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The Lokapala are an organization in Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.


The Lokapala are a resistance organization battling against the Karma Society. Their goal is to protect the citizens of the Underground City, and any humans preyed upon by the Karma Society. Engaging in subterfuge, sabotage, and direct raiding of Karma facilities, the Lokapala are a boon to Serph and his companions.

List of Members

Game Appearances

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2

After the recent death of the Lokapala's former leader, a man named Greg, Roland took the helm of the organization. However, Roland struggled in his new role, and took to drinking as a means of coping with the loss of his best friend.[2] The organization began to flounder as Roland sank deeper into depression.

When the Embryon arrives, however, the Lokapala ally themselves with Serph and his companions to continue their fight against the Karma Society. They explain that people who are kidnapped by Karma Soldiers are taken to the Internment Facility, where they are processed into meat that the citizens of Karma City consume. Together, the two groups launch a successful raid on the facility and rescue a number of captives.


  • In Hinduism, Lokapala refers to divine protectors of each cardinal direction. Both Indra (East) and Varuna (West) are part of the main four, perhaps invoking both Roland and Serph as protectors of two different worlds, or "tribes"; Serph as the leader of the Embryon in the Junkyard, and Roland as the leader of the Lokapala in the Underground City.


Lokapala comes from लोकपाल (Lokapaal) in Sanskrit, and translates to "guardian of the world". In the game, Jenna Angel and one of Fred's friends refer to the Lokapala as "guardians of the gods".[1] It is unclear why the translation differs.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ローカパーラ Rōkapāra Roukapaara




  1. 1.0 1.1 "Jenna Angel: Guardians of the gods... Clever." Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.
  2. "Roland: He was my best friend... that saved my life... and then I just wasted it..." Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.