Template:SMT3 Enemy Stats

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This article is about the stat template for enemy demons in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. For allied demons, see Template:SMT3 Party Stats.


Table template used to document the stats of enemy demons in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne.


This template is to be used in the ==Gameplay== section on Demon pages. It can be used with <tabber></tabber> to catalog different versions of the demon (either ally or enemy), including versions from separate ports of the game. Duplicate tables cataloging the version of an enemy from a specific version of the game are not needed if the demon features identical stats and information in another table. The original version of the game is treated as default.

{{SMT3 Enemy Stats
|name= Name
|level= Level
|st= Strength
|ma= Magic
|vi= Vitality
|ag= Agility
|lu= Luck
|loc= Location
|race= Race
|racere= Race Redirect
|alignment= Alignment
|hp= HP
|mp= MP
|item= Item Drop
|itemre= Item Drop Redirect
|macca= Macca
|exp= Experience
|phys= Physical Resistance
|fire= Fire Resistance
|ice= Ice Resistance
|elec= Electric Resistance
|force= Force Resistance
|almighty= Almighty Resistance
|expel= Expel Resistance
|death= Death Resistance
|curse= Curse Resistance
|nerve= Nerve Resistance
|mind= Mind Resistance
|explode= Explode Resistance
|physfrac= Physical Resistance (Fractional)
|firefrac= Fire Resistance (Fractional)
|icefrac= Ice Resistance (Fractional)
|elecfrac= Electric Resistance (Fractional)
|forcefrac= Force Resistance (Fractional)
|almightyfrac= Almighty Resistance (Fractional)
|expelfrac= Expel Resistance (Fractional)
|deathfrac= Death Resistance (Fractional)
|cursefrac= Curse Resistance (Fractional)
|nervefrac= Nerve Resistance (Fractional)
|mindfrac= Mind Resistance (Fractional)
|explodefrac= Explode Resistance (Fractional)
|manner= Manner of Speech
|gender= Demon's Gender
|age= Demon's Age
|dm= Demon-Initiated Conversation
|be= Begging
|op= Opportunistic Conversation
|skills= Skills

The name of the template is set up so that it automatically calls the name of the page the template is being used on. By chance, if the name of the demon is not shared with the page it's on use the parameter name= parameter to choose a specific one.

The item= parameter is used to refer to the item dropped by the demon upon defeat. The parameter automatically treats the entered text as a link, so if the text needs to be redirected or simply not treated as a link, use itemre=

The race= parameter is set up so that whatever is typed into it will automatically be a link in the chart. If the demon's race was later localized as something else or is on a different page like List of Minor Demon Races, you will need to use the raceredirect= parameter instead of race= in order to manually pipe the link to another page.

The standard resistance parameters (i.e. phys=, fire=, etc.) are used to notate the type of resistance the demon has towards a specific element. In Nocturne, these types are represented by Wk (Weakness), Str (Strong), Nul (Null), Rpl (Repel), and Drn (Drain). Input the abbreviations to properly record this data. Some demons cannot be affected by the secondary effects of specific elements used against them (this property is unrelated to whether or not they are weak to/resist said element). If this is the case, input the text "tri". If the demon does have a resistance type assigned to that element as well as being unaffected by secondary effects from said element, add the suffix -"tri" to the end of the type abbreviation (i.e. Wktri, Strtri, etc.)

The frac parameters (i.e. physfrac=, firefrac=, etc.) are used to represent the damage modifier for resistances. They are set to 1 by default. Refer to Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Official Strategy Guide for this information.

The parameters manner=, gender=, age=, dm=, be=, and op= are all used for Negotiation. manner=, gender=, and age= refer to the demon's pattern of speech and how they respond to specific player choices. Delete these parameters if the demon will not engage in conversation under any circumstance.

  • manner= is split into: Bad, Boy, Beast, Elder, Gentle, Great, Girl, Hee-Ho, Lady, Soldier, Strong, Thing, Wild, Witch, ?, —
  • gender= is split into: Female, Male, ?, —
  • age= is split into: Adult, Child, Youth, ?, —

"?" should be exclusively used when the demon is specifically listed as "Unknown" (i.e. Metatron).

dm=, be=, and op= refer to different types of conversation that the demon can start with the player. Simply use "y" (for yes) or "n" (for no) if the demon is able to initiate these types of conversations. Refer to Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Official Strategy Guide for all of this information.

The skills= parameter uses Template:Skill for displaying skill information.


{{SMT3 Enemy Stats


{{SMT3 Enemy Stats
|itemre=[[Chakra Drop]] / [[Revival Bead]]