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Cironnup is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise.



Cironnup (Also called Chironnup or Chironnupu in Japan) in the Ainu tongue translates to "those whom we kill many of." It can be used to describe foxes in general, but also refers to a type of Kamuy. It was revered and present in the culture of the Ainu people, the native people of the island of Hokkaido in the Japanese archipelago.

The Kamuy are divine spirits, supernatural entities or gods of the Ainu culture. This title can be attributed to many creatures and objects, and come from the idea that everyone and everything can have a soul. There are Kamuy for diseases, earthquakes, fauna, flora, and more. They can be good, bad, are many in numbers, they have families and lives, their own personalities and interests, just like humans. There are not only naturally-occurring Kamuy, but also the ones that arise from man-made objects, like spears or boats.[1]

Cironnup-Kamuy is a fox deity in this context. Foxes by themselves were called upon many names in the Ainu culture including Cironnup, but it could also be Kemakosnekur which means ''light footed god'' according to the Foundation for Ainu Culture.[2] Cironnup was applied both as the sacred name and as the regular name for foxes among the Ainu.

Cironnup appear in many tales and are generally known to be a Kamuy that listens to people's requests, brings food, and can protect against illness and foreign enemies. They can appear in premonitory dreams to warn about calamities. However, there are some instances of Cironnup doing mischief and evil deeds, such as possessing people or transforming into others as disguises.[2] [3]

The premonitory nature of the Cironnup can also be seen at some regions, where people frequently used fox skulls as divination tools. They could also be used as guardians in boats that sailed for fishing.[2]


Cironnup's design in the Shin Megami Tensei series is of a creature with a small, pale humanoid body with no visible features. It holds a bow in its left hand and an arrow in its right. Its head is a fox-like mask, with a wooden texture and unmoving, expressionless face. It has large, pupilless brown eyes. Its tongue permanently hangs out the front of its maw. In recent games, Cironnup will dance and do little tricks when attacking or idle, demonstrating its cheerful personality.[4]

Cironnup has a released beta design which went unused in the final game. This design depicts the demon as a regular fox wearing traditional Ainu clothing.

According to Masayuki Doi, the designer for Cironnup, the idea of the design for this demon came as he believed Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse needed a mascot-like character. Doi wanted something having the 'Megaten Cuteness', and so he compiled key words of the Cironnup myth, concluding with a youthful spirit wearing a wooden fox mask.[5]


Shin Megami Tensei V

Name Level
Cironnup 27
Race HP MP C. CostCompendium Summoning Cost Gift Type
Holy 124 185
StrStrong StrStrong StrStrong WkWeak
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Ailment Resistances
×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
Skill Potential
Basic Attack 1 attack with the Phys element to 1 enemy
Skill Cost Description Level
Magatsuhi Skills
Skill Description
Omagatoki: Critical All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.
Omagatoki: HitRequires Holy Talisman All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.


Compendium Entries

Game Appearances

Audio Drama Appearances

Novel Appearances

Anime Appearances

Manga Appearances

Other Appearances



Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese チロンヌプ Cironnup




  1. -Akarenga JP (A Hokkaido culture foccused web page)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Foundation for Ainu Culture (Inquired via e-mail about the nature of Cironnup. Replied in May 8th, 2023)
  3. -Commentary on the book “Karirinka-to-kitsune-no-kamisama” [カリリンカときつねのかみさま] (2012) by Sakiko Yatani Provided by the Foundation of Ainu Culture
  4. Shin Megami Tensei V Daily Demon Showcase: Cironnup
  5. "Character File:チロンヌプ (チロンヌプは悪魔デザイン最初期に、 マスコット的な悪魔を出したいという要望の声から作画しました。 デザインは、ストレートに可 愛いゆるキャラ的なものではなく、 「メガテン」 的な可愛さを追求し しています。 チロンヌプにまつわる伝承はとても少ないため、アイヌ、 キツネ、神霊、 狩猟といったキーワードから発想し、キツネそのままを描くのではなく、木彫りのお面をかぶった幼い神霊にしました。)" 真・女神転生IV FINAL 公式設定資料集+神話世界への旅. Published by Ichijinsha. Japanese. (1st ed.) 18. ISBN-13: 978-4758014953.