Hermes (Persona 3)

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Hermes is a Persona in the Persona series. It is the initial Persona of Junpei Iori.



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Hermes is the messenger of the gods in Greek culture.


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Persona 3

Name Level
Hermes 1
Location Junpei Iori's Initial Persona
Arcana STShuffle Time Inheritance
Magician Fire
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing
StrStrong WkWeak
Skill Cost Description Level
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cleave 10% HP Deals light Slash damage to 1 foe.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agi 3 SP Deals light Fire damage to 1 foe. 5
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Re Patra 3 SP Assists 1 ally who's been Knocked Down. 7
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakukaja 6 SP Increases 1 ally's Defense. 9
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assault Dive 12% HP Deals light Strike damage to 1 foe. 18
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Double Fangs 12% HP Deals light Pierce damage to 1 foe 2x. 20
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kill Rush 14% HP Medium Strike dmg to 1 foe (multi-hit). 25
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agilao 6 SP Deals medium Fire damage to 1 foe. 32
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakunda 6 SP Decreases 1 foe's Defense. 38
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Torrent Shot 14% HP Light Pierce damage to 1 foe (multi-hit). 40
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Counterstrike Counter physical attacks (med odds). 45
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blade of Fury 22% HP Medium Slash damage to all foes. 50
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gigantic Fist 16% HP Deals heavy Strike damage to 1 foe. 55

Persona 3 FES

Name Level
Hermes 1
Location Junpei Iori's Initial Persona
Arcana STShuffle Time Inheritance
Magician Fire
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing
StrStrong WkWeak
Skill Cost Description Level
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cleave 7% HP Deals light Slash damage to 1 foe.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agi 3 SP Deals light Fire damage to 1 foe. 5
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Re Patra 3 SP Assists 1 ally who's been Knocked Down. 7
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakukaja 6 SP Increases 1 ally's Defense. 9
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assault Dive 9% HP Deals light Strike damage to 1 foe. 18
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Double Fangs 9% HP Deals light Pierce damage to 1 foe 2x. 20
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kill Rush 10% HP Medium Strike dmg to 1 foe (multi-hit). 25
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agilao 6 SP Deals medium Fire damage to 1 foe. 32
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakunda 6 SP Decreases 1 foe's Defense. 38
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Torrent Shot 10% Light Pierce damage to 1 foe (multi-hit). 40
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Counterstrike Counter physical attacks (med odds). 45
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blade of Fury 16% HP Medium Slash damage to all foes. 50
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gigantic Fist 12% HP Deals heavy Strike damage to 1 foe. 55

Persona 3 Portable

Name Level
Hermes 1
Location Junpei Iori's Initial Persona
Arcana STShuffle Time Inheritance
Magician Fire
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing
StrStrong WkWeak
Skill Cost Description Level
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cleave 7% HP Deals light Slash damage to 1 foe.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agi 3 SP Deals light Fire damage to 1 foe. 5
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Re Patra 3 SP Assists 1 ally who's been Knocked Down. 7
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakukaja 8 SP Increases 1 ally's Defense. 9
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assault Dive 9% HP Deals light Strike damage to 1 foe. 18
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Double Fangs 9% HP Deals light Pierce damage to 1 foe 2x. 20
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kill Rush 10% HP Medium Strike dmg to 1 foe (multi-hit). 25
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agilao 6 SP Deals medium Fire damage to 1 foe. 32
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakunda 8 SP Decreases 1 foe's Defense. 38
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Torrent Shot 10% HP Light Pierce damage to 1 foe (multi-hit). 40
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Counterstrike Counter physical attacks (med odds). 45
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blade of Fury 16% HP Medium Slash damage to all foes. 50
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gigantic Fist 12% HP Deals heavy Strike damage to 1 foe. 55

Persona 3 Reload

Name Level
Hermes 1
Arcana STShuffle Time Inheritance
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing
RsResist WkWeak
Skill Cost Description Level
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Power Slash 7% HP Deals weak Slash damage to 1 foe.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agi 3 SP Deals weak Fire damage to 1 foe. 4
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bash 7% HP Deals weak Strike damage to 1 foe. 6
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rakukaja 8 SP Increases 1 ally's Defense for 3 turns. 9
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vacuum Slash 14% HP Deals weak Slash damage to all foes. 13
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Counter 10% chance of reflecting physical skills. 16
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assault Dive 11% HP Deals medium Strike damage to 1 foe. 18
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maragi 8 SP Deals weak Fire damage to all foes. 22
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Torrent Shot 11% HP Deals weak Pierce damage to 1 foe (2-4 hits). 25
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agilao 6 SP Deals medium Fire damage to 1 foe. 29
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Counterstrike 15% chance of reflecting physical skills. Does not stack. 33
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fire Break 12 SP Negate Fire resistance of all foes for 3 turns. 36
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blade of Fury 17% HP Deals weak Slash damage to all foes (2-4 hits). 40
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shift Boost Attack up by 10% until end of turn when on the receiving end of a Shift. 44
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gigantic Fist 14% HP Deals heavy Strike damage to 1 foe. 47
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marakukaja 24 SP Increases party's Defense for 3 turns. 51
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deathbound 19% HP Deals heavy Slash damage to all foes. 54
Error creating thumbnail: File missing High Counter 20% chance of reflecting physical skills. Does not stack. 57
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vile Assault 15% HP Deals heavy Pierce damage to 1 foe. More damage to downed foe. 60
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agidyne 12 SP Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe. 64
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Regenerate 3 Automatically recover 6% of max HP each turn in battle. 67
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Brave Blade 20% HP Deals severe Slash damage to 1 foe. 71
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vorpal Blade 22% HP Deals severe Slash damage to all foes. 75


Compendium Entries
Persona 3 Reload A messenger god who served Zeus. His winged sandals allow him to fly, and he was worshiped as a god of travel and commerce. He was also known as a trickster, being able to freely cross between the mortal and godly realms.

Game Appearances

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Audio Drama Appearances

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Novel Appearances

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Anime Appearances

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Manga Appearances

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Other Appearances

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Japanese ヘルメス herumesu Hermes
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Simplified Chinese 赫耳墨斯 hè'ěrmòsī Hermes
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Traditional Chinese
赫密斯 hèmìsī Hermes
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Korean 헤르메스 hereumeseu Hermes
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian Гермес Germes Hermes


