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Hiroshi is a minor character in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. He is featured in three Challenge Quests: "[Int] Investigate Tokyo Dome", "Defeat the Ghosts", and "Where the Corpse Went".


Hiroshi is a Shinjuku-based Hunter and is the oldest active member within the Hunter Association. He has an amiable and laid-back temperament which contrasts his seniority amongst the rest of the association.[2] He tends to take on quests on his own, sometimes taking himself to remote areas of Tokyo.[3]

He wears a 3-piece suit and uses a gun in battle.


In the Challenge Quest "Where the Corpse Went", Hiroshi becomes an extra party member for the fight against Izanami, acting at the start of the player's turn. He can perform the following actions which are chosen by the player: attack, which deals around 135-165 damage and removes the smirk status; heal, which heals the party for around 200-300 HP; support, which buffs the party's attack, defense, or agility by 1 stage; and wait, which passes his turn.

Game Appearances

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Hiroshi approaches Nanashi before he can turn in the Challenge Quest "[Int] Investigate Tokyo Dome". He introduces himself then asks to see the pictures Nanashi had taken at Tokyo Dome. If Nanashi obliges, Hiroshi discloses his own assignment to take care of the ghosts though he appears to be struggling to pinpoint their location. Upon examination, he is shocked by something he sees in the photos but does not elaborate further. He thanks Nanashi, albeit visibly shaken, and leaves.

He reappears in the Challenge Quest "Defeat the Ghosts" as the other Hunter contacted by the quest client, the Patriots. Once Nanashi arrives at Shinobazu Pond, Hiroshi spots him and tells him to leave, not wanting a kid to get involved. When the Patriots reveal that Nanashi was the other Hunter they contacted, he does not oppose their decision; instead, he states that the trio of men never change and leaves to deal with the ghosts. He later reappears before Nanashi, wounded and with a horde of demons chasing him. After Nanashi defeats the horde, he is distressed at having seen a woman named Noa. She appears shortly after, correcting Hiroshi on her name: she is no longer Noa but rather the remnants of a man named Tamagami. Hiroshi recognizes the name as the man who was the cabinet minister 25 years ago and was responsible for the creation of the National Defense Divinities using human experimentation. He is further disgusted when Tamagami justifies the experimentation by stating the humans used were on death row, as Noa had been innocent. As Tamagami delivers a monologue about saving Japan from the foreign powers invading it, Hiroshi warns Nanashi to leave while he still can, but the two are caught in a battle with Tamagami.

After Tamagami is defeated, Hiroshi berates the Patriots for their late arrival. But he finds comfort in having found Noa after so long, giving himself closure on if she was truly gone or not. After the Patriots shatter the jar housing Tamagami's remains, he asks if he can take Noa's body and bury her out of respect after all the abuse she had experienced then departs to do so.

Hiroshi later calls for Nanashi's help in the Challenge Quest "Where the Corpse Went" as Noa's body has disappeared. They meet at Kansuiji in Ueno with the Patriots, who explain what happened to her corpse: she was slated to be the medium for Izanami, the last National Defense Divinity, but the goddess could not manifest properly until Noa passed away. Once she died, her body was taken to Yomotsu Hirasaka to finish Izanami's transformation, so Hiroshi and Nanashi head there to stop Izanami and end Tamagami's schemes. They catch up to Izanami before she can cross over to Yomi and battle her, with Hiroshi providing support to Nanashi. Upon her defeat, as she questions why the two defy her, Hiroshi explains to her that prioritizing the country over its people is not right and that the new generation can lead the way. He then delivers the final blow to Izanami and says one final goodbye to Noa.

After returning from Yomotsu Hirasaka, Hiroshi is taken aback by the Patriots' decision to move on after they ask Nanashi to use a Balm of Rising on them. He reflects on their passing, noting that he and them were people stuck in the past. However, having found closure after Noa's death, he has no need to live in the past anymore and parts ways with Nanashi.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ヒロシ Hiroshi


  1. "Hunter Database - Hiroshi Refers to himself as 'Hiroshi the Wanderer'." Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse.
  2. "Nozomi: So laid back... Hard to believe he's always ranked high among the Hunters, huh?" Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse.
  3. "Hunter Database - Hiroshi He is known for taking on quests in remote locations." Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse.