mega-CD for the Mega Drive, and not Sega CD for the Sega Genesis; the Super CD-ROM² for the PC Engine, and not TurboGrafx-CD for the TurboGrafx-16. Platforms also should not include the developer's name unless that is part of the platform's marketed name. I.e. the PlayStation should not be referred to as "Sony PlayStation"; Nintendo DS is acceptable as this is part of its marketed name.
Section | Explanation |
If a game has been officially localized into English, then Blurb is divided into two subsections:
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The Synopsis section gives a brief summary of the game's beginning plot or story. For brevity and to avoid plot spoilers, the synopsis should detail no more than a basic summary of the game's opening exposition and initial conflict while providing a link to its full plot summary page. Plot summaries are linked to using Template:SeePlot, following the initial synopsis.
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The Gameplay section covers information regarding the game's gameplay systems and mechanics.
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The Updates section covers any version updates and free patches the game received, including both updates in physical reprints and downloadable updates. Template:Updates should be used to document each version, their initial release date, and their changes. If a game did not receive any updates, this section should be omitted.
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This section covers any paid downloadable content, including cosmetics, expansion packs, and season passes or DLC bundles. Template:DLC should be used to document each DLC item, including their initial release date, pricing, and additions. If a game does not have any paid downloadable content, this section should be omitted.
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Not to be confused with updates, the Version Differences section covers any notable differences between the game's re-releases, including ports, remasters, and/or remakes. A subsection should be added for every notable release, titled after the release's title or the platform it was released for. If a remaster or remake has its own page, its subsection should be kept brief and provide a link to its page for further reading using Template:Main.
Straight ports of a game that have no significant differences should not be added to this section, which includes PlayStation Network, Virtual Console, Nintendo Switch Online, and dedicated console ports. Notable releases include those that add new content, revise its present content, have significant graphical or sound updates, or are full-on remakes. If a game does not have any releases that fit this criteria, this section should be omitted. | |
Promotions is divided into subsections:
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The Listings section links to a game's dedicated listings of its characters, demons, items, etc. Links are formatted as
===[[Subjects in {{PAGENAME}}|Subjects]]=== . The actual listings should not be present on the game page itself for brevity, unless deemed necessary for that particular title or release. For most Megami Tensei games, common listings include Characters, Demons, Skills, Items, Equipment, Locations, and Translations, and these are the default in the Game Page boilerplate. However, certain games may require different listings to suit their relevant needs. | |
The Development section covers the development history of a game leading up to its release, including any post-release development (such as the development of other versions or DLCs). Information added here should be cited with pre-launch press release or developer quotes.
Re-releases of games do not tend to receive their own page unless a re-release adds significant new content or changes. For examples: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax and Persona 5 Royal, which are enhanced remasters with additional content as opposed to straight ports. However, because remasters are iterations of the original game and some may receive a lot of new content while others only a little, it is difficult to come up with a consistent standard for how their pages should be formatted and presented. As such, these should be approached on a case-by-case basis.
Where applicable though, content from the original game should not be duplicated on the re-release's page if they share the same content. I.e. the Synopsis and Gameplay sections should not be repeated on the re-release's page unless these deviate from the original's; the re-release should not have its own Listings unless necessary to that release. Unnecessary or redundant sections may be omitted or otherwise link back to the original game's using Template:Main.
Re-release pages still need to have Gameplay Changes
, Development
, Nomenclature
, and Gallery
as sections. Where applicable, a re-release's Synopsis section should only briefly recap the original story followed by any new or diverging story content. Unique List pages are only required if the re-release has enough new or revised content to warrant having its own; otherwise the original game's List pages can simply have a dedicated section or tabbers covering content exclusive or relevant to the re-release.
Manga Pages
(Infobox Manga) (Lede) ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Volumes== ==Chapters== ==Listings== ===[[Characters in {{PAGENAME}}|Characters]]=== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Manga" under "Media".
