Tokyo (Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation)
Tokyo is the capital city of Japan and serves as the primary setting of Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation. The protagonist Ayato Katsuragi travels through all of Tokyo in his quest for reviving his friend who was killed at Hatsudai Shelter. While some roads are blocked so Katsuragi doesn't go to higher level areas these are unlocked after progressing through the story, there's also highways which are unlocked after progressing through the game, which makes traversing through the city easier.
Name | Race | Level | Notes |
Game Appearances
Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation
Tokyo was devastated by ICBMs launched Ambassador Thorman in the year 199X, causing a vast destruction in Tokyo. Shortly after demons started to rampage the city making life at the surface an all-out battle for survival, but some politicians saw this event coming and before the ICBMs were launched they built underground shelters at Hatsudai, Harajuku, Toyama, Ochanomizu and Ichigaya, so people could live there in peace.
Tokyo in the year 201X is now ruled over by Bael the Tyrant and plans on making Tokyo the new Babylonia through the power of Ishtar's sexual powers.
Ayato Katsuragi was intertwined by this after a friend of his was killed by Bael's forces at Hatsudai Shelter and now is on a quest for revenge and kill the people responsible for this and in this journey he will travel through all of Tokyo.
- Tokyo in this game is a 1:1 recreation, so if you look at the map in Google Maps you'll see it fits with real life Tokyo.
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 東京 Toukyou | Tokyo |
Map of Tokyo without highways.
Map of Tokyo with highways but without the Rainbow Bridge.
Map of Tokyo with highways and with the Rainbow Bridge.