Enoch, according to the Book of Genesis, was a man who is described as having walked with God. When he was 365 years old, he is stated to have been taken by God, which is traditionally interpreted as being taken into heaven alive.
More extensive details on Enoch's life are given in three religious texts referred to as 1 Enoch (also called simply the Book Enoch), 2 Enoch (also called Slavonic Enoch), and 3 Enoch (also called Sefer Hekhalot, meaning "book of palaces"). According to 3 Enoch, when God took Enoch, Enoch became the angel Metatron. These books are not regarded as canonical by the great majority of Christian and Jewish denominations in the present day, though 1 Enoch is accepted as canon by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Islamic tradition identifies Enoch with the prophet Idris mentioned in the Qur'an.
ミカエルすらこえる チカラをもつと ウワサされる 天使 好戦的な部分もあるが ふだんはとっても やさしいTranslation: An angel rumored to have power that exceeds even Michael. He can be somewhat belligerent, but is usually very gentle.
Enoch appears in the last three episodes of D-Children: Light & Dark, which are loosely based on the events of Devil Children Fire Book and Ice Book.
After Jin, Akira, and Rena leave Valhalla and return to their world, Enoch tampers with the book of demons and removes the final chapters, bringing its era of peace to a halt. Enoch also hijacks electronic devices around the world, exclaiming that mankind is in danger. Later that night a demonic entity engulfs Tokyo Tower. As it wreaks havoc on citizens, Enoch emerges in a golden light and eradicates the threat, inviting the masses to join him in creating a brighter future. He begins sending "protection" to his worshippers through email, and also erects the Angel Tower in the middle of Tokyo, a monolith which he claims will keep humanity safe from an impending demonic threat. To bend everyone to his will, Enoch brands his insignia on their foreheads, though Jin and Akira shield themselves. Later on, he attempts to annihilate the Devil Children, until Ami Kashihara, Rand, and Gale are summoned to the human world and promptly fight back. They are unable to stop Enoch, however, and he takes Rena away to the Angel Tower. Afterwards, Ami tells her friends that Enoch is not only trying to conquer the human world and Makai, but possibly a third world too.
While the Devil Children and their partners infiltrate the Angel Tower, Enoch is able to make Rena his puppet due to her being a mere human. Jin and Akira break inside, upon which a mind-controlled Rena attacks. Before she can destroy them, Jin cries out and tries reminding her of their childhood together. Enoch's attempts to exert more power are for naught, as the Devil Children unleash their essences as the Son of Light and Prince of Darkness. Rand and Gale are then powered up, allowing them to overpower Enoch, which in turn erases the Angel Tower and un-brainwashes the public.
As everything seems normal the next day, Rena receives a strange phone call, and news broadcasts are heard reporting the appearance of several angels. Rena walks behind Jin and Akira, lifting her head to reveal that she is still under Enoch's control, while Enoch himself flickers onto her phone.