Black Viper

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Black Viper is a recurring skill in the Megami Tensei franchise.


Black Viper is an Almighty spell unique to Satan that can't be inherited via Fusion.

In Persona 5, Satanael can also learn Black Viper.



Game Attribute S. TypeSkill Type D. TypeDamage Type Effect Cost P. LevelPower Level Target Range Hits B. PowerBase Power C. RateCritical Hit Rate Accuracy Rank Usage
In Battle Outside
Persona 3 Almighty 60 SP Massive One Foe 950 100%
Persona 3 FES Almighty 60 SP Massive One Foe 950 100%
Persona 3 Portable Almighty 60 SP Massive One Foe 950 100%
Persona 3 Reload Almi 70 SP Massive One Foe 1000 97
Persona 4 Almighty Deals damage; Unique to Satan; Cannot be inherited in Fusion 48 SP Massive One Enemy 1 220 98%
Persona 4 Golden Almighty Deals damage; Unique to Satan; Cannot be inherited in Fusion 48 SP Massive One Enemy 1 230 98%
Persona 5 Almi Magical 48 SP Severe One Foe 1 230 98%
Persona 5 Royal Almi Magical 48 SP Severe One Foe 1 230 98%
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Almighty Magic Magic 52 SP Extreme Single Ranged 1 420 ? ?


Game Description
Persona 3 Deals massive Almighty damage to 1 foe.
Persona 3 Reload Deals massive Almighty damage to 1 foe.
Persona 4 Deals massive Almighty damage to 1 foe.
Persona 5 Severe Almighty dmg to one foe.
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Extreme Almighty attack. (1 enemy)



Persona 4 Golden

Name Arcana Learned



Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 漆黒の蛇 Shikkoku no Hebi Pitch-black Snake
Simplified Chinese 漆黑之蛇 Qīhēi zhī Shé Pitch-blackSnake
Traditional Chinese 漆黑之蛇 Qīhēi zhī Shé Black Snake
French Vipère noire Black Viper
German Schwarze Viper Black Viper
Italian Serpe nera Black Viper
Korean 칠흑漆黑의 뱀 Chilheug-ui Baem Pitch-black Snake
Polish Czarna żmija Black Viper
Brazilian Portuguese Víbora Negra Black Viper
Russian Черный аспид Chernyy aspid Black Viper
Spanish Víbora negra Black Viper
Turkish Kara Engerek Black Viper