Section | Explanation |
The Synopsis section gives a brief summary of the manga's beginning plot or story. For brevity and to avoid plot spoilers, the synopsis should detail no more than a basic summary of the manga's opening exposition and initial conflict while providing a link to its full plot summary page. Plot summaries are linked to using Template:SeePlot, following the initial synopsis.
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If the manga series has been published into a volume book format, this section covers that. Use Template:Vol to list each volume, including their cover image, volume number, publisher(s), release dates, and ISBNs. If the manga has not been collected in a book format, omit this section.
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This section lists all the chapters in the manga series. Use Template:Chapter List to list each chapter, including their title and a brief summary. If a manga has been officially localized into English, use Template:Chapter List EN.
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Manga pages only need have a character listing (includes Demons, Personas, Shadows). The character listing must be its own page and its link formatted as
===[[Characters in {{PAGENAME}}|Characters]]=== . The actual listing should not be present on the manga page itself for brevity, unless there are too few characters to warrant having a separate list page. |
Movie Pages
(Infobox Movie) (Lede) ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Home Release== ==Listings== ===Casting=== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Movie" under "Media".
Section | Explanation |
The Synopsis section gives a brief summary of a movie's beginning plot or story. For brevity and to avoid plot spoilers, the synopsis should detail no more than a basic summary of the movie's opening exposition and initial conflict while providing a link to its full plot summary page. Plot summaries are linked to using Template:SeePlot, following the initial synopsis.
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This section covers information on any home or video releases of the movie, including any changes between the original theatrical release and subsequent home releases. If the movie has not been given a home release, omit this section.
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Movies only need a cast listing. This is given its own subsection:
Novel Pages
(Infobox Book) (Lede) ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Listings== ===[[Characters in {{PAGENAME}}|Characters]]=== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Novel" under "Media". This page type also extends to short stories, novellas, and other literary works of fiction.
Section | Explanation |
The Synopsis section gives a brief summary of a novel's beginning plot or story. For brevity and to avoid plot spoilers, the synopsis should detail no more than a basic summary of the novel's opening exposition and initial conflict while providing a link to its full plot summary page, unless the story is too short to warrant having a separate plot summary. Plot summaries are linked to using Template:SeePlot, following the initial synopsis.
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Novel pages only need have a character listing (includes Demons, Personas, Shadows). The character listing must be its own page and its link formatted as
===[[Characters in {{PAGENAME}}|Characters]]=== . The actual listing should not be present on the novel page itself for brevity, unless there are too few characters to warrant having a separate list page. |
OVA Pages
(Infobox OVA) (Lede) ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Home Release== ==Listings== ===Casting=== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "OVA" under "Media". "OVA" is short for original video animation and are specially made for home release or direct-to-video. Because of their specialized nature, these have their own page type and infobox.
Section | Explanation |
The Synopsis section gives a brief summary of the OVA's beginning plot or story. For brevity and to avoid plot spoilers, the synopsis should detail no more than a basic summary of the OVA's opening exposition and initial conflict while providing a link to its full plot summary page, unless the story is too short to warrant a separate plot summary. Plot summaries are linked to using Template:SeePlot, following the initial synopsis.
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This section covers information on the OVA's home or video release(s), including any changes between the original and subsequent home releases.
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OVAs only need a cast listing. This is given its own subsection:
Series Pages
(Lede) ==History== ==Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Series" under "Media". This page type covers individual media series within the Megami Tensei franchise, such as the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series. As the introduction of a new series is rare, what is presented here is mostly an editing guideline.
Section | Explanation |
The History section entails the media series's developmental and ongoing history since its inception.
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The Media section lists all the media that are part of or related to the series. This section should be divided into subsections for each media type (Video Games, Audio Dramas, Novels, TV Series, Movies, Manga) and use Template:Media to list media and their initial Japanese release dates.
