Ishtar is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Ishtar is a Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility. While she was originally a separate goddess worshiped by the Eastern Semitic peoples, around the time of the reign of Sargon of Akkad she would be identified with the Sumerian goddess Inanna, and the traditions blended together.

The Northwestern Semitic cognate of Ishtar's name is Ashtart, who shares a similar role to Ishtar.



For complete gameplay information, see Gameplay:Ishtar.


Compendium Entries
Shin Megami Tensei V A Mesopotamian goddess of love and war. Dubbed the "Queen of Heaven," the planet Venus was often seen as the embodiment of the goddess herself.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, she makes many heroes her lovers, but the story also foretells that she will eventually kill them or turn them into animals.

Persona 5 The revered goddess of war and love in ancient Mesopotamia. She seduced many men to their doom. When Gilgamesh, the hero, spurned her, she murdered his best friend, Enkidu.
Persona Q:
Shadow of the Labyrinth
Goddess of war and love, revered in ancient Mesopotamia. She seduced many men to their doom, but the hero Gilgamesh spurned her, causing her to murder his best friend, Enkidu.

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei II

Ishtar is half of the original form of Astaroth. Upon being brought to Binah Town, Astaroth will ask Aleph to allow him to return to his original form, and become Ishtar and Ashtar. After Ashtar leaves, Ishtar explains that God forcibly fused her with Ashtar out of rage that his followers were turning towards her. As he leaves, she begins restoring life to the Sea of Binah.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner

Lady Ishtar is one of the three deities that Rei Reiho can call upon near the beginning of the game.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  Japanese イシュタル Ishtar



Ishtar's Daily Demon Showcase for Shin Megami Tensei V
Ishtar's Daily Demon Future Prediction with Ringo for Soul Hackers 2