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Screenshot of a Checkman from the unofficial English version of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II

Checkman is a mechanic featured in the FC version of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II. They were replaced by Terminals in Kyūyaku Megami Tensei.


Checkman is a totem-pole made of four segments. They are similar to ghosts and can only be sensed by people with spiritual powers.[1]


Checkman can be used to save the game and teleport the player to different locations.

Mechanics by Game

Game Appearances

Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II


  • Initially during development, each face of the Checkman was intended to have a distinct and intense dance.[1]
  • Checkman has four faces because the number four symbolizes perfection, and it is also a reference to the angels with four faces in the biblical book of Ezekiel.[1]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese チェックマン Chekkuman Checkman



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "青、赤、黄色、緑の4つの顔を持つ。この4という数字には完全体の意味が含まれており、 予言者エゼキエルの見た天使が4つの顔を持っていたことからきている。その存在は精霊に近く、普通の人間にはその姿は見えない。 シャーマンのように霊感のある人間のみがコンタクトすることができる。 ちなみに開発当初の予定では、個々のチェックマンがそれぞれ違う激しい踊りを踊ってたらしい。 ぜひ拝見したかったものだ。" Megami Tensei Jūnenshi (1998), CB's Project. Published by Aspect. Japanese. p. 181. ISBN-13: 978-4-89366-917-9..