If the series has any remakes/remasters, spin-off games, and/or mobile games, these should be given their own subsections under Video Games in that order. |
Soundtrack Pages
(Infobox Sound) (Lede) ==Tracklist== ===Disc 1=== ===Disc 2=== ==Personnel=== ==Trivia== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Soundtrack" under "Media". This page type also extends to most other forms of audio recordings, except for audio dramas which have their own page boilerplate.
Section | Explanation |
The Tracklist section briefly describes the content that is on the recording and lists its tracks. Use Template:Tracklist to document the tracklists and their information. If the recording is released as multiple CDs or records, give each their own subsection and tracklist template.
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The Personnel section is an extended list of the people involved in the making of the audio recording and its compositions, beyond the original composer and any arrangers. This can include musicians, vocalists, production staff, album artists, etc. These should be formatted in bullet point lists. It is recommended to use ColLeft and ColRight to vertically align the lists.
TV Series Pages
(Infobox TV Series) (Lede) ==Synopsis== {{SeePlot}} ==Episodes== ==Home Release== ==Listings== ===Casting=== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "TV Series" under "Media". This page type is used for both televised or streamed anime series and live-action series.
Section | Explanation |
The Synopsis section gives a brief summary of the TV series's beginning plot or story. For brevity and to avoid plot spoilers, the synopsis should detail no more than a basic summary of the series's opening exposition and initial conflict while providing a link to its full plot summary page. Plot summaries are linked to using Template:SeePlot, following the initial synopsis.
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This section lists all the televised episodes in the TV series. Use Template:Episode List to list each episode, including their title, original Japanese broadcast date, and a brief summary. If a series has been officially dubbed or subbed, use Template:Episode List EN.
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This section covers information on any home or video releases of the series, including any changes between the original broadcast and subsequent home releases. If the series has not been given a home release, omit this section.
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TV series only need a cast listing. This is given its own subsection:
Content Pages
Ailment Pages
(Lede) ==Profile== ==Gameplay== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Ailment" under "Content". Ailments that have only appeared in one or two games should instead be listed in List of Minor Status Effects.
Section | Explanation |
The Profile section gives a brief, general overview of the ailment.
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The Gameplay section documents the ailment's effects and other mechanical information by game. This section should be divided into subsections for each game the ailment appears in. Templates Ailment Cause, Ailment Cure, and Ailment Prevent should be used to list an ailment's causes, cures, and/or prevention.
Arcana Pages
(Lede) ==Profile== ==Social Links== ==List of Entities== ==Game Appearances== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Arcana" under "Content".
Section | Explanation |
The Profile section gives a brief description of the Arcana and its symbolism or associations. This can also include a short overview of the characteristics of Personas, Shadows, and/or Demons grouped in the Arcana.
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This section details any Social Links associated with the Arcana, divided into subsections for each game. This should primarily go over mechanical gameplay information, such as ranks and abilities unlocked. Story-specific information should be added to the Game Appearances section below. If an Arcana does not have any Social Links, omit this section.
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This section lists all of the Arcana's Personas, Shadows, and/or Demons by game, divided into subsections for each game. Use Template:Level to list entities within that game by base level. Some games, however, may require their own table templates to suit their needs. A separate table should be used for each entity group within a game.
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The Game Appearances section is used only to cover the Arcana's story significance in a game. This section should not be used to list entities or go over Social Link mechanics. This section should be divided into subsections by game.
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If the Arcana has a significant role in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the Arcana has a significant role in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the Arcana has a significant role in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the Arcana has a significant role in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Attribute Pages
(Lede) ==Gameplay== ==Lists by Game== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Attribute" under "Content". Attributes refer to the elemental classification of skills in the games, such as Physical, Gun, Fire, Ice, and so forth.
Section | Explanation |
The Gameplay section gives a general overview of the attribute and describes its common characteristics or mechanics.
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For brevity and simplicity, attribute pages should link to the appropriate section in each game's Skill Listing page.
Character Pages
(Infobox Character) (Lede) ==Profile== ==Gameplay== ==Game Appearances== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Appearances in Non-''Megami Tensei'' Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Character" under "Content".
Category:Characters is included in the boilerplate as a placeholder category; this should be replaced by specific Characters in Media Title
subcategories where possible, as per the categories guidelines. The Characters category is only intended to list the specific subcategories.
Section | Explanation |
The Profile section describes the character's qualities, including their physical appearance, personality, beliefs, and other such characteristics pertaining to them. This section can also include any developer design notes.
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This section covers any gameplay information relevant to the character by game, conforming to the gameplay guidelines. If the character is playable or participates in battles, this section can cover their statistics documented in stat table templates. This section also applies to non-playable characters (NPCs) if that character has other gameplay-related information, such as operating a service, Social Link information, etc. If a character's Gameplay section has over five subsections, the entire section's contents should be split into a separate gameplay page. Otherwise, if the character has no gameplay information whatsoever, omit this section.
The Gameplay section should always precede the Appearances sections, so that readers can quickly find gameplay information without having to scroll through potentially spoilery information below. Verily though, there may be cases where gameplay information may itself be spoilery. In such an event, consult the Spoilers guidelines. | |
This section covers the character's story-related content, divided into subsections by game. If the character has only appeared in one game, it should still be given a subsection for clarity. If the character has only appeared in non-game media, omit this section.
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If the character has appeared in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the character has appeared in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the character has appeared in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the character has appeared in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the character has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Demon Pages
(Infobox Demon) (Lede) ==Profile== ===Origin=== ===Design=== ==Gameplay== ==Compendium== ==Game Appearances== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Appearances in Non-''Megami Tensei'' Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Demon" under "Content". This page type also extends to Personas, Shadows, and other enemy entities.
Category:Demons is included in the boilerplate as a placeholder category; this should be replaced by specific Demons/Personas/Shadows in Game Title
subcategories where possible, as per the categories guidelines. The Demons, Personas, and Shadows categories are only intended to list the specific subcategories.
Section | Explanation |
Profile is divided into two subsections:
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This section covers the Demon's gameplay information by game, predominately statistics documented in stat table templates. These should conform to the gameplay guidelines. If a Demon's Gameplay section has over five subsections, the entire section's contents should be split into a separate gameplay page.
The Gameplay section should always precede the Appearances sections, so that readers can quickly find gameplay information without having to scroll through potentially spoilery information below. Verily though, there may be cases where gameplay information may itself be spoilery. In such an event, consult the Spoilers guidelines. | |
The Compendium section documents the Demon's in-game Demon Compendium entries or equivalent descriptions, using Template:Compendium. Game parameters in the template should be omitted if a Demon does not appear in that game or has no entry in it. If the Demon has no entries whatsoever, this section should be omitted.
If the section has more than five entries listed, the Compendium template must be made collapsed by adding the parameter collapse= with any value (such as "1" or "y").Remasters and remakes of games are included in the Compendium template to cover new Demons introduced in that release, or if a Demon's entry differs between releases. If the entries are identical, do not use both parameters and instead delegate the entry to the original game. | |
The Game Appearances section is only used if a Demon has a significant appearance in a game outside of simply being a recruitable or enemy unit, such as playing a role in the game's story or as a quest-related NPC. As the Gameplay and Compendium sections already document a Demon's gameplay information, the Game Appearances section should not be used for that purpose. If there are no significant story or quest appearances, omit this section. Otherwise, this section should be divided into subsections by game. If the Demon only has a significant appearance in one game, it should still be given a subsection for clarity.
