Sol Leon

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Sol Leon is a Demon in the Megami Tensei francise.



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In Last Bible, Sol Leon is a gold-furred beast with two heads and two tails. In Last Bible II, it has white fur with red highlights, a singular head and tail, and horns protruding from its shoulders. In Last Bible III, it possesses silver fur with red markings on his forehead.

In Majin Tensei, Sol Leon bears two faces with yellow manes, and twin serpentine tails.

In the Devil Children series, Sol Leon has yellow fur with an orange mane and tufts, equipped with an anklet and white headgear.



Compendium Entries
Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book A DemiKid's best friend. Protects its master with a sharp set of fangs.
Devil Children Fire Book and Ice Book デビルチルドレンの パートナーで光の力を 持つ 小さなライオン するどいキバを武器に パートナーを守るため ユウカンに 戦う
Translation: A small lion and Devil Child's partner who wields the power of light. Armed with sharp fangs, it fights bravely to protect its partner.

Game Appearances

Devil Children Light Book and Dark Book

A Sol Cat named Rand is the first demon that the protagonist of Light Book, Jin acquires.

Anime Appearances

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Manga Appearances

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Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
English Sol CatDemiKids Light Version and Dark Version
Japanese ソルレオン Soru Reon Sol Leon