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Muu Shuwuu is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Muu Shuwuu, Moh Shubuu, or Moh Shuvuu, is a supernatural creature from Buryati Folklore. The Buryati are a nomadic ethnic group from the Republic of Buryatia, a region located between Mongolia and Siberia, and currently part of Russia.

This creature is described as a demonic bird, born when a young girl or woman suffers a violent death without ever knowing true love. Normally, a Muh Shuwwu will attack men that she can seduce using her youthful looks. She can change between bird and human form at will, but can never get rid of her beak, hiding it with her hands or clothes when possible. By the time the seduced man lowers his guard, the demon will reveal its ominous sharp beak and use it to kill her prey with a blow to the head. After that, Muh Shuwwu will proceed to suck out and consume the brains of her victim. [1]

The name Muu Shuwuu supposedly means evil bird, and is misspelled both in the Megami Tensei Franchise and in the western internet at large. In Russian, the name is spelled as Муу шубуун, with "Moh Shubuu" and "Moh Shubuun" being the preferred transliterations. [1]

The renowned Russian folklorist Matvey Nikolaevich (1858-1918), celebrated in his time by his expeditions to Buryati settlements to study their culture, catalogued the Muu Shuwuu in some of his work. Three tales concerning the creature are described by Matvey: One is about a young couple, in which the husband died and the wife became a Muu Shuwuu after eating his corpse. The second tells the tale of a hunter that manages to outsmart a Muu Shuwuu that became stuck in a tree, and after shooting her (either with an arrow or gun) he burns the remains. The third one is about Muu Shuwuu that inhabited a forest, causing mayhem in nearby regions. A warrior won against a Muu Shuwuu there, where he found out that she had a husband, who pleaded for his wife's life. Male Muu Shuwuu are also present, and explain that the habit of attacking humans was exclusive to the females. As an apology, the couple teach the warrior how to defend himself from their relatives, by using magical words.[1]

Another common trope described by Matvey is that Muu Shuwuu usually holds two flints within her clothes, tucked under her armpits. One is a bright red flint in a good shape, while the other is decayed and rotten. It is said that to defeat one, the decayed flint should be taken and destroyed, as it's linked to her vital energies. The Muu Shuwuu, however, will try to deceive her opponents into taking the red one instead, causing them to become weaker and easier to kill. [1]


Muu Shuwuu clothing closely resembles Buryati traditional female attires. However, the demon designer: Kazuma Kaneko, never stated anything about this allegedly inspiration, being purely speculative.


Shin Megami Tensei IV

Name Level
Moh Shuvuu 17
Race Alignment Speech HP MP
Raptor {{{align}}} 127 122
Basic Attack 1 attack(s) with the Phys element / Target: 1 enemy / Add: None
WkWeak WkWeak StrStrong
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Ailment Resistances
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Skill Cost Description Level
Mazan 11 MP Weak Force damage to all enemies.
Dia 5 MP 70 HP recovery to one ally.
Tarukaja 15 MP ??? 19
Resist Gun Makes user reflect Phys attacks. Overrides lesser Resistances. 20

Shin Megami Tensei V

Name Level
Muu Shuwuu 38
Race HP MP C. CostCompendium Summoning Cost Gift Type
Raptor 175 202
WkWeak NulNull
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Ailment Resistances
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Skill Potential
Basic Attack 1 attack with the Phys element to 1 enemy
Skill Cost Description Level
Magatsuhi Skills
Skill Description
Omagatoki: Critical All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.
Accursed PoisonRequires Raptor Talisman Chance of inflicting an ailment (stronger ailments prioritized) to all foes and lowers all stats by 1 rank for 3 turns.


Compendium Entries
Devil Survivor Meaning "evil bird", it's the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore.

She seduces travelers only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak.

Game Appearances

Audio Drama Appearances

Novel Appearances

Anime Appearances

Manga Appearances

Other Appearances



Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Matvey, Collected works Volume 3.(reprinted in 2004) - (Хангалов М.Н. Собрание сочинений в 3 т. Т.3. / Под ред. Г.Н.Румянцева.-Улан-Удэ: Изд-во ОАО «Республиканская типография», 2004.’’)