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If the Demon has appeared in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the Demon has appeared in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the Demon has appeared in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the Demon has appeared in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the Demon has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Equipment Pages
(Infobox Item) (Lede) ==Profile== ==Gameplay== ===Mechanics=== ===Descriptions=== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Appearances in Non-''Megami Tensei'' Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Equipment" under "Content". This boilerplate is intended only for equipment that require a dedicated page. Pieces of equipment that fulfill at least one of the following requirements should always have pages:
- Equipment which appears in at least two games
- Relevance to the plot or the story of quests in at least one media that it appears in
- Dedicated artwork
- The presence of a 3D model
- Interesting and specific profiles (For example: Equipment that alludes to religious concepts and figures as well as specific real-world equipment such as the SPAS-12 should have a page, while generic wooden swords should not be considered to have an interesting or specific profile and would need another reason to have a page)
- Signature equipment, such as the Samurai Sword used by the Samurai of Mikado in Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Other potential qualifiers for a page include unique behavior in itemization, involvement in glitches, unusual or complicated obtainment methods, unique mechanics, and nomenclature data for games released in languages other than Japanese and English. When in doubt, keep in mind that equipment page restrictions are meant to avoid pages which have nothing to discuss other than name, stats, and a basic obtain method (shop, drop, treasure). Equipment without any noteworthy qualities to discuss on a dedicated article should only be listed in a game's Equipment Listing. Equipment that is part of a set, as is the case in some older titles, should share a page detailing the set as a whole. Set pieces that reoccur without the other pieces of the set should receive their own article.
Category:Equipment is included in the boilerplate as a placeholder category, however this should be replaced by specific Equipment in Game Title
subcategories where possible, as per the categories guidelines. The Equipment category is only intended to list the specific subcategories.
Section | Explanation |
The Profile section describes the equipment's qualities, including its physical appearance and/or its in-universe or story significance. This section can also include developer design notes.
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This section documents the equipment's gameplay information within dedicated subsections. If an equipment has only appeared in non-game media, omit these sections.
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Used for detailing the equipment's story significance and other notable appearances by game. Gameplay data should only be covered in the Gameplay section. If the equipment has no story significance in any games, omit this section.
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If the equipment has appeared in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the equipment has appeared in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the equipment has appeared in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the equipment has appeared in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the equipment has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Item Pages
(Infobox Item) (Lede) ==Profile== ==Gameplay== ===Effect=== ===Mechanics=== ===Obtaining=== ===Descriptions=== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Appearances in Non-''Megami Tensei'' Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Item" under "Content". This boilerplate should be used for consumable items (such as recovery, battle, and stat-increasing items), resale items, materials, and notable key items. For recurring equipment, use the Equipment Page boilerplate.
Category:Items is included in the boilerplate as a placeholder category, however this should be replaced by specific Items in Game Title
subcategories where possible, as per the categories guidelines. The Items category is only intended to list the specific subcategories.
Section | Explanation |
The Profile section describes the item's qualities, including its physical appearance and/or its in-universe or story significance. This section can also include developer design notes.
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The Gameplay section documents the item's detailed information within the necessary subsections. If an item has only appeared in non-game media, omit these sections.
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If the item has appeared in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the item has appeared in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the item has appeared in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the item has appeared in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the item has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Mechanics Pages
(Lede) ==Overview== ==Mechanics by Game== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Mechanic" under "Content". This boilerplate is used for video game mechanics and systems.
Section | Explanation |
This section gives an explanatory overview of the mechanic or system, describing its basic structure, usage, and purpose.
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If a mechanic or system has appeared in multiple games, this section documents the game-specific information. This section should be divided into subsections for each game. Otherwise, if a mechanic is only utilized in one game, omit this section.
Location Pages
(Infobox Location) (Lede) ==Gameplay== ===Stores=== ===Encounters=== ===Items=== ==Game Appearances== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Appearances in Non-''Megami Tensei'' Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Location" under "Content". This page type also extends to dungeons.
Category:Locations is included in the boilerplate as a placeholder category. If the page is about a specific incarnation of a recurring location (such as Tokyo (Shin Megami Tensei)), then this category should be replaced by specific Locations in Media Title
subcategories where possible, as per the categories guidelines. With the exception of generalized pages of recurring locations, the Locations category is only intended to list the specific subcategories.
