Takeshi Kouno

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Takeshi Kouno is a minor character in Persona 4.


Takeshi is one of Chie Satonaka's childhood friends.

Game Appearances

Persona 4

Chariot Social Link

Takeshi appears exclusively in Chie's Chariot Social Link. The two knew each other growing up and went to same schools up until high school. When he sees Chie for the first time in a while during her rank 4 Social Link event, he remembers her as always being the strongest and rowdiest kid on the playground, and asks when she will finally move on from that.[1] When a group of bullies steals Takeshi's money, he assumes that Chie will help him. He runs off, leaving her and the protagonist to fight the bullies by themselves. When he sees Chie next, he tries to apologize for "disappearing" last time, but she calls him out and tells him to man up and admit he ran away. He finds her words hurtful; if her personality changes like this, then she won't have any good traits. Like many boys in Inaba, Takeshi has a crush on Yukiko Amagi and has tried asking her out in the past. However, he has an idealized image of her as being more introverted, and thinks that Yukiko's current cheerfulness and laughter is due to Chie's influence. After hearing this, Chie tells him that she will always him if he needs help, but he needs to quit talking about Yukiko. Takeshi finds Chie saying this off-putting and walks away.

Dungeon Chat

During Chie's rank 4 dungeon chat, she mentions telling Yukiko that Takeshi said hi, but Yukiko did not remember him.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Japanese 河野 剛史 Kōno Takeshi


  1. "Takeshi: ハァ? お前、いつんなったら ガキ大将から卒業すんだよ..." Persona 4. Japanese.