Guidelines:Code of Conduct

Megami Tensei Wiki's Code of Conduct outlines our site rules and guiding principles on the usage and contribution of the wiki. All contributors on Megami Tensei Wiki are expected to follow and uphold these rules to ensure the safety and support of the wiki community as well as positive productivity.
Basic Rules
- Be civil and respectful of one another: Treat your fellow contributors with respect and kindness. If there is a disagreement, do not resort to making personal attacks, assuming bad faith, engage in harassment or other forms of hostility. This includes "edit warring" (in which two or more editors revert or change each others' edits back-to-back) over disputed opinions over how content should be framed. If you have a disagreement, voice it in a respectful and constructive manner in a talk page. Hateful conduct is explicitly disallowed, which includes hate speech or the use of offensive language that target groups based on their race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, etc.
- Follow the wiki guidelines: Megami Tensei Wiki has a set of guidelines that outline our approach to content coverage, writing style, and organizing. All contributors must follow these guidelines when contributing to the wiki. It is okay if a mistake is sometimes made, but repeated errors or deliberately ignoring our guidelines may result in a warning.
- Do not post NSFW content: Uploading imagery or making comments that are considered to be Not Safe For Work (including sexually explicit, exposed, or graphically violent content) is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban. The SOLE exception to this are official Megami Tensei character art or demon designs, which may feature suggestive or explicit designs. These should only be uploaded for illustrative purposes.
- Do not engage in advertising or self-promotion: The wiki is not meant to be used as a platform to promote yourself or others. Any links to external pages should only be those that give additional information or further reading relevant to the topic, such as official websites or citation or image sources.
- Do not share or discuss pirated content: By extension, do not post links to pirated content or discuss methods of piracy. These will be immediately removed and warnings given.
- Do not plagiarize: Plagiarism is the act of taking another's original work and passing it off as your own. This includes directly copying content from a source (such as a person, website, or another wiki) as well as paraphrasing content that stays too close to the original source. Uploading files taken from another site or person without properly sourcing them can also be considered plagiarism. All written content must be your own and all uploads properly sourced.
If at any time you are unsure about the rules or wiki guidelines, do not be afraid to ask a member of the wiki staff. We are always happy to help clarify the wiki's guidelines, rules, and point to the right direction.
Editing Etiquette
With the obvious exception of vandalism or spam, it should be assumed that all contributions made—whether they be big or minor—comes out of good will and for the wiki's benefit. While mistakes and misconceptions can and do happen, these should still be assumed to be out of simple misunderstanding and not out of deliberate deception. The Megami Tensei franchise is vast with the majority of its media and sources left untranslated and, as a result, its information not always easily accessible to most people. As such, instances of mistaken misinformation may occasionally arise. Even still, these should not be responded to with blaming or assuming bad faith, which would be hostile and unproductive. Instead it is more productive to kindly correct a fellow contributor for any mistakes made with the guidance and confidence they will learn and grow as a contributor.
All that said, it is still important to ensure that any contribution made is factual and aligns with the wiki's guidelines. Making the effort to fact-check your information before adding it, especially if it is obscure or dubious, is highly recommended and appreciated. Citing statements with references can especially go a long way towards ensuing factual integrity. If you do not have the means to fact-check something, consider not adding it to the wiki until you can.
As is the nature with wikis, all pages (except those protected) can be edited and past contributions revised overtime. This should always be done in the spirit of collaborative expansion and respectful correction towards the constant growth and improvement of the wiki. Instead of outright removing an editor's mistaken or awkward contribution (when not vandalism), consider rephrasing the edit to be more factual or align with the wiki's style. Adding an accompanying citation can also help to strengthen a past contribution. If a statement seems dubious but you do not have the means to fact-check it yourself, mark it with the Citation Needed template.
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