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Samael is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.






Compendium Entries
Shin Megami Tensei
(A-Mode DDS)
Origin: Israel - His name means "God's malice." A fallen angel who appears with a sword, bow, and arrow. He was an archangel who once ruled over Mars. It's said he fell from grace when Adam was banished from Paradise.
Shin Megami Tensei III:
A mysterious angel with the name "Poison of God." He is often depicted as a serpent. There are some theories that he is a fallen angel, but some say he is still an angel. Either way, he is associated with death.
Shin Megami Tensei:
Strange Journey
A mysterious angel whose name means "poison of God."

He is often shown as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.

Shin Megami Tensei IV A mysterious angel whose name means "poison of God."

He is often depicted as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.

Shin Megami Tensei IV:
A mysterious angel whose name means "poison of God."

He is often depicted as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine 天使、堕天使、悪魔、神、様々な説を有する、謎多き存在。

シュメール語の毒を指す『sam』から、『毒ありし光輝の者』との名で呼ばれ、 翼を持った大蛇の姿で描かれることが多い。

死を司る天使として、火星を守護する「カマエル」と同一視される面がある一方、 エデンの園に葡萄の木を植え、その実から生まれる禁断の味に「アダム」を誘惑したことで、 もしくは、「モーセ」に敗れて堕天したなど、諸説様々である。


Translation: A mysterious being that is variously described as an angel, a fallen angel, a demon, or a god.

He is often depicted as a winged serpent.

As the angel of death, he is often equated with "Khamael," the guardian of Mars. There are also various theories that he planted a vine in the Garden of Eden and tempted "Adam" with the forbidden taste of its fruit, or that he was defeated by "Moses" and fell into heaven.

Another aspect in which he is described as God or the devil is that he had "Lilith" as his wife after he separated from "Adam," and "Satan" and "Lucifer" are said to be "Samael.

Liberation Dx2 A mysterious angel whose name means "poison of God." Though an angel, he is considered the leader of demons, often depicted as a large winged serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is one of the fallen or not.
Persona 3 A mysterious angel with the name "poison of God." He is often shown as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.
Persona 4 A mysterious angel with the name "poison of God." He is often shown as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.
Persona Q2:
New Cinema Labyrinth
A mysterious angel with the name "poison of God", he is often shown as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.
Devil Survivor 2 A mysterious angel whose name means "poison of God."

He is often depicted as a serpent. Opinions differ on whether he is fallen or not, but either way, he is linked with death.

Game Appearances


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning