Chris the Car is based on the character Christine, a car that is the main antagonist of the 1983 John Carpenter film Christine, which is an adaptation of the Stephen King book of the same name.[1]
According to Kazuma Kaneko Works II, Chris the Car is also based on the 1977 film The Car directed by Elliot Silverstein.[2]
Chris the Car is a damaged red automobile, with a misshapen grill and front bumper that resemble jaws. Its green-on-white license plate provides the following information: issued in 足立 Adachi ward, vehicle class code 33 (private use car over 2000 cc), hiragana character れ re (rental vehicle), and serial number 31-00.
The damage resembles a scene in the film adaptation of Christine where the titular car crashes into a wall.[2]
↑"“遊星からの物体X” “ニューヨーク1999”などで日本にもファンが多い映画監督ジョン・カーペンターの作品に“クリスティーン”というのがある。ずばり、原典はこれだ!" Translation: "Among the works of the acclaimed filmmaker John Carpenter, who has many fans in Japan due to movies like "The Thing" and "Escape from New York," there is a piece called "Christine." To be precise, this is the original source!" Shin Megami Tensei II Akuma Dai Jiten, Kazunari Suzuki (et al.). Published by Takarajima Corporation. Japanese. p. 119. ISBN-13: 978-4-7966-0841-1.
↑ 2.02.1"スティーヴン・キング原作、ジョン・カーペンター監督の映画『クリスティーン』に出てくる、意志のある自動車と、人々を次々に襲う無人の車を描いたエリオット・シルヴァースタイン監督の映画『ザ・カー』のイメージの融合体。イラストはキング原作と同様の赤い車だが、クリスティーンが壁にぶつかったときのように、前面はペシャンコでフロントガラスも欠け落ちている。“足立”のナンバープレートは日本の悪魔であることを表す。" Kazuma Kaneko Works II (2006). Published by Shinkigensha. Japanese. p. 35. ISBN-13: 978-4-7753-0350-4.