Section | Explanation |
The Gameplay section covers any gameplay information relevant to the location within dedicated subsections, documenting such things as local services, enemy encounters, and items found. If the location has no gameplay information to document or has only appeared in non-game media, omit this section.
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This section covers the location's story-related content, divided into subsections by game. If the location has only appeared in one game, it should still be given a subsection for clarity. If the location has only appeared in non-game media, omit this section.
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If the location has a significant role in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the location has a significant role in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the location has a significant role in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the location has a significant role in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the location has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Person Pages
(Infobox Person) (Lede) ==Biography== ===Early Life=== ===Career=== ===Personal Life=== ==Media Credits== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Person" under "Content". This page type is intended for real-world persons who are or have been involved with the Megami Tensei franchise, including development staff, actors, artists, writers, promoters, etc. The lede should briefly describe the person's exact involvement or work with the franchise. Because biographies can vary greatly, the outline presented here is meant to be a general guideline and not a hard rule.
Out of respect for the person's privacy, do not include information that has not been publicly released or preferred to be kept private. If there is a name that the person no longer wishes to be referred to by, that name must not be used anywhere in the article.
Section | Explanation |
Biography is divided into the following subsections:
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This section lists each Megami Tensei media the person was involved with and their specific role(s) for that media.
Race Pages
(Lede) ==Profile== ==List of Demons== ==Game Appearances== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Race" under "Content". Race refers to the grouping of demons in most Megami Tensei series.
- Profile — The Profile section gives a brief description of the demon race, including what they are based on and any other commonality between them, such as statistics, attribute affinity, or Alignment.
- List of Demons — This section lists all of the race's demons by game, divided into subsections for each game. Use Template:Level to list demons within that game by base level. Some games, however, may require their own table templates to suit their needs.
- Game Appearances — The Game Appearances section is only used if a demon race has a significant role in a game, such as playing a role in the game's story or in a quest. This section should not be used to list demons. If there are no significant appearances, omit this section. Otherwise, this section should be divided into subsections by game. If the race only has a significant role in one game, it should still be given a subsection for clarity.
Skill Pages
(Infobox Skill) (Lede) ==Profile== ==Gameplay== ===Effect=== ===Mechanics=== ===Descriptions=== ==Learnsets== ===Party Members=== ===Demons=== ==Audio Drama Appearances== ==Novel Appearances== ==Anime Appearances== ==Manga Appearances== ==Appearances in Non-''Megami Tensei'' Media== ==Trivia== ==Nomenclature== ==Gallery== ==Notes== ==References==
To use this page type's boilerplate, select "Skill" under "Content". This page type also extends to Passive skills and Traits.
Category:Skills is included in the boilerplate as a placeholder category, however this should be replaced by specific Skills in Game Title
subcategories where possible, as per the categories guidelines. The Skills category is only intended to list the specific subcategories.
Section | Explanation |
The Profile section gives a brief, generalized overview of the skill.
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The Gameplay section documents the skill's detailed information within the necessary subsections. If a skill has only appeared in non-game media, omit these sections.
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Learnsets consist of two subsections, divided by game. These use learnset table templates, such as Template:Learnset, to document who can learn the skill and the learning criteria. If the skill is known by default, add "Innate" for the learn criteria.
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If the skill was used in any audio dramas, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the skill was used in any novels or short stories, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the skill was used in any animated media, including televised anime series, movies, or OVAs, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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If the skill was used in any manga, this section covers that. Otherwise, omit this section if none.
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This section is reserved for any crossover or cameo appearances the skill has made outside of Megami Tensei media. This can include media appearances in Atlus's or Sega's other intellectual properties (such as Etrian Odyssey), or in media created by other companies (such as Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.). Otherwise, omit this section if none.
Wiki Guidelines | |
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Content | Article Naming • Article Writing • Canon • Categories • Citations • Deletion • Files • Galleries • Gameplay • Infoboxes • Media Order • Merchandise • Spoilers • Translations |
Other | Leaks |