Red Sprite

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The Red Sprite is a location in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. It is one of four ships sent to investigate the Schwarzwelt by the U.N. Schwarzwelt Investigational Team.



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Stock Cost
Medicine 50Macca
Life Stone 100Macca
Bead 2500Macca
Chakra Drop 1000Macca
Chakra Pot 6000Macca
Soma Drop 4500Macca
Revival Bead 1000Macca
Balm of Rising 20000Macca
Patra Stone 100Macca
Me Patra Stone 300Macca
Dis-Poison 150Macca
Dis-Para 150Macca
Dis-Charm 150Macca
Dis-Mute 150Macca
Dis-Stone 150Macca
Dis-Strain 150Macca
Dis-Bomb 150Macca
ST Incense 50000Macca
MA Incense 50000Macca
VI Incense 50000Macca
AG Incense 50000Macca
LU Incense 50000Macca
Maragi Stone 600Macca
Agilao Stone 800Macca
Mabufu Stone 600Macca
Bufala Stone 800Macca
Mazio Stone 600Macca
Zionga Stone 800Macca
Magaru Stone 600Macca
Garula Stone 800Macca
Hama Stone 1000Macca
Mudo Stone 1000Macca
Megido Stone 1500Macca
Megidola Stone 3500Macca
Frag Grenade 500Macca
Knockout Gas 400Macca
Poison Gas 400Macca
Attack Mirror 15000Macca
Magic Mirror 15000Macca
Tetraja Stone 1000Macca
Dekaja Stone 400Macca
Dekunda Stone 400Macca
ST Incense D 2000Macca
MA Incense D 2000Macca
VI Incense D 2000Macca
AG Incense D 2000Macca
LU Incense D 2000Macca


Item Location
Medicine ×5
Talk to Zoe in the Sickbay
Medicine ×5
Talk to Chen in the Lab after reaching Sector Antlia

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

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Audio Drama Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Drama CD

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Manga Appearances

Deathtament: Shin Megami Tensei: DSJ Another Report

The Red Sprite appears as one of the ships sent to the Schwarzwelt alongside the Gigantic. Ash brings it up to Jin when he mentions that there is another Japanese soldier abord it. They lose contact to it upon crashing.

List of People


Strike Team


  • Maebe (Maintenance Officer)
  • Mia (Maintenance Team)




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Like the other ships in Strange Journey, the Red Sprite is named after an electric-related phenomenon, being red sprites.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese レッドスプライト号 Red Sprite Ship


