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In the realm of Valhalla, Ami Kashihara and Shun arrive at the Time Tower. Before Ami enters, she worries that without the Powers of Light and Dark, the Elder Brother Emperor/Younger Brother Emperor will bring Valhalla to ruin.

Meanwhile, in the Demons' realm of Makai, Follow enters the Dark Palace to warn Lord Lucifer of the emergence of Time Rifts, concerned they will destroy everything in the universe. Recalling such an event in a prophecy, Lucifer orders Follow to find the chosen children who will save the world from calamity.

Before a mysterious gate, Norn the Keeper of Fate calls to the chosen children, Jin and Akira, and leads them to the start of their journey.


In October 200X, Rena meets Jin at the Harajuku Arcade, inviting him to check out something she discovered. They rendezvous with Akira at Harajuku Elementary School, where their class is introduced to Ami, a transfer student. In the halls, Rena tells Jin and Akira of a book of Demon summoning in their library, which catches Ami's interest.

The two boys take out the book and read an incantation, consequently summoning a Gargoyle from Valhalla. The Gargoyle exposes Ami's true identity as an escapee of Valhalla, then takes Rena hostage. Ami promptly gives Jin and Akira Devilisers, guns that call forth Rand and Gale, who take down the Gargoyle. Before vanishing, however, the Gargoyle mentions that their world is fated to be consumed by Time Rifts. Ami then reveals that Jin and Akira have awakened to their powers as Devil Children, then rushes off to find a Time Rift in the school. Upon touching it, the group finds themselves sent slightly back in time, and Ami believes that time is bound to cave in on itself.

Jin, Rena, and Rand follow Ami to a room on the school's rooftop, spotting Shun standing near a Time Portal to Valhalla. Shun informs Jin that he is part of the Rebel Army, a group which is at war with Valhalla's Empire. Ami urges her classmates to visit Valhalla, where they may learn how to get rid of the Time Rifts that plague the universe.

Once they leave, Akira and Gale enter the rooftop room, finding Follow atop a portal to Makai. Follow tells Akira that Time Rifts are tearing into various realms, asking that he learn more from Lucifer.