Yumi Ozawa

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Yumi Ozawa is a character in Persona 4.


Yumi is a 2nd year student at Yasogami High School. She has a flair for theatrics and is a member of the school's drama club. Compared to the rest of the members, Yumi takes the drama club and acting seriously, and hopes the protagonist will to. But after her father comes back into her life, Yumi begins showing disinterest in the club, and confides in the protagonist about the rocky relationship between her and her parents.


For complete gameplay information, see Gameplay:Yumi Ozawa.

Starting on April 25th, the protagonist can join a culture club. If he decides to join drama, then Yumi is the Sun Social Link.

Game Appearances

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Persona 4

Persona 4 Golden

Anime Appearances

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Persona 4 The Animation

Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Manga Appearances

Persona 4

Yumi is never introduced in the manga nor is Soji Seta shown interacting with her. Regardless, she appears in chapter 66 with all of the other Social Link characters.

Appearances in Non-Megami Tensei Media

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Weiß Schwarz


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 小沢 結実 Ozawa Yumi Yumi Ozawa


Game Appearances

Persona 4

Persona 4 Golden