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The Great Cataclysm is a recurring apocalyptic event in the Megami Tensei franchise, which takes place in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II and Shin Megami Tensei.

Screenshot of the ICBMs exploding over Tokyo during the Great Cataclysm from the Mega-CD version of Shin Megami Tensei

Game Appearances

Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II

Shin Megami Tensei

In the Shin Megami Tensei series, the Great Cataclysm is the event when Thorman, the American Ambassador to Japan, launched nuclear ICBMs at Tokyo, with the intent of totally obliterating the city.[1] During the missile barrage, a shelter near Shinagawa recieved a direct hit, leaving no survivors.[2]

Thorman claims this was done in attempt to stop the arrival of the demon lord Lucifer and the further spread of demons being summoned by the JSDF Colonel Gotou.[3][4] However, Gotou claims the inverse, that he summoned demons in order to stop the Japan Annihilation Project, part of God's plan to massacre anyone he deems unfit for the Millennium Kingdom, and that his demons were being used to protect Japan from missile launches.[5][6]

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No matter which choice the Hero takes in the feud between Thorman and Gotou, the ICBMs are launched at Tokyo successfully, giving the party 30 seconds to respond. However, just before the blast, the Heroine sacrifices her life to cast Traport, teleporting the Hero, Law Hero, and Chaos Hero outside of the range of the explosion.[7] The remaining party members find themselves within the Diamond Realm, during which 30 years pass in Tokyo.[8]

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More details concerning the Great Cataclysm were revealed in the Visionary cutscene "US Flag" featured in the GBA and iOS versions of Shin Megami Tensei.

It shows Ambassador Thorman convincing the President of the United States to approve his request to launch ICBMs at Tokyo. Initially, the President is unsure, but after Thorman tells him that there was likely a demon behind martial law getting instituted in Tokyo, he agrees, believing that some lives are worth sacrificing for the sake of order.[9]

Shin Megami Tensei II

Shin Megami Tensei: Nine

Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner

The Great Cataclysm does not occur in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, but there a number of in-game references to the event.

A news report heard in Afro Treehouse mentions that an American military ICBM site in Arizona narrowly avoided an accidental launch, but the malfunction was quickly noticed by staff and the system was shut down before a missile was launched. The military is investigating the incident, but dismissed the idea that the missile was intentionally planned to be launched.[10]

Other reports surrounding related figures can also be heard at separate points throughout the game. Ambassador Thorman is revealed to have died of a heart attack[11], while Colonel Gotou was arrested for stockpiling weapons and confessed that he was preparing to take action for change.[12]

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
  Japanese 大破壊 Dai hakai Shin Megami Tensei

東京大破壊 Tōkyō dai hakai Shin Megami Tensei II
Great Destruction
Great Destruction of Tokyo




  1. "Ambassador Thorman: In mere moments, Tokyo shall be hit by an ICBM. This tainted city of vanity must be wiped from the face of the world with the demons." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  2. "Old Man: There was an underground shelter to the southeast. Many fled there when the Great Cataclysm happened. But I heard it took a direct hit from the missiles, and they all died..." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  3. "Ambassador Thorman: The problem is Gotou. He plans to summon the dread lord Lucifer to Tokyo. We must make sure stop him before that can happen." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  4. "American Soldier: If the coup succeeds and demons take over Tokyo... Ambassador Thorman said that he would order missiles to be launched at Tokyo." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  5. "Gotou: As prejudice, poverty, and war engulf the world, we have awakened ancient demons. This was done in order to prepare for the true crisis. That crisis is the Japan Annihilation Project! We have drawn on the power of the ancient gods to fight this horrific conspiracy." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  6. "Gotou: Currently, there is a plan to create a "Millennium Kingdom" in the name of God. The Millennium Kingdom... The people living there are promised eternal peace and prosperity. However, only a handful, chosen by God, are allowed to enter. All others will be massacred by the US military in God's name. Even as we speak, the ancient gods of Japan protect this land from missile attacks..." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  7. "At this rate, we'll both be killed! You have to survive! There's no time left. ...Goodbye, HERO. > HEROINE cast Traport." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  8. "Messian: ...It is our duty to live on, holding our faith in God in our hearts. 30 years ago, this world was shattered by the great Cataclysm." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  9. "Thorman: This martial law they've enacted isn't to restore order in the city. I believe there's a high-ranking demon behind it all. President: You think the demons are taking advantage of the chaos to enslave humanity...? Then there's no getting around this purification of Tokyo. Some sacrifices are necessary to maintain order, after all." Shin Megami Tensei (iOS).
  10. "TV:……アメリカ、アリゾナ州のICBM基地で誤ってミサイルが発射されそうになる事故が起こりました。基地の係員が異常に気づき、発射装置を止めミサイルは発射されず、大事にはいたりませんでしたが、現在のところ原因は不明です。米軍が原因の調査を行っていますが、何者かが故意に発射させようとしたのではないかという見方について米軍側は否定しています。" Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (SS). Developed by ATLUS.
  11. "TV:……アメリカのトールマン駐日大使が心不全で亡くなられました。68歳でした。トールマン大使は、就任前は対日強硬派として知られていましたが、大使に就任後は日米友好に力をつくされ……。" Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (SS). Developed by ATLUS.
  12. "TV:……逮捕されたのは、陸上自衛隊五島公夫一等陸佐です。五島容疑者は、ピストル・ライフルなどの武器を大量にかくし持っていたもようです。調べに対し、五島容疑者は、自分は変革のための行動を起こそうとしていた、などと自供。しかし自供内容のつじつまがあわず、関係者の証言によると、五島容疑者の最近の言動には異常な点が多く見られたことから、警察では、五島容疑者の精神鑑定を行うことを検討しています……。" Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (SS). Developed by ATLUS.