Ideo Hazama

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Ideo Hazama is a character in Shin Megami Tensei if....


The main antagonist of Shin Megami Tensei if... Hazama was once a normal human, but after experiencing so much rejection, he used the Demon Summoning Program to aid him in his quest for power to get revenge on the people from his school. He and the expanse denizens call him the "Demon Emperor" after he takes over the Tower of Confinement/Infinity and his school. As revenge, he transports his school to the expanse and punishes all the people there in dungeons themed after the 7 Deadly Sins, minus Lust.


Shin Megami Tensei if...

Common Form

File:SMTif PS Hazama Sprite.png
Name Level
Hazama 80
Boss Battle Karukozaka High School 5F
Race HP MP Money MAG Item
Demon Emperor 20000 2000 0 0
Hit(s) Attack Accuracy Defense Evasion M. Attack M. Effect
3~5 216 152 204 152 38 47
Sword Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark Almighty
×1 ×1 ×1 NulNull NulNull ×1 RflReflect RflReflect ×1
Sw. Skill AttackBasic demon attack Skill Charge Nerve Ruin Bind Type
×1½ ×1 ×¾ NulNull NulNull NulNull NulNull Boss [Demon Emperor (1)]
Magic Skills
Skill Attribute Cost Description
Sol Smash Almighty 17 MP Almighty spell with 85 power that targets all enemies.
Randomizer Almighty The effects of Rakunda, Tarunda and Sukunda combined.
Makarakarn Defensive 6 MP Reflects magic attacks for one turn.
Maragidyne Fire 20 MP Fire spell with 85 power that targets all enemies.
Mabufudyne Ice 22 MP Ice spell with 65 power that targets all enemies. May cause Freeze.
Extra Skills
Skill Attribute Cost Description
Akasha Arts Skill 14% HP Skill attack with 46 power to all enemies.
Bodhisattva's Palm Skill 10% HP Skill attack with 100 power to one enemy.

Psyche Form

File:SMTif PS Hazama Sprite.png
Name Level
Hazama 90
Boss Battle Hazama's Psyche 1F
Race HP MP Money MAG Item
Demon Emperor 30000 3000 0 0
Hit(s) Attack Accuracy Defense Evasion M. Attack M. Effect
3~6 244 172 228 174 40 48
Sword Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark Almighty
×1 NulNull ×1 RflReflect DrnDrain ×1 RflReflect RflReflect ×1
Sw. Skill AttackBasic demon attack Skill Charge Nerve Ruin Bind Type
×1½ ×1 RflReflect RflReflect RflReflect RflReflect RflReflect Boss [Demon Emperor (2)]
Magic Skills
Skill Attribute Cost Description
Sol Cluster Almighty 49 MP Severe Almighty attack to one foe that inflicts Dead upon the target if their Magic stat is too low.
Randomizer Almighty The effects of Rakunda, Tarunda and Sukunda combined.
Makarakarn Defensive 6 MP Reflects magic attacks for one turn.
Megido Almighty 15 MP Almighty spell with 70 power that targets all enemies.
Hamaon Expel 10 MP Expel spell with 25 power that hits 3-5 times. May cause Death.
Marin Karin Nerve 6 MP Nerve spell with 54 power that hits 1 time. May cause Charm.
Extra Skills
Skill Attribute Cost Description
Thunder Kick Skill 20% HP Skill attack with 100 power that hits 2 enemies.

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei if...

Hazama first appears to the Protagonist after they obtain the Demon Summoning Program through a vision, taunting them for trying to escape the prediciment he has placed them in.

These visions of Hazama occur throughout the game, typically at the beginning of dungeons. Exceptions to this are his first appearance to the Protagonist in Karukozaka High, and in the Hazama's Psyche dungeon, where five visions can be viewed. In most of these visions, barring those in Hazama's Psyche, he appears through a statue, and tells the player about what he has done in the dungeon, and why he did it. In the visions shown in Hazama's Psyche, the player is shown key moments in Hazama's life that pivoted him towards his evil.

Hazama serves as the final boss of the game, but where he is fought to end the game varies based on which partner the player chose in the start of the game. If the player picked Yumi or Shinji, he is fought in Karukozaka High, and the game ends there. However, if the player picked Reiko, the player gains access to the Hazama's Psyche dungeon after defeating Hazama at Karukozaka High, where he can be truly defeated. On Akira's route, Hazama is fought at Karukozaka High after warping the player and Akira from the Nomos of Heaven dungeon.

Shin Megami Tensei if...: Hazama Hen

Audio Drama Appearances

Novel Appearances

Anime Appearances

Manga Appearances

Other Appearances


  • As the Demon Emperor, Hazama uses ware/我 to refer to himself. In a flashback when he was a normal human, he uses boku/ぼく to refer to himself. When he breaks down after being beaten in Reiko's route, he starts out using ware/我, then he uses watashi/私, and then he goes back to using boku/ぼく to refer to himself like he orginally did as a normal person.
  • In the PS1 version, he uses boku/僕 in kanji as a teenager and boku/ぼく in hiragana as a little kid. So when he breaks down in the PS1 version, he starts out using ware/我, then he uses watashi/私, then boku/僕 in kanji, and then boku/ぼく in hiragana. And after Reiko helps him, he goes back to his teenager form and uses boku/僕 in kanji again.[1]
  • Hazama's name in the text box also changes in the story. He's called "Demon Emperor" in the text boxes most the time, but in his flashbacks, he's called "Ideo" in the text boxes, and after Reiko helps him in her route, his name goes back to "Ideo" in the text boxes.[2]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 狭間 偉出夫
Hazama Ideo




  1. Reference
  2. Reference