Kinshiro Morooka

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Kinshiro Morooka is a character in Persona 4.


Morooka is a moral philosophy teacher[1] at Yasogami High School who is also the homeroom teacher of class 2-2. He is known for being strict and abrasive, making him an overall unpopular teacher with students who have nicknamed him "King Moron". Despite what he says about Rise Kujikawa,[2] he is a fan of hers and owns her photobook.[3]

Game Appearances

Persona 4

Morooka first appears on April 12th as the protagonist's new homeroom teacher when he begins classes at Yasogami High School. He introduces the protagonist to the classroom while berating him and calling him a loser. Depending on how the protagonist replies, Morooka might threaten to put him in his rotten orange book.[a] After being seated near Chie Satonaka, the protagonist overhears other students in the class complaining about Morooka and learns that Morooka's nickname is "King Moron" derived from his name, "Kin"shiro "Moro"oka.

As a moral philosophy teacher, Morooka is very outspoken about student behavior and does not seem to trust them at all. He yells at the boys in the class not to go dating girls and tends to assume the worst of people. When the protagonist asks him about joining a club, Morooka assumes he only wants to talk to girls. During May, Morooka talks about how he would expel Kanji Tatsumi if he could, and assumes Kanji is cutting class when he is out ill after his time in the TV World. On June 7th, he calls the protagonist lazy and volunteers him to go fill in at the student health association since one of the members is out sick.

During the school camping trip, Morooka is strict about students being in their tents at night. He goes around checking on the night of June 17th while asking if there are rotten oranges out and about. When he sees the light off in the protagonist and Yosuke's tent, he asks them if they are in there. As he walks off, he mentions he has had too much alcohol that night. The following morning, the protagonist, Yosuke, and Kanji get shoved into the river by Chie and Yukiko. Yukiko hears a noise, and the group discovers Morooka has been upstream, vomiting into the river, and that water is now pouring on top of the boys' heads.

On July 10th, the Investigation Team thought they prevented another death after saving Rise Kujikawa from the TV World, and are shocked to hear that Morooka was found dead outside of the shopping district on an apartment rooftop. As they investigate, they learn that Morooka was murdered by Mitsuo Kubo, a former Yasogami High student who got suspended by Morooka and held a grudge against him ever since.[4] When the Investigation Team ventures into Void Quest to find Mitsuo, they encounter a game world that has references to Morooka. In Chapter 2, Mitsuo gets defeated by a Finishing Strike of Discipline by someone who calls him a rotten orange, alluding to when he was suspended from Yasogami High by Morooka. In Chapter 8, the game text depicts Morooka appearing and saying the same line, but this time Mitsuo kills him.

Persona 4 Golden

On April 17th, Morooka calls the protagonist at his home and asks him to come and pick something up in the Central Shopping District. When the protagonist arrives, Morooka gives him a Yasogami High jersey. Morooka was unable to deliver it himself as he saw a female student out by herself and was insistent on walking her home as he suspected she might be trying to stay out and party.

Anime Appearances

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Persona 4 The Animation

Persona 4 The Animation: The Factor of Hope

Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Manga Appearances

Persona 4

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Stage Appearances

Visualive Persona 4

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  • On the first day of school, Morooka mentions he'll put the protagonist's name in his rotten orange book.[5] This is a something that Mr. Kinpachi says to his students on the Japanese TV show Mr. Kinpachi in Class 3B. Mr. Kinpachi was never aired in the west and this was localized as shit list instead in the English version when the protagonist introduces himself,[6] then localized as lazy punk,[7] rotten apple,[8] and rotten orange[9] later in the game.
  • Morooka's given name, Kinshiro, was also inspired by Kinpachi's. Aside from using the same first character (kin), they also both have numbers related to the works they appear in: The pachi in Kinpachi is 8 and his name was formed from the show airing at "8"pm on Friday nights, while the shi in Kinshiro is 4 and he is a character in Persona "4".
  • In the original draft, Morooka was not originally intended to die. When revising the script, the writers also added in Morooka's death to try and surprise the players.[10]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 諸岡 金四郎 Morooka Kinshirō Kinshirō Morooka
モロキンNickname by students Morokin A clipped compound of his full name.


Game Appearances

Persona 4

Persona 4 Golden

Anime Appearances

Manga Appearances


  1. In the English version, this term was localized in four different ways: Shit (list), lazy punk, rotten apple, and rotten orange. Rotten orange is used for consistency.


  1. "Chapter 3: Minor Characters", Persona Club P4. p. 168.
  2. "Morooka: Don't get carried away just because some scatterbrained idol is back in town! You hear me!? That's Rise, for all you out-of-the-loop morons. All she does are variety shows and silly commercials! What's the damn point of running your mouths about some half-wit whose only talent is appearing on shows for idiots?" '.
  3. "Chapter 3: Minor Characters", Persona Club P4. p. 137.
  4. "Chapter 3: Minor Characters", Persona Club P4. p. 143.
  5. "Mr. Morooka: む...貴様の名は”腐ったミカン帳”に刻んでおくからな..." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. Japanese.
  6. "Mr. Morooka: Hrnh... That's it, you're on my shit list, effective immediately." Persona 4 (PlayStation 2). Developed by Atlus. Published by Atlus. English.
  7. "Morooka: That lazy punk is always ditching!" Persona 4.
  8. "Morooka: Are there any rotten apples out and about!? Any indecent students out there...?" Persona 4.
  9. "Void Quest textbox: How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange!" Persona 4.
  10. "Hashino: とくに最初のプロットだと、先ほども言いましたけど展開が物足りなくて、真犯人を追加した以外にもいろいろ変更が入りました。たとえば最初は、モロキンは死ぬ予定ではなかったんです。 Interviewer: えーっ?! Hashino: ミツオとボイドクエストは最初から予定されていた流れなんですが、そこでひとつ大きな盛り上がりを入れようということになって、そのときユーザーのみなさんの予想を裏切る意外性のある展開をと考えた結果、かわいそうですがモロキンに被害者になっていただくことに。" Translation: "Katsura Hashino: In the first draft, for example, we weren't originally planning to have Morooka die. Interviewer: What?! Hashino: We had planned to include Mitsuo and the Void Quest, but we wanted to put a big surprise in there that would really betray player's expectations, and sadly for him, Morooka was sacrificed for that." "Developer Interview", Persona Club P4, Atlus, Famitsu Editorial Department. Published by Famitsu (2009). Japanese. p. 205. Translation by Alex Highsmith (Persona 4 – 2008 Developer Interview). ISBN-13: 475774630X.