Gameplay:Daisuke Nagase

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This page covers gameplay information of Daisuke Nagase from Persona 4.

Social Link

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Reason: The Social Link information was compiled from the Persona 4 The Golden: The Complete Guide. It is missing:
  • PS2 P4 availability schedule, rank up points, dialogue options & points (if different)
  • P4G evening hangout dialogue

In Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden, Daisuke is one of two options for the Strength Social Link. He becomes available on April 19th when the protagonist can choose a sports club to join. Daisuke is on the soccer team, and the other Strength character, Kou Ichijo, is on the basketball team. The protagonist can go to soccer practice to rank up his Social Link. After maxing his Social Link, he gives the protagonist his Spike Brush which allows fusion of Zaou-Gongen.


Rainy Weather
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Rainy Weather
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night
Evening hangouts only

Generally speaking, the protagonist can go meet Daisuke at the field for soccer practice on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday after school. The field can be accessed by leaving through the emergency exit on the 1st and 2nd floors of Yasogami High School. The soccer team does not meet on rainy days or other bad weather days.

He has very specific dates for this evening hangout, though you can usually find him on the north map of the central shopping district on Monday evenings.

For the full list of day-by-day Social Link availability, see the Calendar in Persona 4 Golden.

Rank Up Points

Strength Ranks
Rank Requirement(s)
1 0 points
2 0 points
3 20 points
4 10 points
5 15 points
6 10 points
7 20 points
8 0 points
9 30 points
10 30 points

Rank Up Events

For information about point multipliers during rank up events and other events, see the Social Link mechanics page.

Strength Rank 1
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: Here, why don't you say something to the team?
Hi... +0
Nice to meet you. +0
I'm your new captain. +0
2: You played much soccer before, Protagonist?
Plenty. +0
A little. +0
Not even once. +0

Strength Rank 2
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: Hey, Protagonist. Tear down the goals and clean up before you leave, alright?
Got it. +0 Gain Understanding +3
Why should I? +0
2: Still, it went pretty fast with three people.
Thanks for the help. +15
I didn't ask you to do it. +0

This rank has no prompts.

Strength Rank 4
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: Whatever... Girls are a pain in the ass, right, Protagonist?
Right on. +5
That's not true... +0
Quit showing off. +0

Strength Rank 5
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: > Kou is also beaming like it's all thanks to him...
Thanks, guys... +5
I'm just getting warmed up. +15

Strength Rank 6
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
I have to do some family stuff today, though. Would next time be okay?
No problem. +5
Anything for you guys. +15 Requires Understanding Rank 4
Long as it's not a hassle... +0

Strength Rank 7
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: I have to do the class record today, so don't wait up for me.
If you say so. +0
It's okay, I'll wait. +0
2: Tell you what, we'll talk over mapo rice. My treat!
Sounds good. +5
You treated last time. +0 Gain Expression +3
3: You think it could be related...?
Could be... +5
Maybe not... +0
What are we talking about? +0
4: What do you think?
We've got a problem. +5
It's Daisuke's problem. +0
5: > Kou is looking at you expectantly...
Count me in. +0
Count me out. +0

Strength Rank 8
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: > Their quarrel starts to escalate...
Stop them +5
Stay quiet and watch +0
Provoke them +0
2: You got that!? It's MY life! You guys have nothing to do with it!
Yes we do! +0
...... +0
3: You can be pretty sincere when you want to, Daisuke.
That's his charm. +15
You think? +0

Strength Rank 9
Response Base PointsNumber of rank points earned with response Notes
1: I wonder if she's as stuck in the past as I am...
Could be. +10
Doubt it. +0
I don't know. +10

This rank has no prompts.

Evening Hangouts

In Golden, on certain dates, you can hang out with Daisuke in the Central Shopping District during the evening. Which hangout you get is prioritized as follows: Limited > 1st time > 2nd time > generic. This resets every month. Afterwards, you will receive a random item. See the items list below to see what possible items you can obtain. For more about evening hangouts and point multipliers, see the Social Link mechanics page.


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Reason: Missing prompts and options text.

This is a list of Daisuke's limited, 1st time, and 2nd time evening hangouts, by month. He will be unavailable at night when he is rank 8-9.

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
25 None I'm not going to ask you to forgive them, but maybe you could just let this slide this time. Of course. +5 A
They got the wrong man. +0
What do you want me to do? +5

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
2, 23, 30 None Stuff like this happens every day in the city, right? Have you ever been caught up in something like this? Constantly. +5 B
Never. +5
I am right now, actually... +0

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
6, 13, 27 1st Do you know "Kaoru Yamazaki"? I've heard the name. +10 A
Nope. +0
What kind of player was he? +5
20, 27 Limited Prompt Option 1 +5 B
Option 2 +5
Option 3 +0

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
4, 11 None I know they're useful, but I'm no good with roller coasters and stuff like that. Don't be a coward. +0 B
I'm scared, too. +10
That's adorable. +5

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
1, 8, 22, 29 None Guess you could say he's pretty skilled. It's hard to believe he's the same age as us. He's been through a lot. +10 A
But he's annoying, too. +5
You're just unskilled. +5

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
5 None What do you think? Is there anything else here in Inaba that's better than being in the city? Kind people. +5 B
The food is gone. +5
Let me think of something. +0

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
3, 24 None It's all about fundamentals. You need them for the entire match. Don't you think they're more important. That's like you. +5 A
I'd want a secret weapon. +0
Depends on the team. +10

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
7, 14, 21 None ...I can't afford to lose. I want to see you in a dress. +0 B
I want to see Kou in a dress. +5
I'm going to win it next time. +5

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
12If you see the event on the 12th, then the event on the 19th will be a generic event 1st ...That if you use kotatsu too much, it'll make your legs shorter. It's true. +0 B
It's just a myth. +5
Don't worry about it. +0
19If you see the event on the 12th, then the event on the 19th will be a generic event 1st Prompt Option 1 +5 A
Option 2 +0
Option 3 +5

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
16, 23, 30 None You know that player who scored that penalty kick in the championship? He's actually from around here... Is he a Yasogami alumnus? +0 B
Is he a relative of yours. +0
Where around here? +5

Days Condition Prompt Responses Base Points Item Group
1, 2, 4 None ...I mean, I already knew that, but it hurts to hear it. There is a point. +5 A
As long as it's fun. +5
I met you. +10


Group A Group B GenericAll ranks
Ranks 1-9
Rank 10

Other Activities


  1. "Chapter 3: Commu", Persona 4 The Golden: The Complete Guide, Dengeki Playstation Editorial Staff. Published by Kadokawa (2012). Japanese. p. 165 (Missable Books). ISBN-13: 978-4048866637.